MiItowneÀealty corps 22 Ontarlo ét. South 878-2365 *Office:1782365 Rn:S54-245 TIe.0048 8411f. seh' 110 1'ol'1o 0" . T,or"e. 4"I V'0ll'1I 10 -ooo 10 aho'ppet . à crier o.ghbO..îlood FW&t.nlg tlr d 0,0010 Ivre rage â0 afl pave4 41.01419 11,. OSP' he &h' mieo 10M 8nlIr ~.1 CLaR CAMPOELLVILLE 41 ACRES W4014801 ,0 a#C CO q0 Wfd ortm a 00114 *10f'o5le thu 40, a? C"I900110 A 01 aOu ds 104 p m the* 0 de' 2 S. 10 'Olm, olpoI 48 4 bedf0011a bail 00178 600' 4,l S0< OWWO Q N P000 ý fi0 P fi r- W U5.00 WAY J U01.»M min 6041119000 So'ry M .1010V IouOVuNse, noe 4 ,1904 M10 ot Milerà- îCe1~~9~~F.o00303,<. ,on Il" dD' i04N l-09 ahd004 #9 .. Cà, a Ume114f vrf .. 4000 do loti 8.094*10900190 POer. 0481 00 010.1 a? ..1. 84',.Aow4s »M *psc*008 3 b.dtor tch8onhome boockin onio parlion 404 4e j 5 a la*4 0.04c 00111 fpgîod.4 000 ll8, 8000.011lima0.010000,3004*and ,f10 q coo..u.w bsu0gO k 04oolw =0.0 FUP4Iwu fo04I ,t 4ls1 ouS a-fl Fa Pli4 840~16 Paf i 1.04 I ai th. *511 Ofos n ta. hd 2,,ý P-hn.ch 1.1101* .. Moi~NU *104.. 0180. 65f~VIEW AU. 1110< C --îo.rIn o, Mfo 9110-n -11 e.rfi110e11 2 "10.0 Iý 401 et Cig3081 25 3 1 NEAR fflMPLET10N - CAMPSEU.VILLE 10.,' a *.ý . WOQO Mao -4 o.# i Sl . d-n8 Ih V f 11' "Y -0" - "if &i O" S 4 1r0' f .11 W.CI fnl? -40 4' .C 400< *.fOAlE .10e Il o' étoie00 c'08 W40 W . fi4ot110 QUILDER WILL FINtSH TO éUIT Choose the firoShing tçUChes 91 thS 1 1/2 storey briek and fraMe torne rninutes ta Carn"b4vite. Featuring 3 bgdrooma, 3 batte., mna. foor tarnIy rm-n 2 fireplace. walkout troml basemnent. porch and 4 car garage. Psxchaser can Choose the broadoen. brik, battlroom deor and nuIrous other detaits. Oôn't *ait! Appro*xi- maet* 2400 stq. f. of po.ing spaoe PMU -"l ltiog Nu0 m,Ç3.âm 10 lm. 40u 00813 000.3 UBLM Ami* 819 08111 40110. Pf"s Rép @Y#4Ion » VENOOI ANJOOII- Mato SFmN I " ho, tramai r dm0 ra. W . a,4S ~ûp00 * m am QegfU 00 i b ous Ai & oh . S 10010 001' MM50. D. 090 1rs 03 OKA a0.210 Ir0PUV aors a b"Un rew C.,taon a 600 sa Cur grmg. emc2d8 I '1ve1f. U* n»' mti tm oui txodn fll9 Cd4 P'o Phbaag fa.' 011104t coor LaI erca si 96 mAoe f RFM X. *Gar Thomas R: 5I8 -2365OI Tor: 826-1030 TrAKE VOUR PIOKII_ Gc,c esotfol r!o*41010 ?r 112 a ccan!ry . PREMIER P0OPERTY '0.,t DeOsoolI 2 00t'o00N8 113,K '00, 'a'- --l, F r, - e.n1 "'.s .0 cc0r"/ 0010.ol.ty. Cal GAry lt3 Qo'Ilfi O.~~~yT0.masThes euât,'wl 10218 .rIer AOQV$O EXCILLENT CICKE N FARU SJEAI4 8NOWDEN Sales Rep 878-2365 878-3155' COUJNTRY ENJOVUENT TOWN COMMENENCE, 8I11m1111Ho... a 00311, lie h-fl - 01 .12 > Iw-I A NOUE HOUEWOK .,u.og . to o aunoo ThuM ,oweo bt01 We151 et- 40 30,3." . 1 - - M 114311 08 ..VOi 2 5Sdfl. 1-ndf8,0'y and ta, 2 s3.ooe W 4*00-Ml ko~U 4 g04 04118001 0111404 .01u à konorw '04 4 end so11ora0e 0<0 . ColJe I .3.103 ev14.11111 A glas109 P-o "O Cd Jus, kg u doswil if you mr tt«V oiuig e s"rr' ocndwi whJat yas.. homait woth in today's market, o' wvuugany oLfu'ruaIesate#ilfenbely, scl et. lD4ft< eu'osoe-btu opnh. EXECUnIVE ESTATE -.W.0 "' 1 2 25 Ehosf M41. ei