instock.s MILTON ONLY - LEASE EXPIRED oncetraed w, u twm Aoffs esd kg pUS"N kg.k losier E vrn~.~j kg kg.K -40,00 s49 $499 2473~ 95 iGAS As Low as mi oSTOCK Si'ASuI S HEATERS $1 ,ooo aoL&DKvuusm 1% Up to 1/2 Price Off DISCO VER HOW SIMPLE POOL CAME ' SUN' Pboo Chloo & S=CK UT 'Shok Tmoatmt No more mésIakes or seconrd guesses lus, use slow drsslinrg SUN' T"tlts evefy few days ano shock ireal regularly wlh SOCKIT' Vour pool *,lI siay spaeklrflg ail seasori lCig Puch.e 14 kg, puckl end 1.8 kg. Boe ttand recie.à ,ONLONATOR (q FREEI LAST WEEKEND ONLY Tutrs Lowas IoNLY 66RoundAa>dc N.v>,caes riguara6&ff $2,695. 3 ONLU' 8 es o 3 ONLU 6-8 person ,uflge with 6seats, reguiarssffl $2,995. 1 ONLY Lfés1>ieMabu comlèe wh/ rnijrU4~S~9I 12 ONLY 6 seat sp#ets $2,50~ :m --$49 Everything at this Milton niÎ « location must be sold by IithLA 00010.0 Saturday at 6:00 P.M .tssvin DONT Pris tine pools M nomu. MILTON LOCATION CLOSING OL Store Hours: Friday 10.a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 10 am. -6 p.m. q