REALESTATE ULTIMATE COUNTR RETREAT 30 min. from Peurmon Alrport 1 hour from Toronto Woîds Ca naI adeqt.aedescbep country estale ,01e douait Toast and teetl 0. The 3.700 ýcifi 110 -year-ol., 2 stcoey stone home 110 reoerty monompil91eet rerrovaied.urig the fîrleo 1q0TS 1010111119 the orginal characler Thero are 8 fooms, a mais1er toc*Im suie 01,01114019 a wali t1100 and a5 pc. bathroom, luing room. 401,119 roctm and a 411019 arme all of 14Igeemenwxisl1 for eiegOlll entellaning Thre 20' x 40' pool i9 sururllood by 4.000 sq fi of hnIestone patio Tw0 bank1 bains, on' 8.33 sq fi! ar 00her 2,6 'otI fi aN in goo ta 014 rpif In0l addlition thsn1e IS 8 detaçhea *0111s11p/garal3e. 19 (à 28 Thete s al a0 onie 040,000 cotlage cuuîîently rented for $700 per morth.1 Th1, 99 acte properry.Dlovdes mrrurr pîrvacy 11î11 th1e homee in the0 centre of the i1100411Y suîîoofled by open fields andaies,4 No 0111er house can be salon buo 4s 0019 30 minutes Ibom ,Pearon AopDrt and orle rour Fror Tooto $1,900,000 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1990 FromT2 P.1111 111114 p.M. or Cali tara privaites al*wlfg CORTLAt*D REALTY INC. 416-366-M32 aiolt bilons 04mi 122-0211 $1 59»90. COMMUTE TO THE COUNTRY This 1300 sqý Il 4 bodroan, bungalow is situaled on 2/3 of an acre and prioed toi Sel Features ciclude large eat- Wluco w001.1th1 bultit in appIîanciO. 9unken 11019îo 11 woodsloye ana olir ;vin 01, roo wlOth trasOn1t. alIac hed garage and sliders t0 a large decki Ch101 overlooIrs acres qîf îple olflhar You ca"Iri" t9 hî one. Caklot ft-11 S too late! LynIdsay P9.wef 519-763 22220or519- 823 8719ý $34.900. 7 ACRE WOODED BUILDING LOTS 878-4927 WORLD'w - McCRUDDEN McCruddern Ree Estate irc treet East. MTqori Ontario LgT 1 RI 111.701 (416) 16-1123 IALILE (416) 845-8Ma trEs (416) 678-4927 di 31nd 11000100 000010101 10 ROLLING ACRES WITI< POND Fatz' 3poo 1001b61~001, QUIET COUNTRY SETTINO W1TI4 IN-LAW SUIT» JUST LISTED 3 1,dîoom .,de Phl bcao0On WlýO M11*boor aile, 00 b rnlý W/'u1. 00 0100 vai00 rna< frOc,0. looh a ou.ter ýo a, oie 2 .,I olo mzI îdden Boile' Ioag ,01pln & ,3 11%Y ASSUMABLE OTC _ DONIT miss OUI P-da Io »iîl aiS 1 7qS9Th hý 100 mi eng11 7*0 bedocmn brcIl andiu 111110111* Caoo-tTy «et,110 ea.9 63 .00 lot< S.I<19 10011 diapnoa W0 d40*1,10 Collac Ien 0. iner0 IoOl 10 Ç4. b-,n -.901. au L 0 'a A n f1, 10 7, 110rn 40 S11000Ir 11,11 010 lIser010 Tho-01 09<10 1110. o 10001111' -UTUTt "THE UNKU"B«J. Tilail Tlh il. too 100 0,11 1110010.9100 *UR ON LARE LOT I gle.9".g 3 000 .q filpos h10015 "' 31. ledroc l ait t5196611010041 & *1%FaNi. 100111~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6XI0 M,140 Tindry1 fileIle 0011019 .00 001 erlr011 la.gh101000b to tory0 lu 1.001, & . 11 & 1 1 1 1 l ps . 11 111 00 6 1 0 . .4 000 F oh 4 lr. 00 1 s 1 >01 0 0 11 % . I 1 1 0 0 0 0 , 200 1 11 . C 1011 5110 , 1 . 0 4 * 0 1 4ra 0 1 . p05041 r y 1 0 01 0 1 . 1 1 0 1 4 p l o i p 0 4 o 0 U 0 0 0 6 11100*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to100 VV orl1 h101004 01 oFI ro laa.y.lO Oi90101 59010 .i W240 Io' 75%. ci~ pu0000 h-00 qpr. f. .510Ie41chandelirh-l1o 2 010- in 0011 oblHs4 4311.FS Wlge MLTON *16900.WBY NOI 614,p1ar thlf 001 100011100 to .0.1.0.ol 001011$al ilan aili 4 ;m A32 P-*0 bat., cont0/a A il 19 000140 Co 138 O37 .s1 . oC ol 1 &oo A -0.. «@W01 ce A4.m.0 enti a11 1/4% For olia col01090011 mu)a0 Tu01o.f 026 BEGIN YOUR UPU HERE 7,10d ol p.91959001l0 111 h o .0 TOW94h S -T -,N 2-fA 0015 elbl.1001L0 3160900 lrbo $15 b9 't 3r,0. _"eab dî,1,.oAaa,1 011*3o0 oFla12 012bOon oillant. 11 f110 .1oI040100101 100 lol00 , b* 00 a 101 r36 11.010 119h~0o101 e*,41110a r9 lIoo 11.1.0 om,4loomm 2110.0~001201 .,. COMMUTERS DELIGOiT 000.11 cOuny f11119 nh11,n1 . 1-1 1.0 01b Of ma .X 00010* Thr. Wnoi. .00 M0100* ooll b= ..01 th.01 -10 1110 on000 7. M.s 11111 h-4 pl.. I. oui buýdg H-119 ff111 orni, th-0 cor oorna, FWo ba nain04 fl0000.0yý 1 401 Inl - aai F,- .o I7tA. JUST1MOIE IN AND RELAX Th.s ,nrluaIO t«.0 .1-y0 1101110 fi 4 0040001 hoi, t4,l .11191 *eh doc19 oool9 0011. id tor 10y= 0,11gi Wrgdg .Op.000 0011 lot Huy now and build your surnmer home just REALTY soulh of Tobermory. vinules tom Gporgan Bay . wi and Lake Huron Cait Lyndsay Pýef 519 763 485 Main S 2222 or 519-823 B71 9 1474 Gardon Street Sooh, GuelPh Alog, À