Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 May 1990, p. 23

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fu or MWPais ae spios* i , o m osk- or lm.oeir 10075-UNai or SM0 NEEO IMM, TIME? - Tid of cut iepur MOELSk- III~~ et" CaoW s 11d, a = 1-141144. EXPEMIENCED TUTOR FRENCHIGEMMAN, tutarvlg aigo v -aol vait ooopu marks Ci aaa f7il 0 TRANSI.ATOR FAIENCHIGERMAN. Translation Services availabla front mantber UMO-.ZiuO <Assoclati@s of Traslala O ntorpr*Wml of Orula>. Raablae. soales aid tes. Cdo ore~ 876-1441. ABUSED aid ~d Fr hel cal 87.8M, or 1-S)0387402f7. à 244.fior" lins for abuiot \ mn. Haitn Wonts' Pblace la ai atirgtcp alte ailalu fuoid onat C astd teki children in Malts Magios. Ait caisa aré corrianil. DIVORCE - $tss . 0oorao. kmit les. rai l'y Mi ger 9 firies a day. OW t ha day, pocie ptapart mit ha aisored. tl Nm sonar hies. boom le tW. May te seaUo Nior o aissusolie saoe, giarlttsd, ianed end presro tiroughouite ul e. Oh imad Nail of Jaau, PM fy lun. St Judo. morer of M"".es prap lur u.oald St Jude. halpir of tle haloloaa. proy lur us. PiLOai mut ha ptantl. Tha*L ysu St Judeor u aiaua isoad D.. PREGNANT à ssed a blond? Fraipe gac bot and confistaéi strvce. col Ohiigh 875- 1245. SENIO CiTIME rocierit for hana in oalmwy. livesi. IgN household diviasu and cra CO eldily bdy in aade r mon 6*boad and ora sWWayý Plumei moy ta box 81751. CIO iNa Canadian Champion, lti Mais o-ee Eaist. Notios. Ontario. LOT 4N9) TOP WELL KNOWN Psycinkc (John Deuil mil bu holdinglacga in OdwMl os h#iy 14 a 21. Fora cn ;C 23. l eice for 51 180 1ADA SAMARA, 2 door.Ebak 311.0W boa.. 4 cli.. 5 apeat, aunAm a-l jocie osidio. $4.300 a.o., corilet 11711-711M. 1007 TQYOTA M92 Mica blua T'-bar, air, onstecuie., 94.000 My. bune. $14,51». 070 f906 CMEV CAVALIER. 4 do"r" 4 cpi aldirabc. p.s, pb, ise rOta Cusified 853- 2M0 or 416-720-7602. IM0 GMC SAFARI CARGO VAN 45.000 orig- inal méei, S cil aintic. p.&., p.b., soont c'bdon. Cefiliid. 803-2690 or 410-7M0. foi$ FIMESIMID, diero grey, autattc. ar swdio.ào, 9a. "yla ailin. AUFM aemna cuil.$,110or boat o0to. al oeniy 875- 3172 MEAL SHIARP! 1904 Chany TâhoS 10 Ptck Up, plia cap. med, V6. mita, crise. esaddcab, tn 0-g. aaleily and mfdy Io ml. 078-25310 aSor 5 0.m, 1904 CHEVETTE. Aubantt $1.175 o bo.078- M07. 1904 0000GE 600. auto.. air conditiaslsg, condo. S,.070-I74S aleirS5 p.mý 1904 PIRMEMO Eocellest corillo Ailung $6.9011. P"la sgoliablo. O701710. 1982 MAZDA MX7. at/mun casiette. air casditioslsg. lusi rapt. I amner. ooceiint ouoan t obd81%2698or (4672-7692. toi MUDERRD II.30255"Wnw, pb.p.. puW, dusraod. Very oiean As la. saiile Plai cd 0953-2573, 1900 FM8 VAN, castarnled ernlo I3.2g( lm0 GRAND PRIX Li Air. Main. $1.400. ;r o- #bd 82 000. si,-l42I 1A0CHV MP"Ao&A*SM For daage 107M BIJBCK LaIAIA. 4b«0 M oino. $11111 t»0 780 MONDA IHACOW oit 0.000 sois. gle nw $8,20 âe. 0&1441lt r 870416. 1Mi MAXIM 400. aste &,00U km. IM lbis. $1.40 0.111.0. O70140L 1001 HN in CUISTM. mt hait. Ex- satod tl. 0*0eNa ~4 lm0 HONA vis MkA maigri OW&iOsa Q=~0 TW 0«4ed hoa - hleffl - os élis. $25300. a w f- M-Pqa8M lm0 MONDA OIDWU4G. WWM l toints 143000 010. 7.4. RENT A 10W 32 IL baviy Motar omsw for your summer noilon; ol sae; "rOp. stave, qtluowuen"m dh~w. e îleil. Campettive rates, Cau avesinga 8704134. 24 rnuoa hus. Vil. Hlomeas a fride, soi-,. dWu- e amo. lvaop cir oq toocicpbord &pe, forte We Ci Guy '0-78&- 00 . 104« 8 fI GT Proler Trair wîth awnng. SiePi S. hie 3 pl-s beivon. Irdgi. slo. furnacie à plordp of o~pbfflpac On titi or off. Irsa àgrisal fandy, gailt CdH 874-t746 atti be uiunaela*kt IM0 SUNIRAV. 10 l; M0 HP Cobrawnrt ive, doN findui, wooita gele. $14,.1X). 078- .rBusines sîi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY stuff e 'oop eta Nonvs Eus up » PM0 waisl.Pi upi Rush soe ddusoeed aenped emloIe. Hughes Enterprises Dspt, E-1, 171 Rinli St.-A 203, Pubru.OnMMa. KW 2JIS INDOOWMOUTDOOR Storaga. Snauvmobie. cma boit. hirsi 870-400. noante at RESPONSiBLE tea.nson-ehiekar remi pesn.$50$00/rnanth. Cati and leeve message. 875-3214. WOAKINO MOk aid ture oIivdes rm hou»i or Pest of: Ic en lit Milin. Cal Mar 876-1761 atler 5 or 875-11133. ext M4 dis. 85For Urdn 2BEDRONIA Cosy Bna .w ctaatws Mas. SM06à month. Av Ih acin all. Ca 1- 274-0333 2 SEDROOM bungalow in lttas S;aerai. garage, aluns a ridga Aveietia May, 1lm0 SM. 874-1653. 1nlduedmc montAnaiete.Ni i.8. ntomh a 78-5O10. . SEDMOONI TOWNMOUSE wita garages lesmd yard. SI.000/.sath plus tlibes. 878- 44. 3 BEDRO HOUSE. Wmmo. nngraoiitm kisthes. air oesdionig. garage, dock, lage yard sext ta icheai. Arîiable May 1. SOM5 rnrnfi. 870-4067 alti 5 prn 4 BEOM6OM MOUS£ in Dorait Park, 3 applamme, @Il window owevg, ardabl .buna 1. Sl.2Qhnasta pklus Rbuatussm SM6 1564. - 4 BIEROOM house. largei lsncid yard, $1.200 pi ulilitua Rilorncoa. Avaty Jutp 1. 876- luit. 4 BEPROOM. 2 otory dotachid houai, 5 appliasos Mr, liriy roon,. drapas. $1.300 878-5620. 878-027. 'AVAILABLE immedîatoiy. camtortabte 2 bidroons houa.. idiii loafos in Actos..Frldge & Mston7 a monta, p ls u (519> 6&1- 1287. OOUNTRY rosovhpd Metury homere. nani ai Compbeliinlle 3 bedrootit, 2 battonosta- pbesoes iichuê SI .300hnmnt Cii HMer AsiLes. Sis Rip. Counysido Canpb.iui Rsalty. 854-2294. FOR MENT - Cenpblfois. 2 bidroant Part- meti q bdweil m Mwci t "m. $75&h& pls utibu. 8540316. FOR MENT in Atsn PFra for ef houi. Saul- lui large b4iAi (ad pis) large bickyard wli plaphous. broeiocmgd. hmit hydra nd itava. Sule fur asiai lmnWy or coupla. $775m1onit. 80-4710. GEOAET« Blottil duanfo 3 bhaimn bungalow. mais Ilair primet fenouil yard, -wà -aia MW0 Pliui dliii, finlance nopfsse, am ltl 8ff.lSibofrB5p. IMa AITE -3b illoor houai,18lâl. mmi kar laundry. est uoaditars. Maftiîhat herdwood issuen iloS oi Woot ha. Andine honnuidil. Câd Les Tbsma 57S-2049. ULTON (DOMSE PARIQ -3 blmbn g M&id boien. MmIIIIos aiW d MW a Ai0 - ,~ lit $1,10 par mil. Cdl 4554«0. OPJCVILLE - CAMPSULIKL places le faili lAval" Juiv. Coi 11IM0139. 1«LY nium i ' '..3 boias mowmm. abq monthhn, rMats. ML Adbdio moiul AMWpit t* 871k TOW» M fr "Akrwelsasavait"l I 81GROOM apettime kM. sti bouton Tesphose08042 1 SIEDROOM apafieait tir mi- 077-4443 aise 2 SIEDFIGIO APARTMENT for rent. Nos- imaker. Plam reply te: pao 1745. c/o The Canida Chamiona, loi VM St E., Milin. Ont. LQT 4N6 a MO80MM. Dos. Uviq mon. * mnt Ma5.ose lur -m aind osa 000 m hait. laêatdy rmn SI.OOtanort FidpliinWin-a cludiq hait h"ydreNd palé& Qd i8M3Sq. 3 BEDROON apient Iin Radload. catit FOR TME LARGEST, moit up Ils date os,- puurlaed -miiol cd rusbée ced 360 viciais ad.Cà mmsaai. 8-0Wm. Cpm LARGE S bados apeiisent ho tle ouIioy dmi a bain. Avai"l Juwoe lit $MMwntfih in- dide hit hydre aid -il ' .lebaci reqvbd Cal 864-2294 or $061i Aparoti Çail 038-9028 or 283-750 ROC KWOOD - 2 beron - ri s oie c cd 0078/monta. Raterenose frordý Aval"bl hlonsitoly'.519 08e9241. ROCOMY 1 BEDP4OOM basentnt sotm Priveate antrance. nsaity renovatut,. air -cos.i , 0. ldga end smm. "ai lur uoniua couple. $M0 par rnonhîlnkodisg tilOsu Avalt- aNa May 1. Cal 878-2074. SPACIOUS I Boisom mai, fxx aplmait. Redt»Wao Frm"hlp, dilae wii, n carpet ldodos hldge & atone. 2 parking aposle $65 tonih, uSiNa hdudod. pi!ia l, Obu cal 510943-002111 Ask for Sori. anîlabla MOOM for Min W cldam houes. Use of cin- mos armM aid laus*y lacioO i308hiiomSii 00 Vol 874k0.12 MOOM FOR MENT - Maaiap & Branle Toushacue $3001tsasth. luil ons ai houai à tawidry faciis 876-450> MOOM for renl. Shrod icoqntnAdahon Sen tmWnied, Ny MilUpant. 870-2061 ROONl for tan Fui use ci taiLla (lauAdr a). For "mr itonrnaaos. cdl 070.0248. ROD l frosan in ooouay house For dou ci_ MOS for mît. in haitui ooury homo. Marnby ar. uea /rg on.isse Pilonas : A» fvingil »Ma lit. o M7.47 312 Lts cu e LAND TRADE iiou taO& 2 toir Heesoupg fExéa*o Suies (Z750 eu 3,0 et Il lor tard in Men Ibu tom ao posi y rMW lie $4.itormi plue «Wd e Maotil aart sF $mm~S hd otrdar oMbiit visen rouiluitt/lannihID oiNt q , 315 commercial & Indust INDTIAL Lntet .S0iq.fti iclig allice MAIN ST- &,fOKOp 2 New$a orl tant, 490 and 39-tq. Il CprdpWey ief canbketid.a owxonodý (510) 81156-4847 s PRIME DOWNTOWNOltColRetad Analtabla immrndlsteiy. Nicolp dffoaeed. excellent Iodas. Pamoale. 8784416 délia. 11175-3400 PF98A SALE CO uam colmot in o nb" u Il -ii lug oMi itpad a lion a Air aIda. . baiege Sp 10it o o isoiai Ashios. honte b la hatiai Sus 3 W" i bu-sa -laili momii Onptca - mi ,o l I0v dnAp ail O boga h vert haild - 10 ta pl ei exodote: leaos a isyu p n* . Wst wu mai id> Fsig ,aid-M pdat Io sat 87620M. Uiig 8218.900. . PRIVAIIE SELLER ha* Illamtn5 sn Milton. , Enutmption ani rural mm". Milso tounhausa 3 betroom. gerage. 1448,000. Brampton . daubdod 120*0. 1178-71118. SEVIEN YEAR aid. osei auner haqa sn Cemidiga. ho tit noir condiaose* la. te 401. Ithre bedroarna. 00e-tour pièce litho. #ttaited roc. mom, 120 IL deep toi.t od "y" aid Pave driva,81 irita $143.00. CO (519> 620. 006 and sit toi Larda UUoodn m aet OPEN I4OUSE SAT. i SUN. 1-4P.M. 683 LAURIER AVENUE, BEAUTIFUL 2-sttarey, nni-delchr wMl nsuVai dome throughout. large aa4k-hhM enti Utud-ou, 3 bsdmnns 2.112 bate. Oireplacean mtude mor. 070.4843 PRCEOTO SELLAI $103.700 SPACIOUS 2-9TOAEV. SEMI-DETACiIED In excellen aia l@ugtlly deoriai in iuu- tral tonues, el-ho blicitn miin wlauiucol *t. & Ouatan lM, nau broonm in lvIN adaIrn; mont, irgeptc, 3 bsdrodma,ý 1.1/ biOlia cloee 10 ai âiisi. For appoini. mmo viw Cam: 870.0514 EXCELLENT VALUE $178.500 SM0 D3RAY AV1 SUAUNr0N 820CABOT MAL MIN 1404 CEDARGLEN CRT.,' OAJCVILLE *9 CALVERT OR., HALTON £S -SU>ER STARTER Noé, Camnp.Ittt A graat couanry te!rho"t Nfm 4otChrO 4'birroon. hardO tosan. ar, to ho."s lon qeua". 9'uot lot Fo, Mors Coli Lm,*. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, f&Y 8, 177 4 On"ui SMoo Sodi 3 bedroom bungalow. Si 99,900 878-269 PRIVATIE SALI hoin kWn. bu*ilni dilmiar. dnt ruan. 0"a Houtisi, 1.-4 :.M lm Ho , M al AuY " 78400

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