- = ROYAL LEPAGEI - - - -M_ OPEN HOUSE APAFN. 22.1090.130 OPEN HMWL IO MMDYAR. -. - 4:00 PRICE ORASTICALLY 22110.'110- 4.00 P.M. SLASI4EO S491000 only 6259.800- Waonm pull" Velue fliii Vendons irteangomtit Thrs gorgeous 5 t0 s doeroem Tour sietbon Coin@m vis Tb bedromr borne met on 2 mcv bfils %oren lba 5 leva(I mdesplrt effering oner 2,000 On tenue cou, inr, fy nsled bisemenr, arrb mq fiý cf fin Sierrg p Arr ondi mi 2 walé; murs, mulr, bailbs & arome firelace timng. trh e chu lmfperions f'ti pis in sunken fam.ly room. Oualîry decer. place or large fanrrfy roam, main fcor latun hor Pvgged Oak ffoorrng, gourmet krlcfmen end dry and se nrucb more Joyce Hageok' Il oo mocb more. Joyci Hagerk 878-atot. -878-S811 off lIERE a nM nemred raid lirer glormi ker* Barbara Lafli carpenrd c ono i egspaoar sprmwî n osg &Md dr ne4 court CI!@,$ large 0lm al roms throigor Stable, pad4Ocxsý etc inge W,nlnr 2692 wo 22.0ffQ sueW, %M4 READY FOR INSPECTION - $ 154,80M 3 erartoanys n dos,reble FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL Lulmer" comptez leatures log burn ng Plus?2 bedroom mpirrtrrnr on 'aun mireet i rvy uce for thros cosy ouVeMngo P,,"ul Please conract A. Lir CosrîganlS Log1e mu lur a fuliy fenced Culi Sa d, i -li poliae lot wilh pwy tibncipg. rus borne aith 3 bir fls S.'ge ions, brîgMt 04t n kitcher plus d"'ng nom windms, centrel or top val"i 598011 Colt Jean Tnomson * 8 APPOROA W.! OUN Y Super brolk ran, . t obeglg and 'n 1mw suite P..al eauosn fl5.url 54Inr ooo uh. ifepLJ. ac*fltrê air, sp»c'Cuo 1600 SC iy' S nrlns fnom 401 jCali Jeu' Thomsorj 678 8101 SIMPLV SMA8HMING - Lvi,4 bidrmam aht CM robte, ire.- .d00rS. huge klcOon mIrO Vieil Cnî uni main floon offic or I piaprooni P' f - îe.e. rac rzso, ctom - 'efe ci'u air. IatrIdalr, Super -orl $249,900 fi- 1. cooni A-. Timamo 97 Alle MI t tWO sTOREY CUTr STONE HOME CentUry horte aOr 4 bidrm. frmal hv 19 'Con, mrlo o ciwndor soucs Eu in FMTS HOWE'I xlc he in arr doinng laily room and 1 Excellent staote borne in picruresque vil- 1/2 birbe Large benk barn and 26 acres lage of Lovile mer on gergesous lot et mp 01 leu4 Coli O Lawrernce or Oý Iirlak pris. one are Aukîg $1011,900. Tc ore, 878 iltr plasse oil O Lawrenrce orO Kersiae ______________ 7i-s101 Vio bave nvo remarnming lors of ippoàm t ocres n vilagOf Mottai, Brîngus pour JS LM s 'o planm or chom a suîrjbè plan trom Our Fabuieus tnct brrck borne bull nean tire buder Prici aill natyledg 10 square tumiO et Pro nrury and locirmo noir pub test $385, 000 for mmdai Shean or Proîl truc! billside loi Eet-rn kilcnen, fira SI 69,00 toteloi Alise commneciel lot for place, Oakmf111Sasruad 4 bidreomoi Full S1889080) CalilD Lmaenceor D, Keneluke b $ament. Cali D. Lawrence on O EDED M HSTM M TO LfVIV OOk29.0 ~ A orne Famrly '. CirS l t80cone ld me ni a bedbfful i3,700 sol Il buidtrg with a 3 bedrmom, 1aurrdry and IMature lot n RloÇkIle Lmrge Country bomme on upper levaI Store on main lenei M bisont.r kîtchon. prne plantl fiovs, restorarion awrb lord fll baiment wi8r sipar evoirmnci, 1 Sheppimn, lais, pet solt arter or rerrrimient nier fer iordceau ltrdtcvrarn 8 0 da. iearîic5 rNom rus paris. siî areis mnd cimpgrouvd Cali Ed orNrePm 5 7810r1o TOUi Free 1-800-263-4176 IS. you thatI Couts hemos. OUu. FEEL AT HOIE; $8.111100 cou ts he ost InIls 4bidreeîr backeplît fetrurrng à large farmilir mem arrb fipace. 2 taibs, bolyaed Style éi-im kitubm, nulle sirI1 *Sales Representative yard an lacalamd hffo ramoiS, dît almed bau "*lmmr out. I and tmtureo L sbaped living Jui mo ino an eno cIIt eimnueir rMing romv, rome maldrogm, lin hot 01nrglgekCo Onoi eorrivt vrrh Iraîebi oue, 2 ,ew spacacus farn y oam wa lreplace, fn , Oakibadwed floarrvmug- sbi foc o at r mea eccentrs, Zbaris dmurs off dîmîm rmemn ro dock. tel" d Ppi evdneu8711e1 river * 8711-1ri a K0ormo 78 OPEN HO0JSE SUNOAY APOIL 22,10501:30 -4:00 RM. Tbis 4 badreeîr emecutîve homen Trimbaliez as rmmoculmte maille and but aîtb nouvel decor Fuatures includi cen bal air end vas. large lrvrvg rcome. dinrng mmm coermbinn &Crictwn ba kitchu i 3 battre end mv vrach muet Karenr nome ' 1 ACRE INDUSTRIAL SITE (MILTON) 450,000 - Zonel M-I1 -iThis parcel with 179 il frontage on Nlpissing Rd offers good access toi hi 4oi. For more mails cati Sahdy Del Pa"a 1 878-101. rn37 AÇRES LARGE CRÉEK-STONE .BARN Om~ of the Most soer propirtias in the aria. Genils rollirlg land ~ r slopiflg dowfmward to be04utlful maille tred valley with the crf wind- M upjsirm. îog through. Picturosque cofltlly Blmze pi§fo ecý loisir $ton@i barn. CampbuIIvlII. aria. inge mlliear , 878-810. SECRETARIES I eGayle Ford eGinger Tiede IsWenciy Girard *Shirley Botterill eSNtley Lanigdeau lb Us" - Audreal 1- -4 j i. E i -e