265 Tendarm sel là*e (1) lie OMM. 0 laanaNlu Aefflsoi Oile,. un (Mdco~uin e emema ai fl ome Ge 'rentier doeas tify te Rea Clou C Mde M-M Gai Pb168k Iet PLiA MARIET SPAC! euh, Mum fteg Ciçp*eifte WeeA bomu Phne 8540651I or 654-22S& FOUR REOROOM Tomnllcuse non dioppi ma and scoci. 51 Mf.hmng Andel m# 1. Cam 878-490 alter 6 pin. AMt fa, Tie or Omd. IMACULATE 3 BEDROOM d»lau.,WMon. cowiÎtsy pin ou saeu, aid wokuelfn. 4 appience. 2 Rdt batrooma, garage. huge lot and dodu. etc $1.100 par mondi h.dms J. e t poéessSa. MIl DaMi îj.t 876330 WILTON: 3 bedmowm dutâchoit. roc mcm. clen ba school IC mal $1.07G'montiK 676-006. OAKVILLE - CAUPSELLVLLE Plaies for nw*t Availablo June. Cal 878-9136, THREE BEOROOM BUNGALOW. dointo-un Mihon, conta air. drape. appliaices. solierUe garage. July 8th, $1.150. 876-1653. TOWNI4OUSE fer refit Air-oendaoned. avalel Juno Cet. Swa3/md plus utis Cao Loraie Kerr. Century 21 Godefi R.E. Lid 876-64665 TOWNHOUSE 3 bedroanu do. me&oui bd"e~ garage curved drivewdy. Croes. and unit. ar crudiboning, June 1. $1,150. Jet.. Restif, VWoN 876-1133, 2M0 Apartmmnts For Rent 3 BEOROOM APARTMENJ. upper floor of' Itous, onin entrance. beautitU locaon. S11 monith. utofîtes tncluded SuuCe fr matur BACHELOR APARAEp TON. home. front. prwel dmemayeflo porch. pone %0M. $5W0 utitîbos induded. 53-3605 CAMPBEU.VILLE 2 bedroca touer upalant 40 minutes Io Toronto. Huge. sunny, md oerld a toollul Wn.md 4 epliatre. Wood soave. lamer dock. Maoe yed AvaleNt J.i lStu 1800Monht plus efterd uitee à ma.nftnenoe 11711-4M041 Isae message, IV LARGE 2£ & bedooirunenl du fteowiery dlose t aciur. Aoahe âum Ist. Iee. hydo aid epoaico 1 lude Reforence Mlvo. Cal 164-2204 or 854-0651. LARGE 2£à 3' Jedo apma in lie couniby clou. a bin. Atuolobl .hune tut. Ne«f hyio and apphaioes la.d Referenc reqwred. Cdl 054-2204or 854-0651. PDKIW - i b,e -- r ne. ur d 1076/»Md. Rsfeanoe refulred. Avaleable W.nmedelay(69)8e6-241. ROOMY 1 BEDROOAI --e i &Périment. privai@e enirenc.. newfyrenovated, air .. , - *aid "lMm. Moi for - " 4W hrneiiey. Cd M76-1174. SPACIOIJS on@ bedroom aporwr.enl mufti eunroom. village el Rochaood, apariment -p r miti m mh ebnM aid àbM on@ pFMIl ope aMW fildIge aid eMov. Available Jue lé. 1780 à month. utilWlu lacludd Cei Sala 1113,M. th.e bed1osi palaient on main flapor of lfflwe. Aneble Ague 1. Cloue 0 delama a" md. La"eeod Yar di ei.u »&" dem. Laei*y. $97&Wor veiddig u468e No doge Cdl 076-336 avenige, TIROD PERSON Io ctiaes hoe on FmI Pond. M60emmii plus .46 Plie. 8715-2311. 88*lvi Mmn. une af Ihe e.d ai ulîIe. pool. Oi but route IlObe. Cui 875-1874. r FOR RENT-ram in 3 bed - ioues mili 2 9M enisea. AI UMMle. 1367.00'fMan 878- 3». FURNLNI4D ROOM in puivae home. aplln candifn. chMr laundry & lalahen facilities. Suitable for ficdif mature. morl.irf porion. Refor nmpreime 87&-1277. FURNI$HED ROCM for rem«. Phono 876-1CM ROOM FOR RENT - Heilop à Bronte Towmuic $1864nh. Mi ue 0f houe à lumdry laciâe. 876-4680 I~iE INREE yen ad buaub, 3 bedroonis. 3 bal., - ladbemen U lrge doediod moilutqi on u more boaepausff 1390.CalSd4-565S IMMr 4-P Opa uetdays; mehaid col 84-0140. TIBR 1A4e,3 Cargo -omnw eftfau et me lW ardesrtt TImIERLEA ue. Excellee bronu.l mas- fer id Il ai suie' mia Mul MELa-floa fEUE TOnu SEpLmdiIrpee£mtb.min 000.~ ~~ la-y dod ti 'uey elng rmi"ýý E --- --. -.--- -- M!URTrYCONTRCTORS