INeTuomf'L VOLUNTEER . WIE *Ig SieOoe Aaoalcn of Norah bhaIt Hom.e,@ho helpe of 8-yuwold The Corporation of the V TOWN of MILTON flear Milton Volinteers: Tie ceek of April 22 -201h, 1990 in *National Volunteer W.eeI and the Volin teer Co-ordinatorm' Association of Milton, together with tie Town o f MIiton are hostinq an Open Bouse to recognise thos eho qivee enerousiy their personal tise to our Community. On behaif of tih HIton Council and the Association, 1 could like to extend a personai invitation t0 ail Hilton Volunteers te attend the Open Bouge on Su nd4y, April 22nd, 1990 front 2:00 te 4:00 p.s. at Riaiop R.dinq Secoftdary School. Volunteerinq... A5 Great Way to Croc. Tie need for Volunteers grows daily and il is @y pleature to recognize the countless volu nteers : o contrîbUte t0 thi Comunity daily. Your time. enerqy and service hae provided confort to the many organizations and residents of tus Cosiy 4behaif e0 our Comunity, I look fotcard to personaliy thaniq you for your un tir ing ifot n otne upr n volunteerîsq, dur îng tic Open Hous artivities. Sincezely yours G.A.,Xrans ma"o VLUNTEE WEEK - h A:'P1R1 IL 22-28~5! 7daa Z-a& w M*40 da e* *aa 4" (J "'d "00&«~~f/ 444Me4W4'. 0 /Mo t 00i4 # dmd, s« HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE 878-1120 184 Main St. Milon 878-9877 THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY '878-2959 Our thanks to. our volunteers 0 MAPLEHURST CORRECTIONAL. COMPLEX 878-8141' e e ýb))Il ALI. WITH PROPANE Superiof Prop.% nc. 130 Thon"mO Roabd Monr. Onieuio MO 2Y 3 878-2318 MENS WEAR LTD. 202 Main §t 878-4472 I 'I