May Palé afflSoSe31U I >'JLT3N iicawas.usI I MITON4 A OoillrtUkov n WisMy Repot On Convnuniy Nms, VaIsw & HMqp"Wng SPRING HAS HIT DOWNTOWN MILTON! The trees. are in bud, The spring tuiips are in bloom. We are ready to welcome the warm weather with dlean streets and smîling faces. Downtown Bill, our beautifier wiIl be a friend- ly presence on the streets almost daiiy so be sure to say hello. Cive bim a hand, pick up your own litter. and sweep the sîdewalks. 'Downtown" is an environmentaiiy friendly neighbourbood. *)DID YOI)J KNOW? " The miii building is coming down. The côndos are goin up! " The Downtown trees li be gett*g a trim very soon " The Dôwntown/Miiton Chamber-of Commerce Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, June 2nd. That's less than a month. Corne out and support a Downtown that offers something fuît for everyone! ON OE ROSES MNEA#EVT EAALY blmbi - =",n 875-31281 yzjere our special clothing complimets your goitse 20 B.h S - sty Rid pe.rU fer Ot. dm$s i ad 011« i. a- B.V .dowdi suc, the Gt opui- Cdoatém Milton Towni Cowicil à Ma&ov Krrntz Au kmbmf ài Emo*aw of die Nw» Chirai Commerce Ail Mermbmr and Exetirw of the Màtoot Downtown Dusinen lmprovlean Auonbatwn Séepe Fuller, The Fiddber Thte Paxr Facaa.y Miltowne Li"~ Lmoamne Service Canadien Chaipwn Second Cup Colite Flens&bFaamdy Theffice of Walt Bluxm, M.pp MILIM$") VAIOPYFAIX Boena Cataiano 246 Main ftE. 8716-4244 1ta %icaa aend in anv oid aoane (Phi or tNsWS*In) o M11Mé UWC ,nt to. your PLATE VJMF étf Ilee1ba n on nk You. P of Br22Wim M aini unt 1LcTNC r dndy MulJn $25M0 200 MAIN ST.E. MILTON Wixdwoo LOT 1N8 *SWI flfr 7et30%OFF 111111-2m4Tw qae SSi~U SO S 87 ;M ro V 9 y9 9y90 DENTURE THERAPY, CLINIO G.T. TRENTON 153 MAIN ST. E. (Wo u u 870-2000 dam" ÀM 4111111111& ": ' ' 6 %JLUI ,malle,