__________________________________________________________ v Our Readers Wri voutha fast to flght famine Dmt EdUon Milie. tmidents kos dut mie, ire net m uhle d u atItagagu warid hunge. I wauld liket thnl those wha sacrficed mmg than tort reenb b cicijîaing In WorId fii l' 3 eur Fimint Magam. 'Iht lfamine fighlers' raigai $1,M230 ta hIp due hungry in dcvln n2tions. T op. cantutioiao ierup (tom Alliance Yauth I'ellowshlpi be addel ta maaey raised by mam than 35.00 allier Canadians wha aie astcd. World Vision expocti ta roeive a ttal ai Si million IMMi due eveaL. cyfo id anwd lngtrm d niant sra mel on thmedu0 Thid h4nlounlishege World Viq"î aeta.such asMoaimbique, S"1d-21. Hat a.d India. *ThoetMiltn tisnager and aduits lijaelnce of h thed hunger Otat milo people lice daily: s Every twa seconds, one child soneshare in tht world dites qad- Airici at nm 83 cable &a" O nourishmnent diy - tbi'. minimnum requirament fur healthy devclop. * iii a c expert ta live ta 76 ySrsofaiag; io expectancy Ln Mazambique, 1e instance, is 47. - Canidian, shirt a doctor wiîh Politician, rebel W. Lyon Mackenzie dies 1.d 1ua 61u Ternit. - "lIlam Lyon Mackenzie, the lader of tht reelo q137, who ieas papuliiiy Uau rwa in Haitan. died at hit residence here in Tomonto today at the age o(67. His penvrnce as an agitator. as a politician, publisher and leader af the rebel.of a 183 have neyer been matched. At agie time he wau the viait pruminect public min i tht pmvInce but rtired frn ublic life alita rtsýpdng M out In the Leislitfv Aamebly in August 1l58 Mcezewas well known ln the Milton &a and hid niaupoi, in tht Scatch Block and allier tawnships. Folkswing the unaulirbe] lion ai 1837, when hae was mlquirtd to"tSe the cauntrý hae escape aoeai Haïlten with aid front local limiers. Belo i.eang the 12 Mile Crek he ta \ believed ta have ar- cupied a cave an the Zt, Moments ra at (close qn isto I te the prient al ulIn JIU DitLLS II He was a&W lMala by M.F.F. John White, sho wu emaAt elactedl ta the eWt Ausembly in 1851, kt the am tdîne as Mackenzie seas electe upan miurnlng from pile aller is un- Mr. Muatmzl. wu brun Manch l179 e ll :irgfel Dundee, Scoliand, tht only aan aiDànWol mckais l izab Makenzl..Edictd at tht bai ~ ~ h palliah elh nt ta trade et anarl ge and umniamd t Can d Zl7z0.A Qusmnstan, le 1824 ha iaude tht ColonIal ACIV=cg, sehidi ho roved te York in November ailla yen. ia atidîs on tde Famlly Compat bd m lte mdd i break up the latin, ad thnese mmr of i ypeimToont B)t ".rule acl m a =oua support nid wui rtprded ai du Madier of the radlIcal seIng ai tht elo Party in Durtng lbiree ht a i and eut oftite Raiave A ýaiM*lbI . e ia Mayor of Tarant i 185 and, fnîatrated kbyltack of 1ene wllc b saugt lad du dénIsi ci an aunied tibalia. in 1837 aIre whids ho wua ftroïi ta Wape tethe Urnited Stitea. He thuud ta Canaa la 1849, tuder an amnfl> and was ge4leclde in 1efr Hlidmniàd Ceuni. Mr MackUnie bu aIppeare ln MIltan tg &"add 30 la lrit of Orewe WeLhall bmr Jhn ita Mi~r i tle la 1857,' k~ noving an te duh United Steai. As a poMIli Ut. Miakazie wa aamdlgly tndwtIw a&W braagIi A vanbamuâteiOf n to boer upnwlmww he wadetoa&. As i nmws- pecuba*m LMla om kW. Hia msulkalaa Wu uay . , tsiHlam the Milie arca. Tht uud pret ai a rbbloMmwould have "beeomeud by any allie matin mon a dlaornlbur ensuit but M me NwM d@e for MWg b.ae al u liuly tu hMo bent nio the mmi remarkbb mm. of aur dîne WW; bâta deai ga ripa agi h havai bebWu miq mamartala of th putl It la ald ho wu wrki àneâv o his aithe tu iroi of is d iilmasfthube bâ 1urllnsp U F#b- n a i em4f Ismues dk WMlbli imtAsugiaadoe. te ,<Ite MiMee aPim RaenAwr auman by JOM Cebekman AlesICae~ (Cep>$Aiu uis uN> te Thtséo MWayCb duyw Linosm ilno Club d Milge. sev , b*Cm Thet une u crn- ret ters tenue d or On bthtli ci Deucy Higu Schol 1 Mniey usdivid Wosupporti saeieaet b. squ4d ard t would Uek te duank due main>' peonple variaus luid-eaising acvite m eti à». ~Sieei 0unSbé Who euppoeeil pue uele., trip Io htlped make il al passible. Onceo ft , - MWÔa Uieaus: ID due Canadian chimpegaahip.. $ens Our &lanka. ria Ciàetta Ctwr.r B0c 24 Wt~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "el ielî 1. adn .,~du I bn Ont LST 0»4 ort -, Wu theïr sponsors: North End Nin, COMA ECC bite, *bAig Tins Jeu ISEodmNLOnOT O"-WEI) 7>OAM TO 6PM 8784.171 STORE THURS &FRI 7:àO AM TO9 PM ha t. l e ni~mHOURS SATURDAY 7:30OAM TO6 PM Value &Service you ejmn Build on. FRE 76.5w peeople. But durle la hume Li A z be- cause ofthega of. "rltya Ml-ami Wse lenad17 *nil- oducallee. As a:iZ rprtduth due United Nitega hudksivaJè PiRWm. due agenc helpti im- munize 1.9 Mil.eld1rtn. J. Done 8e11 P#'ntl WrW Villa Cué Supporters credlted fr fiscal sucoes Dear Edîgmn Tht fund-raislng commitéet thdu Milton ChIldren and Yauth Causscil, Thte Centt" hi$ oempkad lu As- cal yeae. Alter a succsalul tem, W, irauld lika g ta nk due llowig for thele supprt Canidian Mmr, lilum inc.. WineDing, Kelsiym, Josie 6rkiy. Linda Brown, Arli', Fashami City' Floriet Tht Acoant Tal Skin à Body Clinic. Pescara Rettaurant Mapit- hume Corrtctional Centre, Priniagen Bebl allier, Northi End Niuean, Tam Sewyta Sales, Crais by Maurarg, PIS Talin, Videaflichi, and anyont w, May have missed nan>', man>' thnks. Tht fuid-raising committe comn- prise ane Thurstan, Kathy Lovell, CIhVandyplk, France, Evans, Carbe Bahn <Oicector), Haither Ped- dielJie Crenier, Diane kllitt Ris. Ceabimge Cama McVély Joalge Teudeau, Idylla Beramndu idy cWstie