LIT i OIIAAACTENfLUS .va. lj Bull iv 1912 tuis home iras been 10 CLS I OPIAE compiltely renevated and a ireaufftul ETAC$ED II4 ALUCE LOT - JA country home on a vary prîna&le addilion hi asen addedi lt gîve you R uced Io01183.900ý Cati Wayne road pust minutes haont Hmy. 401 and 280 sq hfio Irvrng apace. mars ftor Ca son fpr tire opportanily ta viem IMilan CalI Slaves J. Plater lfo mare fumîly raom, main foor iaundry. tho u.Etrne bedroom frimair decoaled Idelails as tuas modern tma-ntorey lacuzzt andi mach mare $379.900 Ih met h cines complefa r i&l home murh a main Iloor maier bail- Cai Sueryl Gray for yosr persanal mrintie cpeings, ait appliancés, lin- mais, lamily tomr and mare. Lisled ai bar MO-S inh.d roc1 mai end more. MO-82 8 469.900 MO-09 mu= _ We ham lh. qpprtundy 1Ovshow yasu a beau if ut home tiraii apriced ite an 1h.r mrolley. 'Asng $147.'9000OC For tris lirrea bedroam lannime ria ta taies iresir deCoraled Irru- cut Cal Wayne Caion Io nremu MO-98 MMiOE? VOII RET! Cai Wayne Ciaion for yrosr personai 'np d'lu s husore>., four beti- d s iraar domnom Mîfon *neet$319. 9000OC MO6 I STVN CAROLEO D ONP HRL 81S8S5481121 T1AED OF LOOKIWI Weil stop rigiri hao &bd trait luis ad tes rion lus attractive four bcd- ra laiyhonte mor a larges eut-in biches, finoshet rec. roor, maliauf ta à large privtair Lisitet *Fa Sale' nt $210.000ý CatI Wayne Casson for pur painmant. MO-86 CLADVS CRANRPORD I. I 114S3TAKTLY APPEAIJNG hv>ausi l sore>. finci haine on i n lami good nelgi-iour Four îood tuait bedrooms nurround lir ircua ntmaîtese ftinrg Ith. gra-l mss foyer isla Tire asmily raioa io irirgfd b>. the brici firaplace and. âilg patio maliosiý Hlury out nom, ol e h.imappoinlail by e 'SOL 0 ags CaII Slave J, Poter $309.000 If yau have coasdered investArg in a country home. consîder li osai t bedraow 2 storey, doub" garage an rsai Vu4 acre Phase Miki ai tir o pial City office ar ai home. 81 4129 loi furth.r, inforrnation MO-71 -4---- 7et COMIE TO THE COUNTRY Taire fine la nie titis ranch beauty asAT O 0JAdTITY COWTmV COMMULTIER lêcludes tirmes badrtos .0 er eh. DIc bi home iocaied an hms marvels country home is lireà marn lue e-IlMdl5- itdl~ allyv.m C n iltil ardaod ..recfreieatRelain anusdtir rIn rom ad îqi, mistiiutrid Iloma laîlyaa. dn. hrrpol nroasdpoo oranlntrnm yer t trio ro lad d raom , liihe d flors jiou 320 fmur maon. unaqueo nanny% poo oureamainin ber c mahol.minfla lanryran taura ntmolgg o VBesuipae nmmircia adwa Pleaseanlr tm STemrf Hadon la 2nd asilab oacHnl 0 aira po In Ne Hoe. itoles checr tastoda mu Ia 1~moa 1>.roo Gie Mhe ca onfurirf narfrol40fM12 876ttS.2 i ~ MO-i maigaedeall 73-729MOI Celocl tàM l anei tw Snooimi îlri a omve 01f»f» adltti JUSI bEUEDVnoi saa sal " fer.m60acure bl and 40pe aces gaal mti mobiap Of ith aI blr gad ed brala àn w r oli. k aIc e ai nîîe buir VursloiSI Si 00 ~ lI Cuuie 87-f 56 M- cr grage tuly encd yad Ali ora - Mol? ISh.~~~~rnryoetroos O -- - 4. 4- --------d OUT OF TH4E ORDIMARY Priced aI anfy SiI9I900 O Titis love- py 4 bedroom. 2 sloray home shoms ta perfection and han loIs ai extrait suc), as a kîdney oiraped inground pool,- fireplace. 4 &2 puece balir andl mare Cali Sheryl Gray for lainier dalaîls MO-7 BASEMENT APARTMENT TO tEI.P? Puy your morîgage 4 mha o a wil muhIis iOVely 3. t)edfuotir ai,-,iC byrrgalnm Central air, 4-4 pice bath double car garage Locaîed in lte country bal oniy minutes la Highaay , 401 On>. $239.900 Sheryl Gray Sales Rap.. Milan 876-1156 lToroo 026-6390 MO Oit i*m sure tiaI yo iii &gros mren trou inspeci this large four bndroorn desir- able lamîiy home micir cornes coin- OCETO14,00 pleie wilh a finished battement, main Now's your chance la can an end- 1 falow te rin . goreeshoime kichen und lownhouse Iha lis a muadI o se. overlaokig an mnground pool baciring Cail Steven J, Porter for yosr appint-. orto privaie pariîe grounds C ail ment la viem this lhr.e bedroans Stevon J. Porler. For mare inia as home tîh a privae dîning raom. tiai execatine home iîaed ai, malki frais th. hUches fin"ie rec $319,900 OC MO-89n 'rao and mare MO-30 TRAINING T-g .1-- .y . -.k Y-11i I,. h.i o. d., w), .1 do., -d. mot -Ptl' tai-10 That s ,tnirf wi. y". t, . p-éS.~d th,. -j o4 pour -k NE WhI IIESITATES! i.,L,-tiaSa.w Cauld mais tire appalunity la sehs vs'r,' ho.ov1, nemly barIl lhree bedroom bungalow ,,, with a main far tamly raom, formiat dining raom, large modern counlry kilciren lisled *For Sale* ai Noir McVifi) 64 Oada Si. W $369.9P0.O Cal Wayne Casson for I oaamaro yaur apomntrt la ai. MO-Cl C va11is COOOING 1 SMITH Min?23 PERFECT PAKAGE TANGIBLE ASSETS ThisspraeityMay haverta 8 Saros 1 Combire lunaious ountry lie wh country. nettînq pal minutes la 401 .invesîment groarir Large modemn 1800 sq. M bsngalom mitr ful mia country. home and barn on 10 acres bast~s IL many upgradv 32 n 64' close la Oaivîiie, Misaissauga and bain mur 7 stallir aIl an 1l actes- 1 f3 .Mîllan Asing prîce luit raducal Io cleared aIl for 1469.900 Cail Les $725.000 Ross Runialis 878-6437 876-1156 ,MO-50 bAVIS LEEVE ADOISO sm8210 M7111 11117