420 NMAIN ST., MILTON 8784495' To1ronti Lino 021-4M0 GOLDEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED WAU( A OONuYM MiLK 0. lms 2 91A .p.y.0..~tonc0 hw.o" l Cwoha.i t0 mas hop. fllp & 0"p le Zu 401 Auwaasoh Sm Mo0 Foas, co NosSPml-AW. 078-O5 CaPMloaa Iii.U lm1 mu , l 11.0 140 ce. the0 buildlas ., koasy ~ cibcanaaaO pn act SCOTT B D1M TO 0* asg .04 -cdm allas or"~ OM-" 414i.~ 444 C5* fû es. s Imm 800m w -W Th1 4 0oomodiP o 540 ta. a2 1 delta 5, o ie ev w ffl " o~pba . ab0 mmn atsgm ma bottai 2041W moit ou "fAC-) 11100 hep bathert. inas. , .1*100.1., u*-oU' ici. duit441 Colli 0anispu ow Am44 te10 emex ~1t.c 0pOUSL asrae à s"') a N a AM Cchiwy CM "éhae. . u00 PM. ficr, Oier tae" - l.sîonsg Os.4 1w rts la à45*141002>d lce, S certvc MW4 datant On ~0 fsioc. oppol,17 a U40.00. land, a.igt1.a.iii C CI& DONS Paz on010.7 le 410,l" TOUNHOUSE FRo Unt Big t 4 pac r044. u r U~ .a IOOM a 8. fini1144 mc te., Fe, ~Osn 041 oiew.ne Coli JOAN TATTAIE. Pî.ce ai O0 - PRIME LOCATION Hwyî 25 & Delly Road, Thraseil- rocrn home with1 Centrai air on jusi sny of an acre of land. Grat potin- biai. Wua IIsted dit 8450.000. Nw 829,000. Ploe. cd P0N T4ISor JIM KER 878-8495. 3M1 Domf Pâ M U MN. Profooenal MadIami Spa.. *W ber, the MikS oxm 004p ma hm .v 4 000 liq Il -9 >cM.-"Mm aill Mal. am a..* 0r Ul e N dI T. 0is 111011 icid - hme b'aia ebm im dou» a rSGI FM.Z2M ie-ugloO (W DO fls400e 444 C2G~ b l0t Wmemu UWS.ass me a vouailog O4 10.41.0 aia of M.i10. contiekt bOIT a. IL 200 . Cm.... Fifie en air .oitrm.a cas of-9OM Astasn Peti. loIr. No193 £cm11 NOM* la the0 Wael 1101 h the N,.g.1a Easmml 41a11 120% 104..- 200.0 of mâcore1 MPWGMK baill T.v tiahe Or, siomy 7 bom 9 bare ll vrai o0 arrea 4 wS. - wa 40110.45 b"401 00 liai - mp<uMo-4w 0 n 4s ~~~Um ~ ~ ~ 0 ho, we.0rm(Wia m WWAT le TIMi VAMI L4y0 trifflaried Vit MWO450fPeW45 1.40 ps eUl54 41401041r .4.010 Novas Spuoohe usl LP0acMi88aias0J~O Ys#& lhe pc«a "'110 orle.710 551du 1140 bw ebom10 ..tpIl- idNetSmlAus4 8 e PO>pAS -65.50 q. fL Ns.o45i4414 SOO q il ..ody te m44a-2 4545. &le U& »Vr, r5 420 MAIN ST., MILTON imlr swiat4 O mil" omw»m. vb7 F M 878-8495 Amtiu Toronto Uino 821-4764 Mn sn aa m uaim ut&Tspl