TOMATC 6. o>t (C NURSERY PERENNI STOCK mn mte SExcludlng (Manye vaietos Rosscos r OFF EK Rg, 10" Flowering Baskets$7m Seed Geraniums, per potS0 VýWE'VJE EXPANDED - Be sure to corne and ses us et the St. Lawrence Maýket at Javis and Front Stroets, Toronto, Tuesdys to Saturdays: LURSEAY LTD. ai __________ Qud 1Il"-] E. C. Drury students go cajun E.C. Drury Higit Schooil students and tog bckothe mots of modem were ftunmiaî juzzy beats and savor- day mte.M ietoischer EQavd ngteftertaste of of cajun ooking Stothart adds, -wc went for futn of ef.they ,Uurnod frnt their trp to course, and the oducatiârtal expcrwnce New OdSoai last we& u thie ueut u reiof New Orleans. Fmx My Il th-ooh 11, mnttft When the students mere nut per- 50 sdmttrekd tthe, Louistana formg [ e ttm local attraction%, ruz capital ta play [boir music for the itldt&teFuc as lna ou acoo cnrtbnd and tton and a zoo Somc brave students dvIrs.y Thimnec ctonts cert bi Eddedtosample thespcy local cajun cuisine. A highhght for mary As 18 year old clariant playe Bill mas the opportuntty to relax or a ro-r- Jenlun explaitis,-w wet k> hear jaz. -oa croise. Teachers hionoured Today (Fnday> te Halton Roman rec eat NotrteDa me Second ary Catbobe School Boardi wtll bonor staff inoo iItngt Norma Hadlom members who have serveil Vie board of St. Peters Seho l l be present.f for 25 years as mli as titane mita mdl mt commemourative Sifts in "eon i- sSo b. taoirng. l an ai ber sigruficant contrbution, etn- One Miltontoilche, will Ise aone thusaasm and conmtment to Catholtc the etgbt mfirm ta, b. tempgized a> the educaton in Halton LOOICING FOR A BRAKE DEAL THAT'LL STOP YOU COLD? CALL.. ffONT DISC "A5NL OU S NOKS '$7495 IRO$712 »Mll Pflc de A PAM71 IR $1TNW S.09xn MILTON COMMUNITY AND INFORMATION SERVICES Have you ever thôught about'renting space in your home? Can you answer Ves to any of the following statements? NO -The additional income would help pay the mortgage -The rentai revenue would boost my incomne 1 would like the security of having someone around *My house is too big for me, and 1 have space to rent. out 1I wouid welcome the company and/or +~ivity 1 would like a tenant wiIIing to help with:. If you have answered Ves to any of these questions then now is the time to cali the North Halton Housing Registry. This is a free matching service for interested tenants and landiords in the North Halton Area. Service to oflents includes a Free Information Package, consulta- tion and matching through our computerized data base. Quality matches are sought and confidentiality is respected. We Iist roomfs, basement apartments, apartmènts and houses. If you are interested in becoming a lafidiord or if you are in need of affordable housing, cali the North Haiton Housing Repistry at 875-3822. OOSAMM MJDSD W - iINISR CW 000318»M AMO SOCIAL 90M=CS REGSONAL Mowmucw~L OFKIM. VAN eMPErLo9S ab R.R. No. 2, 5t h LINE, CAMPB ELLVILLE (416) 854;-2608 [-- Mon. - Fr1. 9-9 Saturday 9-7 VISA. '4 VES t, a -'