Rooting up cousins bas proven fruitful Tracing-your roots is a spellbinding experience - but worth it Sa vuRNACALLM4 I lid Scafy i y w caitlcuc gamay aboms bo" o. Hou may lamil mml bave Yom SdWs bùUi c.idkaIi uni. I lave aliS S.mdi d ju& 'NUich mid h usai siaco die Dcaber Cao. dlig cetàfim 80 W flin rW. sa" hW 12 &à"irn by àm. leghius gamay MWsa o 0" oUigmo la naitn Umm? dIcie SU to bi Io"ey w"d bu , a di s oeic po live W 1 lam ducownda couis in late pucbua 17 ys adm la bah. Som. af duc àoWal on y ,L. *WiBo. MicIIIIU, aclualy hou ,inla SaI e o lmo. and *Nm MW LhlMren choh.m ai mno died yomi Fui.d ar yourwto âwc lvd 1 havaeuc bxk go 1763,e b Uic mm icm 23 pw . UIII. aile iii9k wu IU do in m - tt apufri wC m waSauig M oetfacae Sm*. mned in thm f UoikWs bdu âed 115 mu aiet a sIc meso Md uj p- mem&mbis IM ikil. and = j "diO&iwdpmaniait .MUM. quud ~n»Zdamr. e u I dmmoed flmou ag"*Sual Sauch&SMW.AMchies aCâ nu d aisa JlonauaiTooaLm Der Suom lav Workshop planned for md 2 iaSaa n m-~ umdcbftm ~ ~ f« oËRnyma&va- Seniors A wareness Week qlmtbemm..aim' e.nigOw=mo ~~~~~ bmy MyICUij~P8 cnusmdigng bu pe duadore dclMue i e PAR'bw" peo L ClO Jit s aimUne.ecM ehsdoâl vaji e miayou lavi Raimin bute m 1a o4 iddg bb. gof àSe .üm thisjouriw siwjd avide mo Pains DRY alumys uchin u aVan md diii yn Uic dey mid la stf qi RonS aactii du yen gulcUWg mid a=0 Peaiaq conn lot dà Md gmdiais a9 Us ML In n. kacgeac ai Osas di> mid and caes aew uqdmm.. "dma 10 Uic putna commit poK dp wdl la providcôby MI Slaya. cvewuras wn nmacumemg. Who knoutg. you my la duce@- ocam ai Top ai die Tee i Misaiuup Mayer Gord Knaf di Me off Tri~n mao Ji a 4ddabg 0a- cd fla royalsy ne ne squàd eveu< a 10 &m. Suuy. Jais 16. pus momach or mom a. roYal Amodu Saim ai uie c ivalves MilanTrauL Saio.,ride iS bue Smu uplay àn yo jaa bicodspmma. ailS m mte b"sa bu bu.. âh.Sy. Abu yau lav renucWs }lq@a radings wo pan WL On~ the board MIisU dcaf mmadu- eumr se mne ma" Dhuw ion lav l MW bIMeU a"bium b PIN£ SCHOOLý SAn independent, non-profit. clementary àay school, for children. of average or above-average ariIity, expcrieicing carat- angdifficulties. is nwac an IID ENROLMENT for ihe901 acadcanîc ycar. Th omroratio ouffk theW lonu Mfo inmb th Cowo Milton.& 01 Mao GA. Krnz n M1besotCuni AAb.- -b"d- ,h .-k. . D A. W "". CISRiIZYBI4O PUBLIC NOTICE FUEL COST REDUCTION STUDY (includlng Refuse Derlved Fuel or "IRDF') Invitation _to the public In October of 1988, St Lawrence Cernent Inc. submftted its Draft Environmiental Assessment (EA) Document on the Resource Recovery/Refuse Derived Fuel Projecl:t governent review agencies, special interest groups and the public. The company proposes, to replace Up to 20 per cent of its coal consumption with Refuse Derived Fuel <RDF). RDF wll be produced at the St. Lawrence Cernent facillty from local 1hon-hazardous Municipal Solid Waste. As a by-product the project will aiso provide a facility to recover and recycle other usable materlais. Comments received on the Draft EA Document, as welI as responses to comments have been complled int Draft Study Document *8 for further review and comment. The Community Liaison Committee, prevlously establisheâ as the focal point for public participation, will be holding its tenth meeting: Mionday, June 11, 1990 7:00 p.m. et the St. Lwreice Commit plant 2391 Làk»horo Roed Wost, MIssubuga. Stuciy Document *8 will be preeented and discussed. For more information, or to obtain a copy of Study Document *8, plesse contact: Net Mso- NoW -rk St. Lawvuno Cememt mc. 2391 LkMiiore Rami Wmt, Meolssag. Ontubo L5J 1 KI TeopNhone: (416) 822-1653 'Ia