L HOE *EOAIN 1* w oe I a W r Enterprises Jcs of ail Trades and Masters of Ail" House renoval ons. adotoens, decK& barns anô stabies Faucels ta feundatiorrs eShffS Io wallpaparing, Yra lob noedS doýn, we can 010 ' foi you, <4ý16> 854-9849 Oualfty Workmanship Lowv Rates *Ronovaroa ocks à Fera,9 * lc Roon, Pa nrrg S.spee4ed C*hrgs Raot,ng - Ony.. T-oing Nid Rasomn, For FREE EstImaI. COI Des. 878-5232 Bob 878-1126 constructionL *RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL.- - NPUSTRtAL* AM Spelazii a ToalHome lmrovemnents *Aclbons Rsnovations - Ftoimg *Sidung. Garages* ýDeclia -Dywal *Battis IL Kithes - "d à Brick WarI, - Concrèes- Chienney Repasr *Faim Repoirs -Cutim Cwrpery Oufflty Work end s Compeilttve Price For p'ur Fre Estffmai. cal DAII 5101<0 854-2531 or (519) "S is01 (roti tl Home and Property Ltd. * Improvemnents 876-1729 Steve - Dejcs - Landscaping * Fences *Patios & Walkwavs - Interlocking Brick s Stonework ; Plants & Shrubs Bull Dozer & Tractc Work Wh oo t. ~< W. Doo> . .Pr...t.1? Wb. Dog c.ttto Wb. Doas. Vioo.4.W 'lI t.S hon. bor . th. Wb. koa li li..tte IlPaye. '7CaI, 878-2341 TH1E HOME HANDYMAN *Beheer ame Ssa Ming * CaGner ranes S.89 ended e4gt irtarlorinm Ine, Pam a paper 878-7036 For frae est imeate Mr. ODD JOBS" HOME HANDYMAN NEW DUCADE SPECIAL Fromid/itelotio ktrge reovafrons calt Mr. ODD JOBS For fo»e st(mante 875-2649 (Anyttme> 10 DISCOUJNT FOR SENIORS D.E. McMULLEN & SONS ,Contruction fric. « - Est. 1973 INTE111LOCKINQ STONE IL CONCRETE INSTALLIERS RLOORS -FENcîNG e WAIICS - DR5JY&fS PATIO __ DECSS RETAINE WALL 5SSTEUS FREE ES71114A TES 877-8483 THE VifHITEROSE LANSCAINGCOMPANY oDesign & Cônstruction sMaintenance oDeis *ý Pruning oSeeding and Fertitt.'ng 878-7107 Design &Construction -DECKS - SPRINO CLEANI-UPU - ROCK GARDENS Our SpadciaJy 854-0855 DEMMAC MAINTENANCE SERVICE * IANDIVM MA5NU«E DENNIS MeLURE (416> 87&M63 ~4IAAC *1 Emergency Service Residenial A Commercial (519) 853-2790 CaH for a t be market evaluation YOLL BE 9LAD YOU CALLED ME FIRST Gerge . ton (416) 875-2211 Canad4 Trust Realtor M' HOSKINS* YorExperienced Lois 10' DM:. (416)8054-2294 Re.(416) 854-2131 QUALITYAV SERVICE - =ý 9 VENTUR ~~:.~~ É NAl ApUeRtErt ____l 878-20 SHER-BOND NusOrUY MILTON ROOFING 1_CLARKSON &SIDING Oser *Rrer Dom à R'9 i pmg'~u 1),101041111 e.. 878-1300 854-053ei WUMAWI V-OO O.mqis-eIelM. Dont Mit - 11e1n@vell Cal) "1H! BUILÔER" C. L-n brd 4U44428 iPso eu@i1 1.tile 0 %1480 4k 9 "N %dauIkM (416>) 878@195 (19) 853-3824 nom -a" -l A rendent>. rcrveiklce seryce e Donl leai' yosr homn unatirde4 Moln >ou Mae av Extertor à Interlor surelane Caol ooii 878-1920 -l D. Homme l.",en t.? Wb. Do. C..t.-.twuu Wb. Do. Fiuoiuu! It. .11toie. thps. CaI 878-2341 Pat's Upholstery Excelent Worknunehlp WW.% Range of Fabri, CalsIng, à Woewd RfbfnMn Loton 853-2890 HOMETOWN DECORATING OMMMaluu cuellir vmwel4upen M ~lgIaa RAM 8848 7- HANDYN.AN 1 ED WALSI $OD FARM Sod for Sale on Farm E*gh Lin abs ee 0"n Rd and Basanu PU~I .P Item Iarmn Or d.Illvered -876-1073 BEATON &,CO. ROOFING Retidenial - Commercial . Industriel Fiai or Siîrl Worc FREE ESTIMATE 4e~ a omee UtIiy ,fla.d bi y-, pDOtd (519)>85&-9784 Rlocwood limes Tough? Start Sewlng Againi Machie R'eRe ars frontf rom 6291 N29.95 J & R Sewing Machines bCai 878-6497 ShoeSevice« Millon SALMON4 AND TROU SIPORTFISMING PRINCE ' ;.. PAL CHARTERS CARL H'tERS (416) 827ý9177 *19M8FG 110Cruier M Tecldeeupp.ed *, *Up b 4 - 6 Angiet Làké,Ontam 1 Bmoe u do4p.ts,. Th,, 4*8Z vd r . ue a. 7 7e oe Bruce Hood Travel <Ji~e way ta go" 16 Martin St. 878-2886