Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 1990, p. 6

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Opinion do that Ô* ýJ &Umedsekpen . a h is th=ndlnade n gêon oernîng 10 0 .R a m 1 ri eîisa .pnl À L ith àView , laboramorlub Int veilit Bulletin burnera, àp wtIl RAOPIAUMI1* tube thaît d 1si1Idp , dntpd n dmp il a ligne anre d for IShît, l5a~, mealtua, M" hW Ithe Pnh.eurs ai "It kW. a upany tt s ltu' 1uhunationsî, gte fIlla ls mudn. Ihat AUw guYs &fi @round à com. wil îit. WhWolsiss t amaln Ina àIan. fraly& puin. nan d iliey lhlnk, 'Ie gUag tu Alied wlith newly davfopd ugn r uns Pries can bu utarlWtd lu thé t it, roughly onre Vach day, Il Iréenslaur #Mu m îtavy aft ultra ahuri Pra@, radar mokled, rittral ànd espoe. ls tarily ntey, uagecarne.' Mtst rumerch and devispmet sit on ltka Es-ebusieu flts Ia Ml à& P> "le, lamis. platnpol' aae andl goen A lime, lh imalt compunlsé ile aren' lmc çhmsr e nladai with, ltil Wei aIl Ne popular, andl nlgitlully m An I% tDype in à ttak fi p ut 'Iniaa un your rieune Now outiller ouffil mighi suggost the followlng. compaies fond thtrnk tanka andl muant 1110y rehal liwu close the 'sec d"prlmntl centres and aI sons of other lhitng wy ored ih m i al but customens reoal tufZ thecorpritehuphaveauîb lt planed ob- y la Psgrate caai'î keiçeuprelith iolurce. Vst euaami ta Il the. llIll a l sirermeats 0f an R à O w. aun sptnd as muci eliter depattn Lablc suy. Tht scinlist la i- Evein th. newspaper business wu have R& relys wrîing souething Ia li&s sotebuok whtsn O types. Oae guy waated to clivage a reltle tite ban mouallng blieu confu la. fintls, h.'. second languae rith Englit Words, lthus lrylng lu balance fls chouse book, rehlic glSivlag lreo coIlee meinings tuoanythina lie sont. cas h.rant imuteasey complets calulan. wote. Thery iaid itwouldn't rork. Tlie fou s. Maay"'htple bolieve compact dise tocliau- I t-led tu explala the concept. i would have Ogy wis botin inai lob someliere. Wmn. Treo reorked, Th"e wuldn't listeit tu aie. Okày, sa neuIons ade, contact laion wrieoe = exoc. l'd have lu publiei a diclioaary, tell me sorte- utis-es brais relen bis bou demnande that, tiig 1 can't do. dispute An agint; popntlaîssa sales b. iacrsed My Wdu for ruing suthuences of picture,. 1 Ile suie levAI as the mid-1971s. Tht muti- Lattet oitly a spO secondl &part, on consecutive plet dixe res borin ia tht craitial collision of pages In the unie loreer corner spot was grisai. Ilion. wo ltsy-bttsy particles f greyà mte. Rip tht pages, and you &et motion pictures. 1 M4a compartes, doitdpd t lt olaj i. was foilad by the lIghwi aueo ctblisalthtuglitW pdct. ThdCr R àas Dcli- gotpintuîtniis.1t taueo usig exusting twitaoogy teiancnveri- k"ep gettiag la the rîy. Going out - I know the drilli Coing out for th. evmuitg. Alorte. Mrt dol 1________________ have t0 do belote I realk out that dace at SM0 Ftrst, monîlis tnaidvance, I have bc, issure On thet tilet my liustand relt te home that niglit tuH F o t hold thefort. Headdsuy booking bullips 'LH meFr n ) inttaents Jedger antd I marks the date on tht .cieit calendar. That accompliied, I forget wilh EStH-ER CALDWELL »A fe days before my historie departune ti- bell temporîryl from ieaitl and home, 1 about once every ts eas B itent remind my liusband of my plans. He looks at Wbo's gotng te look miter the îs nî me as if hie os learing thte aces for tlie flint receittly, va would make complcateti arrange- fimie, but va lootk ta his blle book and sure mente tu bus a grandaetiter frn miles îreay.F enougit, tisent il is. "E - out for evening". Ste doesn'î make long-distance hoeu. calîn The big day arrives. Altitougli l'l e dining iitritre. il out, l'ut ettît expecetut dream up adper rthe lient limie, va asket a tsxtnag tu tay lthe meal for the famity. Now, if îî was my bu- iti thte childrea, My going-out plas reIt t band ns'io re ing~tl out, h.e wouldn't gis-e our spouse tecoine es-en more comples titan my t grumblîag tummies à secoad titouglit. . solo fliglits. s la teleten peeling potalces, lflixing up a What ame the kads going tao cet for dtitner? tI meaiboaf andi rorr>îing about a bedtime snack, Lakte the easy reay oui an ottior a pnzza. I tg- 5< I sitorer, blore dry my haie, put on my utir fltaWlllieep h babY§itter happy ta makeuîand grope la the dark closet fer a What seul lliey do for the next four hours? k0 dresitopiitg ail thte reite Iliat my one and Years âge, I was more idealistic and I acIIIIIIy (c only pair of pantyiose - ai leant fotM years eptdbbyitiers te eritertain the cildmrn oid _ st sports nu ruas. WeI ganres, stories and ciafis. 1 have lowresd Istrap oit my itigli heins and loddle imuid, sul hex ettions and acre ny major coacemn utlsning my paggine shoes ternibly. My bilue is; whic s-idec rell be sulable for s-lereng by ueaVs looks forloen lvng i àetompa on athe'o châltrea yet rut lac, boriitg for a teeager? Soutewrereover zst 1 nters of stayingaît What wllltliey have for a,tiOnce upon homne. "chic' bas disappeared fhun my s time, mny chiîdren muid couait on ftesai vocabulaay andi frun my personal style. snacks a day, but aoreays, tiiey deutaad only il% 1 reork up àa sem (o mucli for the sitorer> a betiîm goodie. As the family o=re l ly - nusliing amruin l tht kitchen adding the prtdttce rsmmy, sugany snacks. FctsateIyý [ fiaishlitg touches tu a rnml l'il aiver es- tittyli sIl I williagly gubile up à disb 0f plalin perierioe (bety nu) and sealtiag aevusly for )Murt Zd unsweeteuted piapple. but wlU the exmitive tu pull itac the drls-eray oio speily pesa muster relIt the Ht utake il lust la time nd I fly ut th. babysîl' liif dac. At my destination, I looks arouni and Fiaally, 1 have lu rua titrougli tht bedtîme i reonder hure maity allier wweomn et routine retth soi alter; brnushlag teelli, es titrougit the mme oedeal ets1 dlid tu Setftlons. pyjamas, rea andi re, fus-ourite ituffed1 Part ýtre lu gcing out for tihi es-eag - wtli tonyiutt ima. an spouse. This mometott ccasioa cSurs le it possible filait thie eveina baes luit begua? lion Oiver -1Plblis Jane Muller - Edltor tell Oflive - Mdver TNU colfff - Confç 00"8l Wlle - Distr Tort M.Cam - office Phone 878-2341 Toronto Lknte21.3037 susir cims aMW %ftbit Nu. Ce Divide tasks to coi List week va descrlited the clM "otedetS" studies at Yale University lan îehtch people reere coavinced tu :pply rebat iteyllioughî re dangerous eladctrol stocks .0 uliers <actually aéclors), slmply becouse people la outhorlty commandixi thet tu do wn. Tht message is a scany une: Ordlnary people, ust dotag titeir jobs, reititu aay bostilily wbatsoev.r can eqy tacme part of à territ- y destructive proèm. Fere have the sIsills or rebounts neo tg remet authorltyý even wlici th" are totally coavlnced theie acions mr rag. Wliy dtd puple obey? Wemu titey luit sadws te, or lettiag out pe-up aggnession? No. A follose-up sludy aliorex the suit pets applymn tie sliock lagain for erron la lcarnag a tank) o Set the voltage wemeve thcy reishas after mcli erior. On average titey uied only lthe mildeit cycles f shocis Iiastaad Of the supposc 4510 volts st a5rod t0 use it he rîastudyl, retith nany intacla never slraying fiotiah. loet onnible level of 15 volts. Clearly tliey did not njoy shocking others. Mont hatol evety ,inute of ot A ut hors on tht nubject say people obey whlen sey minte Dsici. themseiven as only the tni- rument ot aaolter perion's iines; they icrefore are aI responsitle for the icts- Once thal shift. in vlererint .occurs, rehen mielle eIre is the general, you are a prtvate nd h.e gives the orders rehite your job ia te foi- re tilent - ail the fuaturis 0f obedîice reill The subordinat lacis respoansble tu tht uthorily, bot aot for th. actions filat aulliorty rSeibs Moraiity dois not disappeir, It Ia~e hpe.... the subordinate's pride or .Zm .re depeatis upon hoe Weil hte bas tiforunuti duties for the autitonlty figue. Our language bas many ternis tu discutbet le Isiat cf morallly - loyalty; duty, d1sel- lrio. All of teserater to àdegr f &iut açe tu auttority, not tu the 'goodnmo' cf the 4won, la fact, the moit mutaitn defeuse for a t nona rho bas coutmlitted a heinous ict taler the direction of soute authority la lt h. i *saintlydolagNisdutyoefolforelaoafrus etrials for Nazi wres criminels seais à doaute t se la point. tippents that in order tu fed reponsibile for &et mu pople muet belf il came fronte thin. lIt filse experimett people fait lthe éiI The Canadian Champion ier «.éb » EDITRIAL: Nomme: Rab Kl<ly, Kua Smith, Noiman Nebitn. iising Mtanfflr SPOrt; Brod Reaume. Pltolaraphy: John Warren. Jon Bhadeor. n aar AMVaMU O: Saie. Datbb Peta, Andrea Devinait, Jtihan Kdln aner ougMmBoffrand. Ted Lindsay. UtheaJoy Gilbert. ulanager CIsaaled: Shélna Coeni Siephmnée Aiin. I~taage lUOM . Shirley Ove. Belinda Seaal., Linde Noton. * 1fBUTW: en Huisemn.Mhr,~ 13 Byle. Und& Larrioil, Kimnberley Walsh. ichel Huisman. wilh ARNOLO RiINCO VER came front somacne tIse, and they tiierefore reere not responsible, It may re imotnt t0 note that the 3tartling degme of obemce found in thîs sludy wsea thouglit, b1y it creator, tu underestimate the amount o9 obedience that is found in the natureai world <ta rvaeids" o h military, for ea pnvt îdetyort. ln this study lthe expenimenter dtd flot Éimraient thte subets mîith ay kind of punih- ment, such as Ios of job and income, %hane, or jaîl for faîlure to obey. Moreover, ie SuId nul bifer inccntives. We mîgt expect. then, that the experimenter's authority was muci 1,s titan itat of an employer or general. who dîtes have the poweer tu mwrard and punîsit One more oiportant variation of thîs e~~ ment reas dome. In titis study, the -teclter had only to condu.s the learnîng task. noms- une else administered the stock.11In tii situa- tien, obedience was "ven higher - aitout 92 pe cent of thte subjects cuntinuod lthe enercise white tite sitock was increasled tu the "danger" level anti iteond. This study most closely approsimaies tite fual reol, as lthe evil act was fagmentemta several "jobs". Thte division of the laboi' chan,- gis titgs. t means flt each permin does mot 1wthe whlole situation, oniy a sinaîl part of it. and thensfnre yieldn es-en more tu autitonty (fes ne r;rnsibity for lthe final pruductl. Second Sold Wàr reports say lthat Nazi wrea crimineIl Adoif Eichmann was sickeneti rheit lie humd te deati campss lie raniy dîid ie ut t desk ad suf<led piper. The suboriiate Who actually put gas titto hoe gahambers reas just 'doing isjob, tte Sot hi ord rontm Eichmiann. lThe humasn, vile iUt bcame ou frgMmnted that mont wre !lever confrontait witli te cosu«u e of heir paris in il. It titis arlongternrt the . on seho assumnes responsibihty lia s-anis, %rhaips this - the division of labour - is the toit coMnuto charactersdc of es-I es-euh ia nodera ociety The canaien cOu1., -tMtu Was Oienad Fe4 a lo Mm? tcE, Ulme, ors-,LOT Ia. ili l,t f Th tet . p1uPts à wws auas. ý Ouss AM t ee'~e qfi.P £ch4mwg~ d.. Emitis. lsa.Gme .spn.t lm 1 11han soiest iiipsu The Wise1. dWi5 wniA ta Uses O~nse folles its. Ohe. s.e~O.eiNaa~Tf.50.P0Sss1Ts Moiesis fULOm Peýde nsea.' Thi5ss~ bm. SefP ~sTrii maus lenw.~ Pois~~~~~~~~hl Sas"4 as., eua. atiftt i 40 Mm -.si 8200su o Fm oup iSS 87 eutiS in t em.ento -etUr" il = t~S,1 esilatse 55 1miu.f .es z S. pi.i lrti 1 t ef..o u,.w lO M es, Mm of, aiS duT.phtami ual aaat5i stW~ih1tiUeg PS W sseu a. eag -uValsea fteWittaidWlt..aphuUIaisaU.~Bti IR & D? Ican 1 hein,à lot about rIserCit and desokpnen

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