lUS almor8 h m ai W- hffam s~ia36O 0 &W msS M ompi SuÉ ai *w u.ut 0. ~~~fn Ont"p~ Suie 1MUS NOr àyuaa I LUXURY CONDOS .$84900 POSSIBLE?? - YES!! Drive A Little - Save A Lot 1 Mount Forestl! 1 Hour Drive fromn Milton Great for First Time Buyers or About to Retire If's Worth the Drive to Mount Foiest 2 Bedroomn suite - 1064 sq. ft. - $84,900. 1991 Possession - A SmaI Deposit Holds I ICam DonMur SM»~é R E/MAXMitowne REIPA«Roafy Corp. CampbelMfile Tor. LJm 856-1050o 854-0777 Res.: 854-9M3 Pager 826-1030 HOT OFF THE! PRESSI Best pice in (3ro0fcvl Estsies. Cusfom bmjçaiow, 2 actea. woofis. pontU. ateail. M95,000. 323-1642 Associate Bmker Town and Country Andi dme Io lm cillraulm vwu ftu *11 *M ~IM Vu lavi. Thur m aiys érSl Nh initeti rites - fUie BMdatnae of eViOVOUt finencing artd nsaisonaté priai. ACT NOW - CALA. ME. NEW LISTNG ON ESCAMNENT cESflYAgoi DOIULE FRONTAGE 5- écr, of Ubum taoe ao. 1 onc-J CCumfY Cy ro« ye<QIl rse, Uamm SPOCieuS Cae. Cod, Aslsà.tg 89.000. wlth i.Al uMMM ý aie. -m m m snsi -orn. ta 166, 0 *i fn*M M llâ=CM ta RILLY CO1ED. 0W RMLTON For an uflbhlleable $179.000. 11LI/41I ~~Mabit 15% dmai. OMAMRCLAL PF4OPERES Good !ai= lmf euiaptatand - . W bou* m"M. thons famfioua. wrih raated bu*t but lu west f aiCampbeilville - 90 actes, wei rnofltalrtad. lois maintenantce fiîlds Large frarttage on Iwo roada -ortta butin Aokmng NOMS PEOPIIIEMSTRS T1KE NOTE kh~~twu i Ai mi Pi.d ndoh ta 401. AuaUw hm otu n pu eswa duvetipmutt potentil fr thea botd. l'va rugit1, MMt a pltai pupuI i g ses. 4>flONG LOT -;- ABEWFOYLE 1 MMa - rbi - tuas. SI1.00. alOi 11-112 L4 m- LANO «)l luit AM OW~OMA Asédn 8479.000 toi a it - UOPdiIiumdm I qu bLWs NRD MMU UMR FMR TRUCKS Lto no fi~ha. Imillue a-auu Ç'oua ta Mm aut MW 1 -mip ýut aroaid Sos ft, = an*r~ hdatfffl 11111111l111 2 2-udahS Seveén ways to make your house more energy efficient CaQuis Pmu~t havam Wbibie muaéiplisp npi. am"a do èMie %la. "1 - Hava po Wa ZspMua tMm- omsuil &y «Ws 6-ieZmal w&s bute6 "mu - fU 10 IOiB- mmU hu mn bm bhet f n b v si 1i -liil mmdyq huataiosa bv lm a ym s wpdoek bitl- m us1% z~$YMaintaining your pool h* Mm Uspoi lb iM malts *n elle lpaa svilh admW pnoml ais ou niattl poeums #W - 1lh hImm cbni wIu a mS »b dsm~lb ot - i i mg"po bnub apadhdmluw1 un,, ~ w "osqI W eil d ai.- dMiiane6 O<OWanh Win kil~ ~ ~~u mss aeu- mOUU udii bistty aqmsa os u faoe calinat ibis lalbasmoedribMIy and poopo isalon. vlaaieem thycmb Cm"" SMd FoiW mm"CtW iq- alrdL mm& à itur mm. brff -bkmh 2 - Emoesyu Fzimt w " pail- dam tap tails âoam. Any dwist Cm ompbmwheslm y bu mase he bu sa ld ýp au" Ioudr Theo pool ebul lis bw. aLi warmed by ma nhvab.mslebrl ucu uoe = W deiailiD'r cph1i3% udard sidimmnir - a liteD Merte Mld mii dthi ltant lb :4O f*S '«-4 thed-mmal fanty =oo bsI by ubsi .d4uli te wa of. f- nei mm, ID b"p tIse itraîuir or toemini d.hgd.wa uit itapi u bIsasu PP B in theiateur. MdA "W bua elcodb'alt hboe ~ a l-up bhm W.l M"t la puumft le dui ibseasitsh and laIitan a it- ud &dobiatnd n hum, lb dsitf aif Rloil ia d.bmia tami -n on ay aDy tEm po- HEATHER ASHSEE dommam utt" man m m doigs am up t pi. -854-2294 cl in ie teStas down aller yol'e In Il CRU t>h a "NEWLY (ISTED." iosa sut te mpfy UT durlnq tisa day, and bock Up=oatyas uvbga l b. sub- 4 - Sal duce ai mu srtiosu ai ductwark ame Molal O ANflImumL Thés an beilr Won aey MriUng wooded lot Oit.r p-tad ~ byt= Pm oMM g viw 01 laks, privecy foo A tism Wgt« gaumif lutctn anti c.aar nard. tape i *Vei" Loced onWood tooi. boutAi isooting. tape a uvllabi Oclad n S sty Mis Ut fny updtated biteogn aw air conc.- fronit tuodmat hont filai 4 b-iOna 3 batti. tsowyt mr pet a lew tiesures of Ms stars Or haUN main amo emàbY and tardj rm etqa- hm.. trulu top Io bolstan Wftbutat ulft fidiit btdt a FI ,. Omnt aiffi flair. Aing 8349,000. Cali 3 - Wutheotrlp daiyte n it l ta Us,.54-2204. Hagisa AUmbea for flutir, alu". 19- ai 335000-GW! Wowl Check this price. 2000 sq. 1!. bungalow on acre. Pole barn <48 x 32). New kitchen (34 x 12), surrounded by ginss. 12 block*lgh besement. Two fireplaces, sef- contalned ln-law suite. Above ground pool, Plus lots of extru. Phono Gene or Pàul for vlswing - 335-4100. 1 -1 YEARS AS A LEAI PER INVE F1EEMý