Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 1990, p. 39

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la& Carniersf It's More Thicn A Summer Job. .. It's Your Opportunltji To Meet Some Inteoestimg People The Regional Munlcipelity of lsiton ia holding a summifier JOb Fair May 8: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm If you're intcrested in job variety and satisfaction that contes from helpîrtg other peoiç,jour home for the aged, Halton Centerinial Manor, part of the Regional MunicipâIity of Halton, has a number of positions ini: -Nursing - Dietary - Growridskeeping % Housekeeping - Maintenance WIre offer $8 O/hr. to high school âstud1nts$922/hrý to university studerts join us! We'II bc intervtewlng and giving tours of the facility that eveniing at: 1 lton Centennial Manor, r 195 Ontario Street South, a Milton, Ontario L9T 2M4 170 Davcare 205 Career Training DAYCARE avat/atile Refereircasanaitable Bell/ - Diver Trhining and Vanter area Phione 875-013o Job Pfacement Hol1p DAYCARE AVAILABLE for pro schooler, luit is avoulable froin Rodger's School of Truck/ tlrme, lots of crahis. hot lunches and snacks. Driver Training Lfd. Toronto and Orîllia. pron/ded. 875-0084 For cantrer detaîls, DAYCARE IMMIIEDIATELY roqu/rocI for 6 peur calI 1 -800-668-0031 for lillerature. old boy, E W Foster coet Cali 875-1480, teave DO0 YOUR CHILD A FAVOURI Bi/ngoat/ze h/r/ RE iJ r. i deat age, betors 5 Si/are a Frencfh ~ f' TRAIWII babysîffer in oui i/onte tHapward Cres). voes R G m/il gi/t /ndrldual aftention 7.30 a m -6 in clean PUAffl. sale env/roncent by parti Calt Lucie even/ngs U (Part Time> 878-4078 .' Envrol for Sprlng TEACHERS lailt ne"d lovnrg s/Ber in Samn * MedicellLegal Secretariai SPierrtl Scioo area Io beomin September. e Dental Reception lot 1990 Grade on.s girl needs cars belore andI aller * General Business Skilis son" ona PA deysa ncI manp lunc8ya 3 poar ~ w n9 olcI boy would love Illmilatfp agad playmafe anrd Woda.te tramporiationIoM C N. S 3 am progrant. 879. Ltw1 ,3 O 8774. 1f F UmnWAld AvoibbM NANNIES for. sponsorrng, minimum ciage, T .H iô .B sns Engtîsh/tmi/, applîcirts. Resunes a 0 our hi/noe istie u sin63 e341 Persoiahzod Doomsuc 649-5s Inti684373 , j 18 n210 Personal ABUSIED and afraid? For b.lp cat 078-8555. or 14800-387-4027, a 24-hoor cnes ho.inetor abused vone. Maor Woens Place e an emiergency sheller avâlaSle for abosed ceeuena esir hdren in H-aiton Regron Ali catis are OREGNANT a noirc a frond1 Frsa pregnancy The YMAof 1245 TE ACHR 20 ERI[Sf-§a- Gel pour career staried on the r/ght auto., seroo casese. BecI t/inr 11762854, track, talk to us about our 1986 OLDS DELTA 88 Royal Brough/am, 4 dcor, cuiomnatc, tolip equ/pped, toc i/leeoe t/ko nec> Excellent worling conidiions cried 853 2696 or 4/6-720-7692. *Fiee F/mness Membelsiîp ai a YMCA of 1984 900 YAMAHA SECA. noe batiery, t/re, tow pour clloice mieage. good cond//ion Ask/ng $1,500. ClII * ppofluntt for siaff developriment & carerI 875 0771_ growIIi 1984 DOOGE 600, colo , air cond/t/on/rg, *Competdive salaly carl/lied $3800 876-1745 Oter S p c *Excellent benelît pacitage 1984 PONTIAC 6,000, 6 cyt/rrder. autinai/c We reIooln lo EE, pocer ternpower brai/es. 4 deor, cli MMES or Equlvalent 853 2696 or 416-720 7602 * A ed/aîe an prleo/onl af/lde 84 TOYOITA TERCEL> 5 speed. AM FM 4 A dEce n p rom/t ets oa ants ý doo i/a/Chbfck / ced 878 11371 Excellent porsi/oog tril scoto inanes 963 Mazda 626 Li lodd e//i/ma/r. 107,000 todderspreshoo an scholae i m Rebuit erig/ne new p/e//t, very 9000 chlrger c//r/dr/on cC//l/O-d Askirg'S2 850 53 1774 an Posîl/on i10erMsîsua io 19U, FORD ESCORT. g__ c A i/on $95Ô1 and Brampîo/u Phone 878 4266 ___ For maiffnIfrmatimn, pieus cuit /981 THUNERBIRO VS 302 erg/ne, pb p s Aqea Bll412 9110.pc ,//rool Very c/ira Uncerrif/id.Besiot alor Angol latN 22N70.phease ca/i 853-2573 ACCOUNTANT le prepara Incomre Taxes in t/e caonr of tour ocn hume Cati Jrer ai 83 2587 INCOME TAX returns prepareci tr S 15 D/s- cournin 1or seniors Phon .676 4279 S/ee Weliwood INCOME TAX PREPARATIQP4 $15 pr eoî Ron Neweii, 78-8251 r 8533423( <00 fol/te 26 Tenders ONTARIO STREET DERRY ROAO TO LAURIER AVENUE CONTRACT NO. PW-01-90 Tenders, on forma suppi/od by the Comirohng Engineers or the Otrector of Public Worfrs e/rt Se recoined in seaiecl erreopes. clearip mari/ed as foi contents, Sp th. Town Clorl V/cra Park Square. 43 Brown Steet,. Milton. Ontario until 2 'D p ri local lrnmearn Tuesday, PUY 15, 1990 for the conrstruction of roadway. sewers. trgl/t. mrg and tralllc sigrnais. plais. Specrflcatie.ra and Farrn of TendIer may bar Qbtcard ai Wh. office ot tre Corauit/rrg En- gineers tn Missauaoa. 2655 f4orWrh Sheidan Way. or fraim thre Toivr ot Milorn for the sugi et Tcenty dollars ($20.00) cich W/Il nct b. reiulrdad Eadr tender muet b. accompan/ad Sp a cer- biecI chaque for 10% eft he foncier priait and tr. socestul S.dder muet prov/de a Perfor- marre Bond arrd a Labour and Matenai Pay- mer/t Bond by an approved guarastee coin itany for 100% or thetotaltfrnder TIr. tocest or ami, tender wtit mio necessarly b. accepted. IlcCORMI AK I M818 r Cordon Kirartz, Cenauhtieg Enginers ihyot 26$S Northi Sheridan Wep li. J.O. Moitheas, fiWtSAUGAi Ont"on P. Enq 151 2P 0f racler of Puic Wsrha The Corporatles et Th. Town of Miltos 1w TENDEFRS ONPUTER The Halton Board of Educalton wilI recegve tenders for computer eluiPmnn. Tenders close at 2:00 p.m., Frîday. A 'prit 27, 1990. Detailed tender lias sid other parliculartil mdspctficatîons may be obtsined ai the Purchsinfg Deparîment, >IW. SwrQfelon Centre, 2050 Guelph Unre, Bud r tngton, Ontaio L7R 3Z2. The lowest or any tender ill no1 noceal- sarîfy b. accepted. Pal Hum$@aa Bolb Williams chair Diredor PROPOSAL P9O009 For 1h.l Supply 01 MIoroMPfIutrt Hardware, Software ond Peripherais = ag.d ppouis cote rtp d m rfift cari, l/ l ie fr1b eco.nd by thé Office or the ofn PurctmWrguntn 2 00 pi.10 Lcal TunefTsae,Mayl 15h. 1990, for1h, sup- pI c McroefiptcHardware Software aed Documents o m bar obteined hro The Reqiceal Municrpatf of Horieon. Finance 014 iPurch»neg Section. P O Box TM0. 1 Malrante Rd.t , .66111..e Ontario. l&8J SE 1 Proposal is li bar alernai ai?2 15 P M local lime. Tuescday. May 151h. 1990. in hri negmra H.~alrCenenOee Rocer #Z t mg proa"Is areý invited te attend Lowent or InI proposai te mi neoeaeanl acceof .4 1979 CHEVROE.ET IMPALA. Excellent erntmng condition Autoeiac 4 do«, p.&, pob. Askieg USEO CARS AND TRUCKS. Cd Gary Neien 979-8379 diter. Make It RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS For Your Next Car Or Truck Purchase 1988 JEEP CHEROKEE Laredo, 4 deooe 4 W/Dr louly Ioaded. minf condition. $19.500 878-5470 aller 6 p m 23 eroatIon Vehicles 19570HONDA S4ADW iustS.0rmirr Ex- celient condition $2,60o tirm, 875-1441 RENT A ¶989 32 fil tueury Noloor Ho1me for teur summar vacat/on; sloops six, rdge, &tave. nr/crecae central airtvacaum, geelr. etc Compelttve rates Cali evemnga 878 6134 M M Knght. CP P Maniager 0I Poretras/ng !70 Loal NOTICE 0F iNTENT TO REALIZE ON SECURITY Section 22 et Th. Form Debt Revl.c Act MARGARET RACHEL OLAN (Reg/stered Ocr1r or ESIATE 0F MARY BÉE LBY (Assessed Qene> do R Olan .5242 Mary Street. PORT ALSERNI, Brt/sh Coluintia V9Y 7H61 r. hoeby natio tralil /1s tde nIent ot THE CORPORATION 0F TWE TOWNSHIP 0F LAKE 0F BAYS ta trai/le on socriy b.rng Lot 6> Coricèssion 11, in thre Teosip of R/dout. nec n the Tocnsip et Lake/ocf Baye, in the Distr/i xtipit hof nutfieka ofyu - git Me ua /orep i/lo d tporrgiIt moa. application under saction 20 0f Wre Faim Dabt Revron Act for a îee of yoor troanciat affaire and te oblate a stop of preceed/ngs aga/esi thit action provided poeu are acltualpy ongaged ten lemming aid (aI unabte ta meet peur obligations as <hep generllp Seceese due, or (b) ceaepd peplng pieur cuiront obligations in r.o erdinary cours. of tuintess as thep generalfp becoan. due, or ICI Wre aggregaie of peur greperlp sl nef, aI a toir volua6oe sufihoer, or tf disposed 0f t a ferfp conducied sale under tegat procels couId nof b. suif icient te enakite paproont 0f ail pour obi/gations due and ccru/ng due You cap applp for a stop or prededings Sp maing an appt/cal/en t0 the Farro Debt Rencuw Beed et 456 Sçieedvale Avnrue, West Guefph,. Ontane NIH 7Y9 1.800-265-7288 1519)1826-818 ANY APPLICAION MUST BE RECEl VED BV THE FARM DEST REVIEW BOARD WITH FTEN USNESS nAYS OF PUBLiCAk flo Wrs ntic. t/teg hich 4 secured credter mati fai/e action te reahze on fixe secos nitp Etated tis 21s1t dap et F.Sruarp. 1990. aI Huntsvnie. Ontarie POP I KO THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F LAKE 0IF BAVS jim Speors, Troasorer 280 Wanted to- Rent NON-SMOKING, hlt coirsous, maie, un/vit- s/tp studerI eWrt stict morais es hainre te ceilufôr the sommer I requirs à oor in a melacod, op te- du/e almosyfrere. Con eas/p house s/t andc de chyoÇs ama = e N . Wilam 878-1753 2 BEDROOM ÇupY Bsrngatoc.-decrdon Milton $885 a mo~/r Availaibe mme"tely Cal I 416 2'4 5333 2 BED900M louer duplex, docntc*n. parking Ca/i aller 6 875-1907 2 BEDROOM APartmOent or Georgetown avaji cab/e /mmeditly Heai & parking ercladed $725 a monril Cali 878 229-t4 or 878 6859 aller 6 p m 3 IIEDROOM TOWÏ NOSE on Laurier Ave1 1,2 ba/r/rooms. garage Il fireptaca close lu shfoole $l.OSCwmoIrti Cai 8750337 or 335 4'43

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