Police control for council shot down by province R Dby NOMRAN NEIONM double diglt ai 10.7 per mnu. thu pou., vu :td= Int.pa Tlnll y have atuofdalgepta Mr. offoe malpavna".jrt Asenua Hatai Rçioil Howeu., in a letter ta Sundil, On- redisis bardt d tahrn itdis ymrî End :h = tiaa on police bomam; = =apovi ýCza=d.' à.l tDofa, iu e titoctarioç- Gaussil Steven 'feheoa ia" * dhagsunt ba n moum éu ad t bu impie- dii leadership and dcion l .ý-lt for mom contral ovr is police «aW lu eat iedochne du. rhunicipal rouw]end a bard uith meaiti lloweig a 'evtiw of Hilton i aumaiss oendbm application af = rye mei whch laid pulto impact Io the btudsexabtha" plbyhanreiuw body Pourim tacroidu pavtnm" The. &Iwao" contiius issue majoulty af uesis on local Io"c cothaninmafo s ldilaa unlii. pCmeni on e che diu, aa bollet aver again tis year whluthed mîmaloins. and wlure final apprava IHalton Reglonal Poilice Board of (or local police butdgets reumotD f e nî 1T 1 omisines ae efi rgina ît temu&ïakit hom.-Dufri: ewouldn't ignore residents 0, counicil seeling à 14.9 pet cent hand os ed mou%, but with a budget inicrame prvncial reies, bord Ciîg local oppoiton Duflerin in Hiltn liu à 20-million tonnu Bar- à company mlateme.rne st ut Many couricilan blanud the The. province la ctarrendly pru- A88tuptes hu wlddrawn kg aa wp plrW ta Wadnudaym reiona Sutn- upolice budie icimne. for pushîng tng a uueplice icI. and Mtf, M pmpo.altatun i I1210ace tqtii__ t. p hid iiiy de" inf« illSih wlure Ir was ta have 1ti heeri asncaeta etwald ta n t * in operat onhd Niagara escarprieit out solution on due ommtmlemitX an d icac. The. Toronto armos mournn gar- 1~~~ bar lubeni have beai highly pubuczialte, and Duffenin Ag- 'EJRLU~Fgregaees, through lis parent mom- rr i.Lawrence Cernent, thouglt y t aloutton- Itpropoued la replace the. aggragate if take out af its Milton quarr with Toronto am agarbage. Ti1. =enaY believed aIl parli i s?' would -n, the Toronto armS would have à ade place for i gar- bagr, and due host municipalities g wo.a1 rSt i profits that could tah$bdin. "W. offermi tii opportunity ta due communuty thmuh r,l e tep resentatives olRitn all HuIs r, >5and I-aiton Region wiîh the, caviat M that if thecommunityofficaisdid flot 'J support our plan iv would nol pur- sue i," indîcated 1he gtaiement. "Aller presentrug our plan through foflial chsarnels, il ha% berme ci'ar that sufficient municipal support 1 not forth.omning.- The companyVs teluel in uts prp bi owevi'r, remauns un- lngud r .ontrnds iha. 'wasite disposaliý usot a probir thai stil go a wayv s 'resus prno ti .'ur plan us en- vironmentalv friendi, and a betti, sl thion ataking productive tarir ~ land oui of production and turning if untoa atgedump"' n t communitv could Wsnitt from the non-tax dollar, that it SM LM ould rrcrive a% pariers in Iuis up- S portunhiy' 1 'a ,acrporat citizen, hsluu, S (a1mis' ol îiplo%.x' lise and wirk un 1hi, coinft nul?, we have a rs'psun- Ssihilit uivolve ourses in the chaleng ofdeaingwuh isaste' Company officiais indicatcl thev SUPI WHII CILINOwould be Itling Io attend a commit LNTEX OR L*Ti SEALiR 'Ire meetung if couniciliors lad ans UP ~quicston, regarding the statement TO Flowery Friday ýj $,1096 features ideas <.,~ for Mother's Day (nul The Multple ficlerosi,ý Society 16 !6W geann$ up for a%~ May fundrais benaimpaignm-g s serking support (rom AL .IN-STORE WAUCOVERING lie Smmuni9? $ ~ 7 9 - ~ NIIONUCTOIY o n pu h s durtng e vn of of A~~1 Ma i aid a hchsil fr a $12IMio imfpiu suNwsmitB umhl bfulowr ilb daiv ons SAY[9 amé mu. Mulff sté Cantin l Sceoiso s a vajitt 79 mlok m fwhîchase peranenthe ehang tof livay o1 hand ai C ayaM tns A'2 Cil lmmî Multipl mati..si as a'. suit. nsl S' 1~~~~~ dsaofth cenra Se..,s'. sytu