k- ?SIMAU au à(41S>87S-ZISI ULTWI. ONTAUO Lot M2 FAX: 971-1443' .GUS MOWBRAY LTD. Are pleased ta announce the winner of the 1-1/2 TON TEMP.STAR AIR CONDITIONER INDREA DOWNES otMiton * Congratulations Our winner of the ICG PuraIizer "IlE1ectronic Air Cleaner Io JANET MEEHAN EL] of Clemonte Dr., Milton - ICG con"ra air condlitonlng - ICG nhtud qse hlgh effloliency fumace *Natural gai water houter SAVE MOOIEY 9V USING NATURAL GAS A £YAÇW ÔFBAILEVFU&S MiL TONL7 La 878-«821 a m 0 878-9683 ÇShowae.TickettWinning Nupbers Frlday Lucy Draw for a KCey Box f088006 Saturdays Lucky iR'aw foraà Frm Local Servico Cad 008820% and 50% off the Purchase & Installation of a Homo Aam Systeci frof Bankoui Securfty 4088279 Sundayu Luoky Drm for a Schlage Grlp Handlo f088370 Wnors of Guouhn the Combinao of the Key Box 1lst - Mgo Johnson Y - E ' 2nd - Gmoe'UIIIM - S - C"- Mdfon Soc 3 - maer Stevonst -u. r Pat Paladino of Milton correctly gu.ssed the # of jelly beans in ourjar at Showcase as 1#3W Pat wins our table"io'BQ Congratulations Pat & thank-you to ,everyone w4io entered our draw We oul lie * cniaute DON DY KEMAN of Milton Wrnner of our prize from Showcase: An Ami Coté Print and we would like to invite ail of those who visited us at Ehowcage to drop by our S1howom HIGHWAY ts SOUTJH AT DffiR ROAD 8781M9 *We would like to Con gratulate Our WÎnners of the Etnergy Efficient Shower Head in our Showcase Diraw. Dave Richard4i of Wilson Drive Doug Penson of Wilson Drive ILTON HYDRO-ELECTRI COMMSSS88N a - t,