* 0GN'1 LET ART OF, EVERT* DOLLAR G TAW-AT FOREVER W. owO it ta our friends and fomnily ta keep ail cf the mon.y -we spend working for us here at home. If local dol lars were spent w ith homne town merchants aur standard of living would bebetter and aur cammunity would b. maore prosperous. On. of the mast cammon and least sensible forms cf giving os the moking cf donations ta the grawth cf other - eornmunitîes . Part cf every dollar spent goes ta %upport the cammunity where it is spent - money spent-out of town Stoys out cf town.. It's simple economnics. The dollar we spend in Milton buys about the same goods oRd services that it will buy anywhere else - but - every dollar spent locally keeps aur ecanomic foundation heolthy which helps every single, member of thi.s community. with our new MUlLET Candase Best Cho1IcMNI Keepe Cettlng Better! a COOLINS LEJNu4Lutoel 1No. 3 MTON 655 MAIN ST. MILTON 875-36731 '878-4821 4 .