Glirl T-fal ClW$hlp Transportation 35 Cow.seevalory Of Musia 29 lb. I.adq ha.,. fSr suatsl, ho,.,,m ad ii. IatSner F. tu- à-- md 1". aul.L.. Dtw ad NMa.. Vmaadun," g ulm o hta &p.. md Aw ou « deo.m u l m .. Las.Jaqcmaossoy m.Ne1a Xia uub a b... dm"h. «d ..&W Amy n MýL.aeu uWh a,ble. ad 1w. siglesatta Dm=,o ual, a omle ad ta.. «m. owoies md Km. Dum Stanlipa .aoelllu hmt% a tac ucot utsn bd E. sidoI dupa. z & & byLamaumdd CU 27 Audrey MoeBIII 20 1-,.q the, MIt saiéwo Tsay Lau «M a dm"l. bqd. md mO .01314ta aume SM"at utaè Mu wsfles Md a owdk - , - Mabhy «Ma &d ansm tua sauju; Sq , Ha". ual, a do"t -d dm wq1: and Myxal Mu"m *Ma a doms, twe mwja. Md do,.M t5a hm bmo. LAaâMg Awd..1, Mental u bhaean Luau.o uta fon, hts md Tmm i. Caiy Amu- d. PuIl @M Ahe. Komsu uta tane ho qua. Tnaiga e pi Mgmt. 20 Psssio Poole 20 Ns.u T'daot- Cal Mmap- abs i Katm Ombo ua, a aV wril ah- ad Kelly YWug. Kam Pam" md C.,,bn Lm, ul (m hm qmw S.."u fom aua P" m Slum Déh wMl t. bw" doMs m a mSk Eau Ohms ual, 1- UOl MWda doMs,. leuy De > ul, a" tinple ad,. Meaja..n Nuis. Dais, uta a dSW md Sportscoreboard '10.e sirgiessel Lsse Cu a a dm"M d têtu am -e h a à tIs amwtt âmd. Niso. ~om Du*$ âum Enoelt r.d6klng b, Kinam Rdierr. Lam Dm md.à boue am b, Kam" Chute lps Tua. a*dmuiiés m ICLA Consmlag 20 Healen, Ceadl utile1 Leeht KLA OuaI- u. Shouoelclblh wtam mW t-. Wde., Laui 91dm ta S". *ou wd. selâusk y oua wl i. igglj; T"ta Gulm wrl, a p as md on glet sel .om.g buh fai.. C.M.Uma -w Pub, uta a'11 mnd ému sujul; Su" Cegbm ul a bisse md four agle; md Lindsay Oaald. Lü.a Irs ad N'oal asat .tub l. tMWsa àMMês m *4d ésié oMmd Tma FI s mgià an - KLA - Smob N a. --h ans d IhI.s b, Amy Woua. Tué Oe. *Md lattailà SpsCvm Awsys 20 Lady Pootlocha 20 mdadmI.astafllayumdutia hmw, &ul Md mi.,k Cue>. L.ra d Kam Ke.adu uta feu .u5u mdIc md mm"bs lie lasdu kaïe. f« LAdY Pue- hé. mu coml Guguy uth hm mois.: Sm"s Oéu ut, ai tiPle mnd aiqe mil Adria à&. Vb.ér. Nouia Nasipo md imaer 5écsff kMolie, ea* %l, htmodu. cé h. amw mu Oguans A-ray' molus as.- MW .u m tes. smaad . w a md as.d t. b, Cael>m -' al nm~néqbCh Kme*k Ilé.- q.d "tt àh"ia hm m. W je Pm. H.éa Wd ts ula ~ Lay mJw DaSg4u.33 F.itsrusrdAudult Opihust 20 1.ImbE ouafw*a * ,u Seuh. Su uh-m~ wM tue W ,~mm sa utifie md.ddiWuin uta Sm hésd m .* al &« Imuer aip à m ve lad - siooha haNa u-Aae Cmfkoda a" ",ww sil md W tbmw m seua s Mdh SlQn S..nSu n ýM Ic iau u lm.Pau- m dm .a Wdud urth aM wum m F.m. Nfm am Mellé .,0".; iaéa Sý -â. a ée Dia-M~uo md Carmd %-,mo Md me w.Ja lamEIl Maaut hs e elué. .,M a dM" Md sue a.js. "d Dmo ens&.: by Ang. afr5hp. iwio .mon a a. Wab a auglt rat tap.kwda- W, Sm"§ Sysntu WId Wah. u, Iumm En. ou C-Ed d À i st 3im rr 'saosIF api IÇrIFTHPOM yWMO0M- P-.iîtui,.l.. ,loi1 ItI, uirv.i, gPq MEARS OP 1OA MAU'RI47 - SPRINT CORSOC IUMINA CHEVY&GMC F IRERY SERETA GRAND PRIX COaMCTI eNS CitIER TEMPES? CUTIASSSJPAEME CNEV GMC SUN81RD REGAL CaMP TAND FUtL.SIZE PICKIPS I o-I ~w~1,~wnWIh~oe foegeu il CHEVROLITu PONTIAC a OLDSMOWLDa UWCK a CADILL4Ca CHEVY4 OMC m-mu-mu---- oslmmssaaIAaSas~ s.. t55s~amém.mNé~~dous mat Iii Reptba11al Legioiy girls shut down Cawthra 18-0 li was total domination. Multon's girls midget rep softbàll em crushed Cawthra 18- in their home openar at Rotary lPark last Monday. The Milton Legion was Ied o the wl,, by thc pitching of Shannon Jcf- frry and a defence in lthe scason opener for both teams. Mihon pounded out 12 hits while limiting the visitors taonly a pair. Jrffrey siruk out.10 Cattra bat- bers and maasagrd a home rin for the winn,,g ide. OfCfrLtvcly, Karen Hartaga had a triple and a double, Anissa Poloni leggrd out a trip le. as did! Janet ColI- 'ing, Angle Hewitson popped a double and two singles ivhîlc Chcrly Pinsent, Melanir Hcwitson and Kim LSn ail chipped ln with singles. The Leion hits the field next on May 2 w they humi Gergetown. Novice girls Milton Freightfast devattated Brookvllle 24-O in the novice reps' season opener at Rotary Park on Monday, Krista Todd bombait two dogn and chippeit in a single and mat:o bte efforts of Erin Young t0 spark the offeitre while Jayne Currne fashionod a two'hitWu front te mound. Milton, hammeted out 25 hits, in the amsulton Brookville. In, addition ta Yoëang and Todit. Jule Burnett and Corn,, ieffrey eact had a triple and a double tehile Alicia Cinan d Jayne Curtiesahot oin ltre singles each. Robert& Taylor Liai Doaeait and Shailette Jsfe ach chippoin l wlth a pair of Amanda Bonnell and Kiniten Hanit %vers te Brçokvllle players wMti bits. L Heady ladies down Acton 3-1 in soccer action Miltaui laady's Hslruitn gui off le, s wlnala sisal la ld. Ladies Sécwg Ldge. Ummoupester, caim- hnll 130a7 sueoy r Actems. Acte.t .aad lb. fiit gPd at th. <mutait In lhq IIa ta le"ha 1- 0.litbs ucuo<baf Wendy Marels te lusot ah score.,,Ssuw - Iarla Abbott niantd s play wblcb rusls la s goal for Mille.s Md\ gavalbsm à -1 Joad. Tlwy adUsd te It iae Sue Ruom es thé ibali te uaeAs, "ls h -.t a » trebla pututhé Issu Mdla unstoute &My sr lb. heui. \1 r