Candidates nominated for LegisiUtve Council seat Our Readers- Wri j.C. A :a nîmanai by th. Rsfmnama " ut cailas ad harnltoaa oh o o dmadad a itr ahe ~csvaUtoa "wa ralwa gla - 111 ha,.,@rn yr Gard raqu1im maraý t ou m a TisaaWinl.he Lmam for tuomeai Ho m elanâr K=..Ti. aw Ia lnup pow"- he Sàpu"id fSd for barda The.. saa-a~ Mr olh"sxhku Gui gmf m damad- a.wls iir'~ arimimmIIsnm:~ Pbiidsa. 0 wmda if a wuaoi abouta hà = 90" sUne =uawsa wyha ould a M ments 'lpa" ar. m wa (a,, ho.. o 'lu m16 arsaayi e hâve&tf Dusa.uI.écit mil e inH stoy bu.duaw. Mle At ah damwesamamuud bythu ami, ovw atm yaaa ash bs in~ His r b Me-da of both ce dissu poso aPi, a I hp eu road"lda. tias mm ia .i bsmi. W, %hv a-esde d eat ________________________ '"Pu" hoWda @"&. a,2G-Ioo t rip on batht ards mm of pa*ll worlu adm ou, lot not Mr'_____________cddu______du th PRY Wlmt be sprayid. Hoaaw ses do Waa Ia401Y0 - àa ilousat -a-oà pouh et hou ah. "pa traiaoeà rImw &M u adr" b Ha. it He u tmpic a a adeber h axéhava ou ppnybq and At aais àa o mak frhnt day. ahi ip s Ia. be doms ul thfinduauudlymuddhlhdýt duaia ùu p. 11w wi ' ouit f b "wm ah= m four iundrai. Mr. Cay's frsids ram fiait hmth d u bquammp.0 uoat .muad ao Soioueg NA. P6wma for Pad.M acs flathmgClfficer Amaon- y-m "o0fa a'm OMMd th ftoru bau ansdidaes une Hon. J.H. Camom, M"P =oh mm of higimaays, a. cal ad .i'p.,pA. bkKdbti M-P. aid C y. Odshhnt ci Oakvills.5%hy ott fMs, é&Wb l, wutrr son e isas Ioa du enir i a. hch nosntitom shouid b. ai ssan~ ho wft àsaên~ scyth uudbaF.Cao -s "osutmam is. Somm limas eh-- lir John provideda i - al wu à goo Wlaa. P.P fo am aais fwamian nomaas, JC. HeaHaduso asl.I nagodPrnsae in a Imagahy spaech aaaacldng due aiminisratona. Her uno fdijo i auulob la h. rnaaka.Som iffîrdlaent bac! bas.= fm uag qasilcis and cmmt: W.h paln alf gima ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ghe co oa rm l.a u oa f aia spraying propam? Dur IF al CX Gh)Olm. Martol a.McvenomnùtaaiWlam Ca@Ycf Narrai sa Would t tont b. dmep., a. iaer la ha. amn a u mon da mais, a.M p rsontfetmaasa ah, Flow Divisona an thé Lstedw C@aidL aov"ra udarma. - Mix shoab sui. y ta a write ai sui uun He ao he varosqesons à( thedey andcoid.nmaa Mi. Aluma, 0l. in aumber - gve alunt a numnbsi 0f yaan 11m havmd chiim Mr. pru ra crmeuidate ,ommaaspoicrt. He arrid over the wide citation and u n mu tira uhen ac Wma donc aimi. He ipraks with =rm eàs and force but lit spechi gr wcariomaa and my reinai. lie cuasion and cLaimlng t. b. far a. advancc of du other camiatec. Hi. speech uas Dandrwy aiamlion of"aimai un mi by M. Whise osaI> that h. spolu IOMSg.Heis=rvldcy nue an mrater but h. *kas weIl receiawd. Mr. (Clayon coiningfxwa, at r ivld ulula com and spokar nT M. Clay niai. sornearp alluslouls andu luly arai tho.j>s flac Retamnlnq2ffica havlng callai for a ho ohi.,~,Mr. Capool abut uifa doten. une held up. He. uhm callai for a show in b.- hal ai .Aiîkins aidarlarge numer of hand wer up, butashw qa-n boen callrd ' Lu M à aypaiac forma arnée. Thec Oficer deddad ona iio. TIiose Ia favor of M. Clay went te Onc right. , d as for Mr. Aukins araja te ah. lai. flac diffrmar uas evai ianm than ah. show 0f n Wrnad mà arercndoua chew unr t up frosn th. ranma of Mr. lfleds. The iumi4 055r mdcie th. division le b. in favuru of Mrlyaid a poli was acoodingly dandei by Mr. Allumas and 4rns U Fopigh à a a armi of foas. mmaeima sprinkied wdA Mmeao.»s mrlef Mdi.i paSl Rejear, £sisaumcr bylac* Chatifroan i.I C".h <Capyngu*Jim Da1990PP)___ tes aoii e v hwlud la om a hai ma -PMs S apma , emawTl1 lmthfmg ah. 0" in dcet. le for - alad Mhg es hum .i p.u re u cIoa hsommetS amw 1 o tos arenmts .1i dropdth* las, tenter, Ihy la n or a fmi dum uh th, die Co araW' litq sac. e-04lma Oum~ puma. wa ID p th% gamm do bu avaw aisa adb mimaim a. than t a nd am Letdteraw lcmed.MIM 2«m uft, a Io lu"a dmoomm loi k. i. , 1mar. a mig. a r a nd l .~~~dP -Wi as' a.~ ~ 0 kamla ais,,wmi. Corne See For that Special Gift te