MILTON Books ofMj,\tU1IWW magic plants " and ants &LIYylJpD f~ Glonoius car"on ls a beaut lui studyof ail types of gardenstyles - the walled gardes, secrut gardes, roie gardes. her grdes, fruit gar- den and social gardes, among sai Whether y ou drsum of transfoirm îng the w h ie of youx gardois orL V IJ IL UJ merely addîin new ife to an over- colour photog-aph is des crih e den expjert Frances- FOSRIG Pemrennallyyours If yîiur small corner of paradie in- v'olves peoennîals, you'll seant su look ai îwo books available ai thse Milton Public Library -Ali About F O Posns by A. Cors Sînnes and Pe"nWîas - flote 0Selet, Gm,r and Enry by l'amela Harper and Fsederîck MeGourty. flîey provide you wilh a guide te Lraphs te hcfDpyou selmc plants by r fagefori and colour. Yeu'[ I rm de nd uch tf se lperbnnais ine n l a .m d c ls c ie n c e i a f r -m l 1 O I exiending the horizon, of botanicai l. medîcîne. Magsc and Medîc.- of ~ ' Plants, a comprehensère, 464-page mansai, tracerma caiy depend- $ ence on plants for food, sIsclter, EIRej, weapoîs, clolhing and Isealing. SI.~o~r 1 Threugh thse centoiles, plants have j i99 enk A bren invesled wih magucal poser, This booak will leach you on hoss t0eu find hi'ailrng herîs in tIse wild, Isos te make your osvrs herbanum and $ 2* * boss lu grose and use hertîs . 4glttff It includes a collection of 3M5 of tIse 1~O i o et mosi popular medicinal plants usersligReti ini Nort h American folk medîcine $____ 3.993Ee QRnti ana it also provides i lîsi of .f5$ 9 pcisonous plants and la small secier- $ -J lien of tIse mosi important and mosi $2 9 1*teý widely used plants found outsîde of # vr1 0 0fik toc os£om North Ansenea .93 ~~~vrOX )itetcosfo!~ 93 Foryouareaner # 32different categoriés in stock! Colour Phot.ographs and a siml text espiam l. r Fruits -s. ~*co~ nTrnnLH woJe'~.. lo'wger redens. :L kU em n lHoedorsekt osm-store! owýers cas gmw os trà-s, house D Y n and gardes plants, shrubs, grasses ruofle-HuflernfeCekbfry h üot aid wees and lhey corne is alCekeoeocelot shapon. sime and cofours Some admthgm opl smel better thas others. .Yf YW According tu thtis book the only Co..ect5.5 . match aiesos p ouît, ~~t rurs (or flossers is te produce ourprizewinningmovietities!iL 15that contais %Sods. A descnip- tlieno d frisadsSsi n WIN! If Y" fNfre an Ast by S.i Calder i *lt2B¶\3s *Mîuusî\ar 'as'ses of sature books, <phe * %Iotjlrhome\\acil,,n * \inerteAîcn'cî f!bhrary also ha$sffYeutskoA ç01 4 flnlor2oHM\oN-,sxw.i 1 llrnîe %10% i(Lbr aps Ï-ll ù We fsillow the tiny crxaturs, into lits PLUS! a, , nest. It helps te groom aid feed thea>LMt\~~ 5Sdl~ quers. tIse Largesta&nt. We taise a look U&,sc-,, ai tIse gsowth smages of the ast àmd *1LMses,îa its bosdy parts. FREMic-cu Anti' strengsjs *FE3-àas NintendoRen'ial It has besn a long lisse sisce I R1\arîeRaklpsZ st died anis and il soas jsterestisg 10RtMessRna kmnsdod that tkey srteel, touch, L1fiafeMdaj lïdoewedîu! teste and hear througls their antent- We ail ksow how ilrong thene in- ieti are. Tey cas crry load@ 10 to 50 limesh heavt themeles.i aAt the esd of the book, instructons areq provlid for making as ait farro. --s1 T la Use chldres depatenent ai thký libra2, util also came aelon thseO u L*C serins of 11 books, one of y John Wiliams.45 Ontario Street North, M ilton I no langian Y bab"?