t- - w Miltowne Realty Corp. 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 f* Tris yely bi-levai brick bungalow is ne- fied en 1,6 woodeco acres w1tj accesa o lt>a BruceiTral Ca i Lina or Waiyne for r"&e oo 39 once o r.s A riedrcom raîsad I Tudour wgaJa pus 700 sq. f studio or han nyv s quanaers arnd a trope car garage Thre Prp efty COrrSîsts of Woods arnd rr'adowid Mak- ,ng rois the ideal relliait or h0'50 opefairOn. 590.ooe Ona ilm oh50' x 300) just a lgw rrnua Tonwri lSuvay avaitable Drrêct irqrîes Io Lira or Wayne. Nam ILUNID qJUSKOCA EETflNG 25. ACRÈS Ths arCflîteCIdaliy Uunoms 1,.invites theo moat discrring. Vaulted cfikflgs. solarium, and skybgNsa e Wu a few Matue tN5 hrome j'en toofter.$549. 900 Bus. 878-2365 875-007 lit 826-1030' TOWN à COUNTRY CAROL BROOKS SPEI*LISTS ALAN 13ROOKi TOWN - TOWN .-TOWN -TOWN MOST UNY GNEAT LOCATION Carole Stonhili 876-4913 Ris. Sales Rop 91.118 Hall 878-4339 Rom. Sales Rep Office: 878-2365 Tor. Line,: 826-1030 lThere is VALUE~ everywhere you look!!! Drive by these fine homnes listed below and see if yaur needs fit the picture, then cali us on the one you wish fa inspeci or, il you need directians. a/4 PEAEREN su NOIIEMEATH M.0 a 3 tesson' 3 baWWonu -.4 .00nnQ oca ffl0 rh kqdc. r. ,a* m.rro., aa. C. c-1 or Aih 6an a. bt *Èa LAMGE LOT ÔdwLPiïJ1< 8846,000 G.aan M-ar Wmn houei. oc.haajr 4a.to "a io...t.d or prrnra ..ghi af.. -eth xCf* ..tbcoOIln. rrro.dg lag. b..n w4 . 7 000 .q eoeaWtyb bÀ6Mna The -01118 .hproa. h. fflry ph- Pasaet lO~urh. eto OENTUNY STONIE 8212,M0. hindrS rorthr fWepCa. .nialoCkg broc dey& pet. e4 -hoj ne C.0 %. o, Cc., DECORAT"A DEUIGUT FebtWa 26 acim. .ic.r. h-.a b. CNUAY STONI mSCHOHOCuOu Z% - S3,100. A un qua, arch.t-c? dfgel on* hmon,. a mge. a ».d ea. F-. IU .d.-r lvK r 10 b..."" beiaWWW "n rMrp. d8W kio sreii, a.Y-1 md- f -« ai druy hom. mAnliel ~ee 1 C.. 0. Iwo a C Ce hcbw=. . TOWN AND ICOU NTRY CONNECTION 261 BUSFIELD $235,900. Th. ewb WhAly Ire, hm ~y, thr - 4 b..*oc.e, unth buoa n epplarrf. srn "o.r - COrMM iaý ANilimli Sm.h hrrpiac. arc. lo,1.. Don t rmm. rive PoslW.re y deccoted hçnr r -1.r Cao C"..«icAO Sa,4 Irod. Ah.,. Cv .ol or.dm" .p COUNTRY - COUNTRY a COUNTRY - COUNTRY CENTbIN &TOME CENTUAY STONE 712 ROBERTONS iiiNVALE 30 HÉSI