The* Honda Civie CX. At this price nothing goes fasi Youud cxpect ai %riPpddton car fort his muth amongit But flot xxth ou tuuc (.X It haý a furliinuu<urd I6-vaIuc enginc. i-%ped iran.%mission and Chi long luim oi uandard fraturc, Honda à~ (amati, for %o hurry to uuur nami~ Ot>arioî londadralr no% and Ica.sea Honda Civi Cf .bc srhi draI pasr vo uhy OntariodMMWO Dea" .nado.MupoSI 3~ i.4n~ O^OAC 'Nuu.t,... O n . ac ~ ~ ~ e ~s a m a. n d 0i... o .t i I i MDHS loses East basebali final 4-3 to Loyola Hawks oIereaal ". am hap. wl 0- ia t tahe Hwlal tIE bbanl champlnà=l 4-3 oam i MilIe Mutaga i(kvlle Put Bu hwan't etty. Hawks smtullg2.0 ewen b2 teuy Pt tiseir hiiou tihe bals 'We julut have to relix a bit" saud Loyola coachrInKn. Tdyw had t. mOt ttht tIng but agitait CmikvIleTimrM dy W&i. Houly we can go back to Laol.i faced M. M. "omo (Dur- lngton) et Nelson Park W due liai- ton tite yeuenday (Ttkaday). Reauis wer. flot available et puea im. Robi.n uere 9-5 urogur, of the Hilton West champuonshtp over Whuite cOls. nue Haitsn champs ad- Cl7down, Saturday at Chistie Pi The White Oak& Wfldcats resched the Hiton West chamnt lu "M' s 4 12- 3 victory owr tCc =odElgi Lancen May 29 at CakvUle Park Te MIAM. Robinson Rame bailtdu Nl- mou Mud Hens 13-8i to, mach lthe wuestern diviion final. Aganàt M ih ie 10>-ah Hawks Weee tn pthung ofonn ci ta unerWyne Prcril and hard-throwing réfluever Poue Gibbons. Gibbon, came ht durlng due Ai inni8 arnd struck a tht0 fin 0 k ba<*, he tacut. The 1t,>I %v * Henderson, seaved hie bat at due bail Wand finit baienai Dan Gorcrycs scooped the weak grounder for thse out Gibbons ran uina a bit of trouble in th- inl udth> inniuig uhen secod saker afinBryan's wild relu>- alloseed Mark Froench to take, second on the oventhrow. A passed bail put Frencht on third. Millon', jody Couo grunda d: jeff Liamont. but hi,: thos ctc Mike GIo sent hailting off hi n ov d Frenc scorurd wo makte it Gibbons fannWr Paul Nunnaro and bod> Roeley, bit a Fred McGrlft PtOP op tu Buyan.- te lhafe due but l'evc er sn gond control whicb is a change forý Our team.' The Hawk hurler, hid b " ulY of ualking batter, at ai aasIing rate but Ptrerfield issued on ~O.w Ires piat nd it didn't burt. What bouyed du Hawks was a throt mn raily in bte first seîtb two out Giloy, seent theoposte way CO leit field. He mtoler 0"d on o six thu*i, in thSe game. 455d cim, home on Anthony Vioraro's 0-2 sinlgle wo centre. -y Poeterleld itruck out but due Rowlev>Ptth bit bthe bacao and Mcbufeiew p Ors rt Peter Gibbon, who itid svelled, eicaedfyomseond. Tua battat laser Porterfield wa, titrown mug at homie on a dediyed Xdoublael WeMi Mark Edrnondoni Potrtl nally sored In due bot- -ion ai due fquwth. when Frei's thraw 10 firsi puulut Nunnato off due W.. T 1