nl- cL a!y cPmMV 10%. A~'T~ Iméo M*% 11C M * iw. &f lut *eOeOeee - Té Fitzgerald Insuranoe for improving the rear entrance to their busi- ness. it looks wonderful. '7 cit di LUCKY UOXeNc PLATE w904M Judy Graham à Lorraine Kerr Wlmisra oer th las 2 weebs DOWNTOWN BILL: Say Hello to our own Downtown Beautifier Mêitou',ne 'J-anity Fair FkùI that Ext Specl MWothrs Day Gif Co0-uv-qpg oe k 7Auivaf'l~ 'w~O 54dtoùme 'ianity Fair M4 MaM BL 1011on 876-4M4 0"M ama - 7 invite$ Yom Motherls Day Brunch Sundey, May 13th Il -00-3M, - L~oeawoe r ~m F7E am, - mi a mad "f hnm AÉ" M~ The Fonatad d Wd 155 Mary St., MuwIn 870-4408 obumà L CKuceoe Et&ç *,*%C - lM aUm b V m n . b w n a u- u ob %5. mCIO i P a r ai MM~ M The - M =acd S- Vumia».AIAm- VXL »60 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC G.T. TFRNTON 153 MAIN ST. E. me"~ uu "É ci cme