g i I I i p.a.r.ks.ko.r.e RMVRWALK inCailmie 115E WOWD 1 SPREAD14Gl tlnquestioeable value mani isincive qualliy ando designs spemk fW thtmntlwes ai Rbverwalk in Carlisle. This wnekend via. two uniqpue moi slrikingly dilueent ressidnne: Tlu noaomt Grmap il slow «W muetr lido ie. ni2 3.730.sq. IL. Callsel..yio rosi 2.3W0o. ai la. IL eoun.AOo oh- u u os o =el Win ,otl Pouce 08«6 W'a'S opt d ciher, etfrm miffl,000 uî."n..Y=dh oue PAWMSHORE &U»E OFFICE OFEN VAç J'.WED. 1-5 F.M. (North on Hwy. 6, eaMt 'Cariai. Rond or west on Hwy. 5. north an Cedar Sptings. West con od Stut.) »HAMFD - oe counItry amance, tbis boosafuL 2 ai& vie - - - , . .YJU~1 LY fue *Iw mwa ~u rca HUTAME REAUqDOR 200US1.494 DRA <LS HOCloe 878$88 Sm9 '"uaOlIMST. M. éf2S MEMBERSHIP " Resaka&~ SenS~c fMe " Coxue f mnbep 36 CHAMPIONSHIP HOLES L18 PRIVATEa 18 PUBLIC HOLE #6 BACK 175 DupaifroMIDDLE 160 IA~<s.euX~FRONT 144 IWrylnfckgreIWY7 Th"walPAR 3- esi5]Ë GREEN FEE Wr BIT TIS COUPON IVaI1Mon. to Fri-After 4p.DL SatL& Sun. i NMT VAUID FOM TOUENAIoe<rS LI- v --- y m nuiwrew NEW 1990EQUIPN(fNT AT DISCOUNTPRICES No hard times -The Dickens predicted to repeat For 11w,. who dcnt'l kw yu. r mut Io r asir. c5 . %vinso i dosb wUh j, D"c- Il. daos waNa ar d wiu n- mtus 2:oi Li IZCZ IIua - bol ad. - muid =luV ; th o simi. avl.h..pééuzwm. -ooe -.ad i fins uod M=ksanuLu 4go- 2:un fi -la RaD" fi"a Daum i om - hm&vmio. wshoning m!y akilis fat my !no paienst osÀ bacoInf MciImmyi t» oM DW e Brsi B ond 27 < du o ; Footbal d indit e Udu o , brit u o tire ma" of thernbmq p NetW. «L Juin Me du a- Friends sudi Influence PsaplowhJMatg yjirs . M os ..ti ». .W .h 1.bnM Though Ibis parir. 1 hm the md- Du nlsovdo ~ d oban gllF upotr o o mu i vs i th T a y vat f(Oaot i a s.i h u Pwoddp'. HO» Set aB1 duis me". wu , gisuré s (nin a-) Wod Fini Flan - Thm Diceosu despèto Cbwrcbmai Làumy bou adi Frm" Sièthe tuhorn fur tbb wer ososs ais i.r 1 in de 111 asa~ dowiu Io id" uce Hood ma- hluin mu"* ta.m Jobs Gisidoot Drhod W alup kaq ma isnu. the 5 tu bu movutos, cmo du aida- Ui à wul >wu typto Sot M&- = -h"n= w a&M shoot aon blézlng spaedrcuici huât forfin Arâl nwhli Brn ding baundn momie cau aibi-fad mdplpocba TtAyn-o d o rpt dhoIr 1909 Orly Horboit Kn aSr, Joh Can Laffl & mdu ti de pthet Sed des nith bang anu emark s &.acn TOM QBRy t' â -iha ai- ary s autif z h W bout. brui *mmd the opposa ddsn However, h wu Silescli. Klm Dhsbo &Wi roai. bfr ema a = ma k. F.N he rn - miii dotr- Mat gaci wu the performance bp th. PUz's slxtb TD toun of lhe pou Can'r il a-n Wb" shw b~ubrd an but as ha uli- aslnatlon am, twc la adu Yorkwcci's bock-up QD Wer tmpcn tli ceneai du husoeo ibimm ky vuoa Izo e I Nmu hi. rling aphai or pis, la"bpoi C lTuiol. the bard wu the wh bs/mMaRe Mari fiarup bit for do" ublero. staff - 1kW 4*rnor M~ Kl aaS.Jhn. sulr &Mhia mmd iv eul ffort bp the Fum duth Prior an thai. Prencitigmol frauta bsirup complua a bat tck w Btsho", Beya McPhal o O- MII St. Jhn. Ada a cf DByu" l lasi Ibm mad af the sposor Laniy Dosani, Brun McV«y, Guy foreur wfth a seoiqau ik kit,. eav Lachmn md ~n Tanbult iCoith Soomaiil Mi d r SL John, b 0w, aonc us a d M&" Frank IdaaS (lwtce) it off nord toucdomte ati Kim Dola Halllngswcrth &long wit ai tbsn thed h.rlhmosl b Haloot seul zon. Simpson adm DOlupat uiait conversison SconL d P"a - The rel ool qutracd»k lIn lb.(cn of AU the Double F mouid mnae lam chippai lin i conversion anoW theudI Dtc1W bld b. a mmr bmwe. canons, optai. dam .omd C So tho Spandexx .mad Thuziay wu a scllary omt hem complus a scWa nlght's wai duw inth AT deptrernaut. mystei forc the gao cia. Dut ike Yckaoids aili be compétitive Rlck Dmni Io Rauiiy Johnsaon. iii- For thu Poolmn hMcCallum Ma-sablE, TmaeBeW Ilu Poaul lest aursont lbay hawe aubletfinish- rhusu ttmaa ing rhum Wu put lis fur pectici rime sprri the juoaJl ails cuitai Wn Turc km"i an dnshng nu ho smaui ing aI! drives and gcing for thu kWl. Afé Pit - B oum a Travd's un wkut entrrobv" .bugs. Tây Koc, Lany ha-alai Barry for the tsrd "m#cdw waâ. Pivot If tho lup duha urdi Scott Mac- sumo tbis year lita djreclly lin the Amnwhlt TuIarishod a a Aed M4oraghan Jff Ccîa> anM boe. l fiai Caadtng hat lotrm Couvres- Calium ai ho fining Jtff Com,e handsocfaà ltaie 'i, Paul Tari. day as he bail due Falm.s Wc six or natt unma McCofltm mia poli a dans &Ms laourd MID versons Barry Monagban., Chrs Black andi alo mcide lhe mssing lapoilit the toudOwns W"yn Si. John étai Stimpon by splitihg lbe upriglas Lany Buninga &Mm M"1k Dab Larry Beaullau for a pila of six Ti.wll.rs lacked - optai. WIIa o W l uscai a six-pointe ai d _____________________ ponters. Damsivly, Dive Sweet- long bomb hurlai Bite Rick Gd-wlebohrMia. Si. John mi In, lèry Koch, lob Flemusg andings tn. 1.1 nord etwy aunce cut of sponor Drmia Gluck encit bai a LOOCING FOR A BRAKE DEAL John Skrypai continut Wo Imprs. TurtW conoplamesl lte liks of Dom pair Wo tiat cradit. T1IArLL sTrop YOU COLO? Thîi Plans - fi waarenttoat lareHcins Campbll, vatrm Actuaaly Gluck bai a super niaht Raillai QDS Kein Prenitigast. MO.BarbaIt. Don Campbell and as k. aima coostributed itrera PA'1s CALI... notiai an ourlet min after the diap- Lmnry Borringer. mnid a fumbla imwry. Whiouibs I=nln ion luar ytr's Ainal. Sixlh Plane - Unfprtunebely lia two Point coersion was the lothr _____________ W eni rai is the lorti of Guy Ferman mtli bave ont! big quesion highfight for the unddusted Moutr- the um.teiai