M11towne Realty Çorp.1 22 Ontro St. South 878-2365 lii - MAURICE r~ -~ ,, ~,MILJQUR làdom. 4 0 "W., nw.~ » *. ~toodn 878-2365. i CENAdd VS-UN3 Asoot 578499 235MD BRONTE 431 ST REMAX kikflaRCY n.P AUD kàEN' i1fZ SOREY OME Mr 1 2 On 2 Srtt S1111101 NEwt-L. 1 "g"do "iIo l RF/MMA Ao.10590 UN99 .1 oMse aV42 wtc NUIOtS7 MORGAN MOI~ m,81B47dgm 6 -59 m2366to O 54 SUNYAL 40 MAI ST bLW 155«h@ hISO DR»V 4AR (WE biod4000 EVh@ EiRION»hne* ~ AI;N- a e e84S of S2iS.0O. -, c 0 uS.m M ISWCAURW IVEY 4 MUEL MVDIVE IIWY. as MOWAT ESIrU LOT LOT mm 11T lm9 OMAMSA RIL 1 __ -MU -.--- UELLIU a e TOWNHMUT? Th@ vendors oftNe wâd Main- Ino 4 ba.oorn Mead ranch would consider purChaning you trftnu or W@cojii tMckg bh I àia lmortoa et 12%. This bulasiw factures. 80' 120' trcod Mt " ou» rnany extras. Now prtced lit RON'FURU< to Unid Ou? th* ATTENTMO Ame yau aoing for aimmdate poue.ulon? ThaS frnuhly dco- rated 3 b.droofn tourihouse Nit a recetiOn rOOff fir,*id lm foq. end WFOOMM coplots with bar, Close to aChools. puits "l GO.Rwut Listod et $149.000. For a persons NisB. ing, coteistainlfg agent ROIfI RU. _