A nurnhe vand.and â bobtnuatad mvAt. aid A md e y gr"a yodt san klS Of hlit fou>- alhlng a. larg a. a= Mit tithed 4W1) mytit, tihe :1WCCI i t a bOUl o titi n 5~ientptre z ign truck.' TIi. Aeaita l harndly compactS filing ont n'y drivaway hudue s pOits toïque Uintg a dula.-drlva trauier caa@ Il d roa gui uit 51 or slip. wlui, due comnputr ta due trandf cmn BM OUaaOehy apMta tartu eqtuany front animu tli an eletomnic rluthl. 'aquit vl@ sucdtrfbl y u nso Corpr' in Fard eimi a sysen' Ia talti du duration of due sftif bà 3.3 tocads. If anti tii, dt di acrra 1 nuom iwdred if. th te laà sisp, incline wth gaveI mta an du* irfih tv a. àmne tarqua tof good things corne in big p ackags o hunag ta a du itr dhu *i oktitis wutté orlytdomeadi 4WD ayitn n'ada hug ksmawa. cop rb. 'arue y iiga M u To n'kt k a&l watt. Fard mlu* drzuh a can'puserzei isud laa « ordo, i comnpoer b du auaboxtut apail Oth"mile a the str ta du frant. pwrm Novt i a us raa ot aitaugi du Assumera cim b. abtiaiw ti ti- loci; brait., rabict mur tai val bad. Ionwy auv lcing op -ra 'dalve whd elaZmladn u-Wb" fomunlais, oan b. n'aie ta work witi All, thichiaà tiasgam to kaap due whamis front "ain& up, Bu watt Il dose, boulinsg dowa du bmty ramlght de nt M'idaivanu.'rdmlydira due qna par an due 4M1. Ford =qlpm a numb.' of auto raritrn t Mi u19 Eddi sou.e top of-th-ia version witi &U due baleada wldsa fIlW price e0,0 suha npcap aat iia A seda a anathar triter du Edi tbu. a ckigm la $10.00., jp conéiarabla amouna. Navatital.. titis optiona rliH b. papular and là la buepng wt thed Wfth a big VOSe poupalit and à auppis apumubonV tam trhe PordU MI Nase chardmés @Mll ANd aaoord4s ta ivisunt .1k. Reisuan - a 9'atiacdIv fogiwmt m inma upacale maslo nommant in tihe hindi an oui. Il triO b. avallb titis good tasse o the reud end iow tiho hutlyva o~..lune- whab ame hond ar A7 canidamblhu bock là the reuw The Aeiamtar coa wft, a hait af No, yu ci=tnl m tuck, but dock, whkch <thanits b. opens op on «extra valua peckqWn, iloaI mmu ona nuira Sy kaW cha"g hydreuksusa u lo~rvi consumeri Io ai2 op-n lab %0nd uat the dpu* front lag a ubbarzid mai , In Jaltt asduro ad Eddie Bau. dubgV6 nd a ..mrnbly supple dlow u nage &M addi ad ntmd& Assuter yeu have aartg Dur wpots'-rn bom a s er ve up. Iter ZDd I hold ui" dust d upa imornnth A beautyr sommne haste coatrola for bock ont amt glrdý >vu do kiroi ne uAI. 1 mimait atit hm. dut thom, la- paaaegm. fmt ortm'ame s ~ata coana t'b.d ta tis pfovlw larncudadwme Forwrhat l iy a unb.la aly vens an dhe Ford axer, front Durbari raidi di fanmhly vorn, duaird Aeomar If you want big Iuuling ptrl lassfour-door version af U I99 acquise bul Weal eD Un- aa upmoel laatly vaa yaou it E a hWelaa ttheIlud wallo=wg Wiaand mimb ta Roy flanTam klafl, or due soi- luta .u t andilaoit fur a power tmarias fra fomnnd la fiait- millet thon. Foid's esutdat versin tait aaton ton a 1 oa git aiy geneaion vaito: yna do Seta àpmqt Acratar la foa yats. * lYS DEERE'SEASON!I MAKE SHORT *WORKOFnnuYOUR LAWNtas Now'tthe tnieooshow your Iawn who's boss,an cash in on Deere Season tinte. Thmr's a great line-up, of John Dfere Iswn and garden tractor, riders; and lawn men to choase front. But Doere Seainn de*i are only ST'X 38 Lava 1Mam *12.5-hp Kobler engine *38' mowuîg width wioh overhead Vulves am Pg hehi e fullpressure lubrication. gcauige oneI IOIIIP a Ruumed 5.bp gea *clw U Wt a line ahift leve for Casier OibeW *Tqt 23 nmning radium fûr <aImâg$Z *~ meneUt niâMneuvoulity. (Pueâsciu *alux sam x * ~~Noeâ R= Ur a DemO' *âj a&90?9ce '1W: (418) 87&M821 i t2 xewnt ma LMID Y4 Theme for 1990-91 Women battie environmental woes The. aivrirnaà tla NID y munIt on due miadci or dumr 20f Waman'i Instt mainars, la Ontrario. Th"m huva takn iM tuila duna Mor 199041 %on aad Un Environnaent - Fan'ily andi Comn'nity. Tii co-, tinuus tlrndr anvkommt titemea i due paos tata >vari As bath a lundral,.r for cantamnal i omen's Instituts ralebrataons ia 1997 and a tirnthai of encauras "IcyL"n and wmue cunhu. lititut»a arn »M- ing caary.aIl bagi ta b. tin lacy shopping a. a rapiècemnt for con- ventiosai platcbaga. . In 1988 Onal o'.limihtasu met a targat Of 100 anvirrinnictal prolacts to b. uadeuway by 1990. To data due numboe la 160 and gmoralg. la relatai commn'uaty actionf. Oariuo womenr's iastitutes, ia conaui wtr wltb due Fécderai Women's Institutes of Canada, hava luit complotai a atdon-whda snrviy on due ctild cenneed «m ua rsi iieas. Whea due resnits hava be.. compllo thay wenu b.yreented ta fadera agrlcultural andi hrnelith autIiorities. OFAH warns of danger if timber hearings ignored On.a u iaithem silcant irai.. gupppomlagtha provinaial Min- mito af due 1990s la thrntelnbg sa q uryohituaFRemurcws prapomai 'bomre a on-t, myas mks trpo mms for due On taro tioratjon of h,,,tiu>j, ha. emphirnin ordy Hqrn t: Hlndnitry roaoeraa ralatad t dtibe Tau*amit aianagen'ent nid Dr.Qna. vit- hmritsg l h uiro o moau ihfmi.SIto timber namiuaement tuaîly lgsoalng amy =espa bc- Onro. faredi, bas gaoni. ail but u- Dr. Qui.ey " h. set MNR noti by n'- of due pn10' ta adoprt wvaal ofth d mi 'a mudia, sai Dr. Térymi~asnnu% luy rmmaamoadsa lacludiz a p Fia eu d IW wO îhaia supil anilyshs. a ituiy af dinattir for OFAsocacl amd econanic fatain lar- But ifprOa tiihe J railM rani tiuber aagmnit an analysés fasai àauprit for aà ri- of bath the 9cof ainang ging activiMd n a upmnv"a pljp thiîf spaliid duth Du ctrysulno lahave I cumlaive Iipact of boglng ndargo ilvilvda. mvtonas . asmaimua for unh im nber pou*t. Lawth is yeau due mbt.mn Mfl Iip"ltam sas kimma. amaru bonais iaga$@ u Dr. Qulaauy saisi romat> "As atndt &"tavllMi puli b aiuli th p0psnsa uadt' inc Dr. Quitusau nmu Ira nesetiel "IAai nmbers of dut pubic hm hé eva ttn ndsbi no y«h.lrul boVa,.nu Ti.tei , miaF o Artgor for at MM~'k jagg la dhý sud 16-rb h- malatala due A"d m"a inpunu rsmae faubae tkrmutt du b ar t @ osidut à6 n.ad am -q a ýpovia.' kamt is>W bqq cl OFAPI bill Mmotif nsua ovn la mro lap of m w in. adm - 1 1 i