a ~ e k D-ININRl Salk, you lu bW lnCmwdDkÉog DçIr bmch ad wm Oty bxWW menu kx*jdes )O.m. - p.m. 'mmm For remvallô Col 876-1186 I IhefIIw.we~&ak#kaI t ,w~yviqqw~v0vw~1 I I -Wl. ~K.e40,'4 et thie BaMsberW Hof Special menu for Mom .Sunday, May13. ail mothers wlIl receive fiowers Uveeftan t 4:00 pm. to 9 p.m. -No reservcffons - Open 11:30 arn. to il p.m. torys K- -showil.r Oh.'à S-eon Motherlo Ddy Mothes Da Bnh, Buf- Sunda,'Ma13 *More« Appetizers *MPre Salad -Mor'e Entrées ,-More Desserts -More Seafood -More Value! Soating TIrnes: 10:a, 11:30 amn, 2: 15 pm, 5:00 pm and 7:OOprn = = Reoemmended $7JWchil 5-12 YU. VHEwebid u. f m . il or"-.. %r ,MW ý. 1q FOR MOTHE WS DAY MAY. fl feResftatArargt Breâkfastý CemaàwA Grèeat &eS dedph" - $11.95 Place to WM~~ S% .95 take Momn ~Omf Roladon $9.96 for her Zml wlthMuMutwo$14.W, Special Day $po. W CMderunu ,Menu Pkm a fer ,wsev.va Rosoragon Remi<nmendod 45 chIShWmo. 876-4731 360 Steeles Av. 878-8125 r Z4