USED Office Fuaitue Soubt acic ini stict -.Haiton Futilloi. Ralrsàoig and Uaed Fundure. »Ar9mstronig Av@.. Georgetown 877-4M.2 "-APAE CL" MACI 40% OFF aU1il a'r Honrtoc Lumber i Yard (YAie SpiesV -ii tFULL »TPIc(I 1*X 4*l 3e paed" ta Re g 23c> 1.x 8"0 2 78 par monisa bot (Rg 462) FULL r TI4ICI 2x4* 0 26e par lwrriool (atReg 44C) v". 6'0 439 par Ire" tact (Reg 724) 2* x 0* 57e par Ir"ai tct <Raeg 96c 2*x10 @ 77e Par IWrnoaltctl (Reg SI 29) 2« 12' fils0g par Irisa tat (Reg SI 65> IF OUA PAOOCTS - PI.EASE YOU. TELLt OTNEIRS. IF NOT TELL US. CARIPET WAEOUSE MILE $3.95 SU. YARD AND Up Colt JOO 878-4280 Saturday, 10 al.m. to 4 p.m. 264 Bronte St, Unit 7, Miltion APPLIANCES NOW AVAILABLE White Weibihous No money doui, o permette, Id Jun. Peopte Fumiiiira 876-25n, FIRST qtuaty Mc lotion crpat $5 95'aq yard For al Tour Garpat neoCal Jm 1177-62102 17 peau a ofepMSlo ________ _ USED APPUIANCES. trucki fo.odef top qiarty used ipplimnces -asti amou our birmaiy anid detîvery 3,000 sol fi showroom of used IlLfflbuie HaIcOn FUmékiue 29 Armstrong AMe. Georgelloun 677-4792 FREMOVING SLENU Sat April 21, 371 Bronte Street GAntAGaE SALE Apritd y ,1ril 21, (eReen datea Aeraita~ 22 72~ w.ont. Ste S*dAp i 28 , mo. aem ow&V au WMo of Apploby Toys, fumnituro, nlck-nacca, licndy Item for oltiqes etc. GARAGE SALE Saturday, April 21, between 9a.m. -2 .m. 692 Robertson Ores. 100 Produce ALFALFA 148V 6:i: cr4ptd iit AtBItre à Trafalgar R.aoOfc hoMr 1-416-276- 465 ROUND & SOUARE b"ta of halo good quaklp PRE-DUO and pcteld. Junipers Spreaders. up*ifà Mid @@mn-tiprghto Sprrag Specal en Maplea, Pin âid Spruje Large satcbon Cad 10 FOOT INTERNATION4AL Whed Dosc &70 126» 13 Pe Stc CAVALIER King Chattes Spaiset. home cd pupple. tor show or lorirg companions Bleaitroars & mns CKC regiivaf Ain eaed cared tar tauntp pet whoso grooîn and eaer cie nooeds are minimal Francei Bounees. Camnn Cavalers Regostored. 875-2626 FOR SALE - PUPPY, 9 wutra old. male. Jack Russtil Terrier. shots & deuarmod U20 854- '2495 138 Homfoe ImDrovemfent BRICKLAYERS for foire An typa cf maseur7 01lrk Fireplaces. climey reparis Fiee vsibratos. Reasonoble raies 878-7639 CUSTOM CARPENTRY. PLUUSING. ELECTANIM I do tl ai Cal Bian 519 8%64857 Camorbellirfle à rural bidon FINISH CARPENTERS for taire. compeeent and epuiPped for au typa'so ciiitaff carpenity 12 yeari expenrtoe, Phono Boit 335-6735 RENOVATIONS Drymali - Custom Woodwoul - Suspendedt Coiings -Tpng & Finislrîng Repair Worfî Painting loi Kilchen tians, balhrooms. etc For frise estimîtes catl 941 634- 3969ý RENOVATIONS front Basoments t0 second store7 additons 12 pears resodenlial experierros Ranernably pnced oeiitth ffa t tuarou diuerve Phono Atari 878-5219 THE HAROWOOO FLOORING STORES Oak plank flooring fvomn $1.65 per sq. lot. Many other spclaleti Ouer 500 chins of budwood féoot. 4450 Corporut. Dr. -N - CvaI W - .rniO.ieit, L 332-MO or toli-fres 1.-263-SM1 SOO LAYER nred -EXPERIENCED SM8 1011, VAN DONGENS NURSERIES à GARDEN CENTRE Ladcpowagnar -wm MAN Opouator Fuit & part lrne lrdo Contr Nubou &sp WAt<TED PERSON Eno*%g. $10.00 an hou. »An harve oR CIO CelliCIt: (M0) 53"-978 PART TiM1111E/fuLi. TME MAINTNANCE STAFF Weettdays and evoienings. canWm Had Amu. Mendel - Frty, S m 1.4 et. 878-3M0 I& Wulfrhnanbr Widè range 0 aer gtwabe and home deor products Coo I Iconeri.srorrîNînwt lt ITo IfWywrtb Io BxW Hm cont%. 1oU Sil Parmway, Suli 24-232 8MMtMn Ontario LSW 3T7 RETAIL SALES CLERK requlred Fui Tue.o et Harris Stationery Limited Conitact Steve. 182 Main Stros illtion, 8784962. PART TIME STUDENT I iveroirg à Siturdii Io do generis otuit=o unattonance grille curllg and diean up .Cati AI Kiernan HOME HARDWARE -MOILTON 878-4139 HARROP RESTAURANT 348 Steele Aves., Mmlon Hman opportomap for à broght wonergetic, paw- son Io k« PURT TME BUS PERSM POSIIO Evennr and wietra.rd ahdt adabta CaiM.Tuit uffGH fNCOME POTENTAL. TcI.tphor coe br Mati.ler Network People col licu Phonie 54e have tkitf and pan Orna positons open for enorgeic copkciits Taeicaement opp~ffitîes Slairrng fui Orne uag.e i 7 00 par hoIr Apply in portion Located et Mar 25 andO 401. (Berid Frth WMreel Tnuctrtopl MAINTENANCE PERSON SucossfM Milton based Fooci Processirig Plant inqries a fut orne rruinteonance perwo 10e aIrafu iaponsbhy tor kaeprng Sai plant and production fine In top nooSi shape Appicints nui b. erpeiîenced in nechricaf . @""rca aiièlcOid parteng applicaions la aiddon oerience in seliaig up and rranagg c pravontaie mainteance prograni ucti le ai ciiet Mt applications wdl lie haidled in confidceo Pleaie send i brut onervurwo f pour wor hatort, ta bon 1740, cira The Ceitadin Chuampion 181 Main street lEiat M#kttri Orrtcto LOT 41141 Matus er rqsire lem ai aniubrab position ai Sa Piper Fwctoy, vile idPat pc,&1 goodo, eaOnad dateit" suippli Appyiho pomo sront 3 - 4 ,m TNIuiady & Futday 3U8 Mn *M Ent MMt MILTON MALL Part Tb"t Salcuutty Guarde Evertîngs and Saturdays 116.0 - 117.8 pur hmw. Coaiensieure A oexparienc RomaNe. rntttns. outlg. aide or, bund May "ed 10 foin brie oo = Fore unippelotit eet Tem Oelle 1111M3900 Tues. - Ftt., 1-5. cAAiAN TIRE ACTON o4as anr nvrame oife g t or a wooraelS par oltaMut hm*r flo orgaezoto 1 l M& Pravincia waremae0 Irliai-ro ct be ai usaet We cifert a cornpevewcg and berNA - puha e Pi on* ilin PIaeaappt In pauma go: Lotus Maefinl, Caii Tire STUDENT HELP WANTED Matfra Cottage or uni«"rir Sirdana te work lui t Imme tro 10 Septiomber od e apro iSata of pan W brie ln rti .<tocl bri If trou eqo aonr auwmer. geIIeig lMot0f heM loya" ptie erue. @Mr of trou eqo moeion aiid servorg people e IN$ na ersa lob lor poS mhm Wr. C. Copétand 878-8171 loinriw wdf be araigd for q-lofiad épopbcènes -PM GeouS ore re mk FUit or Pati lime Full Services Ou SaB Attendant. Sem. retred appbciat raoi m Pltease contact Pas st Tartes Fuels Imoised 878-6380. MAI RSTYUST -Busp IMihS salon raitilires furE pari bie Stlet Excellent wage end rtadica benoîlts Cal 876-1970 HALTOu WOMEN'S PLAC E Par nten Rocreaton CounWator Tc proviodo iuaen rorea progran or cifdren, morcuda- Frrday. 17 hour par wael ai Jufp and Auguit, Sary $700 pan hour Ouattatont: Post becondary scto stu- dont or Sacoridary -chocl griduate telni be mi",e paos omid intarpersonal unois aund show onios Pretarence gginen te those met eopanena m proguarnorig tai Accelt te a reirclils p ecessary for ollep Applicrctt plase send resumé by Aporl 30, 1990 toi Hilton Wonfl's Plac P.O. Box 156, Milan. On"al LOT 4N9 HERIGATE INN FRONT- DSSK CURIK WEEKEND DISHWASHER FIjifltofUNE ýCOOC FULL TINE SERVING STAFIF WEEKEND SUS PERSON Apply in poeco - ~piCat for: Expertenced Kthden Staff Ilialippt @"I laraiM AlleP Ç 0 apSgCaIot fer Marnoir conploprnnto 8764131