Bousfield A uomotive accelerates to tom~ Tooie ci*aa vcoahveop m Y:s=a i ite a. inte.iriso thâtDiao la blad a K-Mat amle "u>u bvioualy on vcto aa Gin Asnaami and Ted CUerauweeica eu of due min'. Ave rima Not enti witli jus cna vlc5cY due Auto bTuun dedmui. Ocoasux 64. Slmp lmM - xja duDffln~e. andihocan no lent k teoiel gi-psci DouS wMi MMO be abl tu couitm etih. bat Thie quartet oi 8gy Batanoil, Potea Youns, WaUy may. bdPaul Gisascl O~5uuaC =gin . . .0 {~rrnuu hdia Wul boit maichl 1hW ot ha SlO-Pitch C _______ Il rue l - with ~ ~ va MW: adulaythe Dwse% they -umu DAVE 9 n" ibcli Mdile. Pa"y %nea du big mani lCI* and Pippor baieel dutinu ho ici, aolc :"p du pli. Sadd Nybi Ihdi. ae maà of muarere dm 40 note hIn di * I hi. due bail Pm M aioigh Io glue me, two pm@ c MM im up en"espty. d ra> mohi bms.» But aia itnPool, Tha Dicken x a at md' Lariy McPhail aid Giak 13 nom la du Bru two Irmma nd seon thii Carlton hamuneai hell a dia hlbta Scd Amrsmnatch nid -àmu 302 only manalle apair of nss en mn aib MUre MonIllas F mlji en siglem la lasi Gipricks two ria huae In dnthm pue a cap due bat herage0. Fred Mar- omndia a tso- ois du ui. rin ua anc ssImuhita. In&Banewdo MBuoni Cobusr aro Scuni handai Rlmus of the pack liii, sema laue a~iIl- C TV am aDb Rsi. ni Pnd Ch"had ou* d = ivo him ul du e aie. ae i< 1,oti Fer- Gar Md Dmy Ada. wlsh Adamus tla A iahf HahmPoci ;Wd Fat Fadd,'ebâti hte. l g oi bel% du fini ea. e Ouli ii, 2.-23.E ilseY -a plaYLN la WWn madisions rasai- Hissi lue, Grls baiegim, m DiN a Malt- pool reffi on i atal Inq halls se Slave Cavai aid N« MacArthure % ]& I lu1MMW AI1D Oa doi auau 10 Ihua amd wa.laiisa i astheimff4umn vely la du mu selsidi musai aknotid rasait. we wnt ourbuai-nm «MILTON5.. S p S ýAR NTRUCK<REIVTALS. FrkeyMay18,1M45 ONTAMI SififT NI, &&TON. ONT J.M. Denyes inishes thirdat junior relays Milton public acliccle laid wall in mure râcea. Nor di Mlsc nlc du HatnCunty Riy MMu on litiu s du topsix in du junis May 15 wltls J.M Dayu public dlvlsionsoitha eavag 1cic winning du&tomn division, In due 4 s 100 a&tom girls rilay J.Is Cha mi p. DEMyM Ainlah fouth uli Thrasere 40 mm Immn 39 1:061), only Ave hundreduh balsin Junior Schocls oempedng la 13 due tisird place finlaher and lm du events. Sonse 75 hats were raqufreci à second aim of ams. %i sansi mnhoi to ru noiffa&Ithepartcipants. a&o capturai a fiAis place la th Ind the mo division 4 x 100 mixdaio abys dyumsc seldià 104. avent due j.M Deoyestean fiihel A nolaworthy avent iras a ma in 10.22, ulha argn olvitoryoi mat record ofl:0166e. induhato, mimraun aaeond. In thebontamn4 boys 4 x 100 race by Rmai Smltù x 100 rnlxed avent E. Fcoita CM.i Hlunt, ibanis Burke and Stas finlaJud third in 102.03, only kmu Turner of Robart Baldin Pubbh hund,.dtha o il aseond out of Sdiool. second place.J.M. Denyes firilha Milion's ia impact on due top six sbixiIn Sg291 finishos wu la du bantam girls 4m Mo Milton sciiocis finisodla inl 100 avatens the d W. Foag tImm the bantani divisions of due 4 x 400 man-aI5 1c a 1- i.. N 4' a a n il a a j il a .What me worry? tIllai haaaniai»0« * l t ool 1iar melgU e a9 ài a@bb llmhop dahg Royal. M wue the Oym mapr'a tain ne 1, t Nopal b"t Use M& Unluhml fer Competition valued as much as participation in The South Caua Canm 1crmtdu Phy*deuy Dklsbled W«e a MU§aahng accuse *=UNid tg lam partiopanto. 1 hourd à lit co ou mens &bout Miléoti' i Mil. Lawonlsy, alier of bu Mihonirulir adlin Rymn, who 1-cs. du athhws cadipihibw 19 copdin ,'euple sma lapramui wli the. duth ~alqdb Mr o the fod aid due ladMld at ]%$hup Ce SwndwySchocl* LewrThcon- finud. 'vayhiq ade u i awfsslly pmusd. Patcpadmof thed disabled tableau ln dds type ai campa teson valua the dugvsng body 0< a, WhiISportsuoisinoS (0 nn Io a alta ava limas ad"lu hasý and du diubled ar Fow oetecil. cf dlabàhy are enidadW; seha- chah. cembraI paMpue and blind, and due m- ph"al le on batiun = cus tandards. Nia Lffosthy takea mcm exception io duât séanc. Ha points la à noatesum by Jef Adama i ofrausptm4 dai don',#wml eea-aalll.Ti c' mean tua smdasand e are fl ot riiablhaà. We am, hem ta oupe ad I %o love 10 aatettsreinuing la duh Inlsof whealmaf niiae uCommon ath Caa a uklnd Ns Adams aid dutheadiair athimm u. sait aasaidéci miodala. dsey wami'î allowed lao la duth AdluaW VU- laa aMd dmy woea't km"àe la a" due opuai or tub wha e hope la due $ph*l oi seogsddon W ma- disabled games potiwoeea r£pic -uaaloas frca, -i u i- Ch ir portioi dm e.u, yf kseoathy M2 seoepu, Opa 011412er - meCiOla Smoddai 20.7 second% Da-Rre hodu 21A David Sma* 24.7, Du"i Ciarbon- muse 27.7, lStn Lle 32.7,bin DupusI 36.2. Mos G.a 4U and Mark. Ardaon 49.,& fumer los atant - inee Maria ibi 25. mn Kilà Anis Batu 4111,iCmBookas 5. junior no mte -~ Wwrcidy 39.2 sonids (previcus bat 45.2). =u33.7 Grant Taylor 1:13.5 amd Sien Mo" 125.1. $au- M0 mact - seomia Eeanna McCavo&i Kim8towse 1:34,3. MO. 0 mata -meura Clue ltoddart 35à mSends, Durs Riod 00 Dmld hua=43 Disais Charbon- nau 504 odes Dupait 1:10.7, R omai Gaie 106 aid Mark Andass 1:37.1. limier 480 metraa - nm. Ryen Leworthy 10.9 (pi. v_".*~ bat 1:271), Euic Deli 1:46.4 Gren a ylor229à, Mlel" 244.0 Ora 400 matra. - m i irl. ta 1:10.1, Damnai Rhiod. 1:17A Daah Charbonneau 1A43. Jualer 44 ler - seaau Main ibd 127.7. Virea Buikaw 1».3 ai Kelly Dams 2.44à, Juali M matras - mem Ryan Lemthiy 2:41.2 (pie vlosue 254.3)J , aid Sien "ol :34 Opa% -Mar - oto oidatOM 2394w Md Davdida 335.7. Junior 1M4 metts 'me Ryaa Lmsedy 4:57.9 <poes via,. bast 5:54L.) Mmta-wma KiWi 4M5.1, Chie S=4 M.. ri Sésin a dLmNo P