Create a Beautiful & Edible Lnscp .@nm a ltte cashs &ess fmd nierM and tetan Io the yari d »by -u.u-pas e ni moi '" iru pamg plues bc &M. m t" s sa pamd a ihry lokmmtàn"pstâ e , ftm as Our ofi lte best maan cd P- bG"111 oepmahM tdm btmsn ian MARINS. baorneIm pow tabl .1s~m SUN Md Bed Mud .e ea aêhf rpht u aât 10 ta rosl M flunr bruer and <suer thon mauI ht Wmdima forsà b»k u "it pra~ us and ca. be pil arf 1wh h halL pn. 'bum bauta thrý Cn b pcktd 511 ai oi IW h by Chlaaoste c I apttt ml tuit & ar ett Il Peak of f tedi, ant itaturateu n taxât flho of ases ai m m nlue ts thee I 111w haut. C blos a d te he lurtuit peuwtthm d chea" ê y an i a y peo. the atil go TIeIeman's Interlors Would like to help you wlth. your renovations. Pieuse visit our showroom and our profession staff. WE SUPPLY Paint s Vinyl Wallpaper - Sheet goods Ceramlc tules - Bruce Hardwood Marbie Tiles Floorlng Carpet - Shower Doors lUTH OUR MANY SPECIALS >U CAN SAVE BUT GET THE QUAL1TY YOU REQUIRE ýtieleman's Interlors w 340 Main St. East, Milton 878-3435 %~ il C AN YOU SPOT THE CABLES BURJED UNDER THIS FIEL.D? Amc thre underground cables nnig along the fmnc? Or somcwbcre near dhe barn? Maybe they strctch nght aaross the fiekl The fia as, you can't t'euwhem theyeirn ths pcturor inra[ lc. Tha's whytes so imoù n t to oeil before yoqa 'ig. Strildng a buried cale could cut off power'to you andic you wbIlc neighbourhood. In the wos ae, hitting a cabe could bc fatal. So pkeas, befoare you dag, oei us. We know cxacdy wherc the hydro cables art buncd. And we'U tell you qWMdy so you can get on with youî' pb safey. ,MILTONI HYDROý-ELECTRIC COMMISSION PC 0O WlB,» M THOhEP4m WD. MmTl. IITaI. ONTAMO wrIoNu 1M proud wgmshi wwh a huatsi wdl smb rdeor er an dormet posth ntrnhm Io the raor* Car.dwmeist ftsr -bo cEt ai a t.ld tor orrul fwW rtu e w&bk prfe a intder mach a Cotudu Sphalmam %It M. sely -air lirdr- hed 1 This aS-twltil c udmn btinm Fmr br rmufti, mcmte thr (anadun udy mathtapiew IIII 1h.Mv couater Put owmt.hI o a ctibale as msp4-hkr -M nutussu MW bts cley t for cgp"ItiM, Sovtply butg thr baie la thr btrler draup MWnti P91111111 pe t lum e mehgsg . offl Ê rit tir mple eW or Cn ruia hi ionu Sm amiter MWi *atmm s gICAMPBELLVILLEk HUGE PAINT SALE MAY 18 -19 -20 30% OFF, Whlts Imderlor Ltx From »s Iow à .99/gaflon Q Iity Paint cat.hsJvIs OpDosa 854-0888 Quoh*y AIDistinction Avers Litan g h-s pat ad"arem. qauloy reymlst front CmeW -km tae Ihor lwgtlom rdIt.conte Mes se. I mrtlf lin qusltty eafla.oom ipdnem bm.predant stumn.m. plat»a. ettan. dorait. tffm andiemli., sml.fmmlty -"slt rtefl eM mima aailale. Tim "collection- avl fe hS a.tupsy a ia s. lrt - Pnatoun t. Camnsi tortinslsg Aputi 26 through ta thme M W 'Home Interior C AMBRIDGE LIHTING Stratford - 86 Onit"n St., 27-U Renome - 192 Tenth St., 364-3121 LaatoweI - 11175 Wallace Ave.N,21S 'j' yc s s s s