York mYk yQU feel goôd iside. S1RL&R 2000'» ih cfficiency AIR CONDMONING is the hewr of your York dcal&es Total Cornfort System *Efficient suznmer coolingn II Vex quiet operation KENDALE MECHANICAL LTD. Mlton - O.orgtown 873-4684 Misuissaug - Touent. (416) 897-25 24 heur smaatgacy servic. (boahg a Coatso J- Wh -w -o s cloy pot. an onid on l ky elerments ane ample spare ami gond drainage. SnaJIer containers tidrf H indues in diameter -arr valable for dwarf ainnuais and clle, plants thai lend tegay tamil. Any container >.ou uner Becareful ohen pou ateraSontaowrhAt Wbm Te U-Mio bis no draunqp htu s nil Snflood ey Ho* mach and hno% dieo %ou nerul Ille Nopr I1WM Nil t'O »aer *,Il depemi un Ilh. si, ami unr. tCruai .( %ornr container ib -oin rj The mte of hSahhy ontainer plant, the orahe A tond feriera ie m. tu krrp a un the potng mix The href muns lor the soif lasr damp Io ier Inrmh âie tha purpole, are hasd ne Casoedtan a oluoeeed-u %po.nfr hbut In sphagnim Plat mum. whlsh hlds oater iuppung A large, cosauner un à tuonr ami naîneicis ai proper leve. lbui agfl CSthmid on plagié? À Ài Faoy rebate o up to *5*o Fr.. 5 year parts andlabor warrnty or Fr. Panaonic cordbss telaephon. o PÀftx. Ira noi a Nsun cmue- & 184 « ur oewy o bmmin m ou am So flow abos owbM C no rffl Cm"ru Ala ama w Canonn SMi aMOur durlng themonUa ce j g ~ Cus' You au. donti dali on Mlay 318. fwre clioloS Of titras bnalc shoSIlfl dWas whulin ySu buy MC ady ~ SEE US AT S *COconclui air condlllnln ICG nalufl Dua Mi olllctony hunac o a ura mmS waebai SAVIE MONIV DY USO NATURAI. GAS ildA *oe MW Ouar Zlo May OWVCASE 1533 ikbko Y. bast Usai« @1111 liii gup Io SMS dé reim ICG- sahl EiTinI à eOMaMO A DMSICW 0F BAML MaUES MILTONi LMD 878-4821 Container Gardens'Create Instant'Color ,CUHaSO. sadeii «4fa Oi * accetass filera ont a Peck Pato o Celorful welcoSle ai 9w tHwffla te "oM huome AH you actid am utaried uama" a PM"tt c"iflor Md a polu" onu de IlIned for Conseillr OedEiu The nuit ilal ane àvailabe ai any Srv" MM. U" lis Cr~ AM nie conmer paemnts pued hme contain red 8ranoshlhl purple avl white petunios. yoo and onge sèrepids. purpie lobeli. as.d "Ile lao.ayua Thewar widenindunnis lplamtshai blooto a&0 sema long in asuny location Otier man-.ng annuals S oa an m. lie pau osmos. sable and man- ms, ami 'yoar garlen celler may offer min Forcontainerprdrnsn hàdý spom tr. impolies and laueroin iqolosts Pembaeph"-oApssin Whmenrl colo. combénations. àb1wU l« M~a..ad a lem U dm w * t naom gobeug wdog a hu i -hue md there wdl r»hoprai. ~ c à~ U'.paéamn~éniuiii tri arias, -k- lo Mdlni bn amM mmm 0 container.plc tOc,: a frs n on huloild hae a raremenn depith W fw te for excellent drsuairai rcriii un the mSs.. (ot, mature he.gb<. oni the r.t iches 1. a100 alough rm forma ros ruud the rua. Agmd cho- loir ap aoempanymgew Ract cfpat)n g pooh If the colntaie. snl afrndy mimtb m containers n Sanshn Poinig niort don Ionard the edges weuth,11 proisded oi dmaonp bot% un the Mu. PLUS. cilhr the Ai Purpo,, or ir shott plants aeooind the ouiode mtm battant. yeti maly 1w ale a mnalle hules Plante, Box M.x Bothi priusle thepemlec Hm£ icpilmng annuels amil .ines s. as umngao elednc druill Ottwhe., protidea ensîroamelut for heoithy growSth and arr usim of r uai -y o.wr the nid.. for art JFasus» layr al the lbitumoo of the po tr " orgaing if ýS shoult happen io attraci-s elfeci . uis8 of ail mlh or se of garden uand osier ton askIt ce not enough