Mon. Aphlonl rm Onl US 0p p Tor244 Yeur Jours batîns ishen trou $top0 hom tour mersobsoc and enter Fae Countryl êtlmnsflrer 0r CIOLLIN COUINTRY DARUl Voir uniquei Shoppirrg esserSnci ronues air a ecruiobOu eZ buafet lurn bealeropu bsot Jour meteresecir reaOng on te teur ril ednentur 4d.0. onà «nndoi 1.n4e th~e ONTARIO SCIENCE ZCJNTRE Duer 8M0 nanton iîs ivrn lalt. irQe> tan. lon fond. cnmmunîcel nri end mars errofourge you Ie don ltre pair ariant arluitur Den«I rrrsst rhis deloglîul sprhg_ SM3050 p Tour 01240 Tender Teeisles Shopping filoniss On a tlglu l.îrche-nd unenr of Fae Sean Gremnlreus ard îrTi Sho Trins May t?, lmaOlDey) 42? 00 Pn Ter #r2405 BLUE JAO CAME Iie p Eheol In0 h ce0n roy dan fme sor Ton. arh Boe Jey asslait. udr' lance orluded siAnTINO. set jane 2. lee (Dsnî ia o p rnsorlaon M0Sfiý STUDEPIT SUMMER FUN 0*05 il Cànadesà W.sediair A bQggr bon. sordit orloin Wn ne hll On srJOdente h' lo ufirner er InCrslei rares Very ppuier srutien esinatn book hde ro ARRANGE VOUA TOUA CALL US TOOMl? Etn. Hllsbulg Guelph,. Gmogelowrl and Caledon ; MiNcan d Aton (519> 833-9117 (519) 853-3641 (Lbng Distance' F.A.X 1-800-26&-389 (519)>8»32815 BLUE JAY/SKY DOME - WEEKEND BUS SERVICE AGENTS FOR PATHWAY TOURS Mms George Kng nil b at home" te, rriads et 71 UN Street on for. occanior of lief 808 birllrday on Saturdey. Apiol 21, from 2.430 p on Boit nosbal only. plesse 55 Notices THE PUBLIC fS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of WLT0ý COMMUNrTy INFORMATION SERVICES Monday, May 14 7.0 pa. Hugh Foster Hall RS.V.P. 876-4756 1 an macrrptoan NOTICE ta Evenrnen Cemeterv lot irs, Alî ai 191 Main Storret, Milton L9T4N9. lartter %ealles slroed b remoned i e 1~ Thank yau Îa advance to facilitais, grass cstng and meintenance for your attenton. livreatha sot tri oitb May fa ll be Circulation L3quenet -THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON TAX NOTICE Ratapayens of the Town of Milton are nemînideel hat the SECOND instaintent of th0e 1990 Tan Bill - s Due on APRIL 30, 1990 LaI peymonl change opf 1-1/4% par moalli, or sont, portion theref.l woil boi chirgd on Mal lit '0 CY=uauI and on th0e fmIr day of.oach molonth i whocli eny balance rein n- * Tex paymenls must be receîved Ifl th as office on or belore tfre dus date t0 avord Penaty wiîf b. added t0 aIl payments recerved aller the due date. regardless of th0e mail- irrg dale,- Taxes moay also be patio (for a nmall service charge) elt he Miton and Campbellvrlle Branches of the Bank of Nova Scolie. James G McOueen - Drecor of Finance and Treasurer Pleese note: The 1990 DOd. TAGS aoreio sale nota rn th0e Tteasury Deparlmnent. AUCTION SALE O*Thms. 4ap lmI atS 60p.nIL To onfs of houoW oufol urnsr. &pPhOe. esteqtues aoId Ioecbbol ga addem bols, etc 'To b helti et "FMe Aucillon Puýrin, et R R 95 lIton on mi 4tr bro Usul avrint sond.sondlllons. Client for ewn eton .4po. * Lunch Avaliebto. Sherwood Hume. Auctionoue (418) 878-4878 AUCTION SALE For Doue à Anoré M~ObiMY in the Agrtule Maf. et tse Pinrofunds, Robert Sotet, Mlloes. 'Suturday AprIl 21s< et 10:30 amfr. Walniut J 9 H pape rack & Magazina stand 26- nde & 48- WaLjOu*" à ex ; 4 Or 5 nics nI parfeur tabls, sel of 6 Vie. walnul chrairs notfr nph sea, pr coas mnit upr lads chairs. 2 plae m altlbsdroor suîlec 1860, 2 nainut swing miora;u nalonut 4 doraite otent ecom pulls, Oak JacobeOrn styles tlephOne table. Hîs Miseors Chooes Portable gramophone c, 1930; 6 good solod old stae luot; old poctumea à framois. Limoge dm01 et(Ell). pid 26 pisece boe seit, unliskiad glas ; c ars.ger 6 boto mruet. Sièver bis- cuol barrai. mie edoer and brait puces. 300M photcgrapr albnumts; pons edeMtbg boxs etc .s Word Brownrldge, Auctlosier. In lth# Manoir of the Moc aides Lion Act R.S.O. 191111 end Amnrimenle Tioreol NOTICE 0F SALE Tae nonice tihal an auclion estl b froid et Churchill Collsio. R.R. 03. Hwy 25, lIton Ontrino on Pniday. May 4tr. 1950 al 1000 nrcdcinunthelpfenoom fon fe ale of a1974 TRIUMPH TIR sa ri numbar T12023GF. presentroy omrd~bys Mr. John Florey. for norks and services performed totalling $3.750, Ande telue notice tisai the reMari bld isif b :ar I o ftll aIl, REM NDEicR E..IlU Yusann HInvoce fCo waill male chieus la the homeuC of 520.8, Apyal 19,0 Th PAnadiNtCapo AUClION SALIE Lot 22, C.... 2F, 1204 NOMe Lsa Nea". Caodoas, à hm Est of Usogrove. (No. 10 ifwy.), dma Mo1- 3 km on MNat Lako Rd.; or 3 just East of VIot0e (910 Nanti.), thon South 3hkm on MHut Labo Rd. . on a PULL LN£ OF FAIM SAC*MIERY, MMY, STRAW, ANTIOMS on SATIJRDAY, APUL 21, 1 d et 1100 *.m. TRACTORS, Case 0 1390 soluone, Do #M9 do"a. cobver 01450. dioltl in Super WB MMY EOUIP.; NH 0479 Hep Bond. NH #269 Square Baler w/lhrovosr, 2 Bale Tlrronor Wagons. TILLAGE: Kveoland 3 lfurtive, 3PTH pleu, in"l X 3 PTI4, Culbnelor 12.; JD 12- woeasc ORMAI i EED EOJIPMENI« MF 033 Se"d & -Fertolozer Drill. Bogballe 3 PTH. Cyclone, Baader. Agled 42 à 6' Porta"l Grain Auger MUSC. FARUI ECoUIIF.:. Penn Kerg PTO Cet RoBe, NH 0513 Manure Spreader NH #328 Menuore Spreader. Bush Hog 6' Rotary Mettait Honda 110 ATV (Ilwlreîl). Masc Farm Tobi & Supplies, HAV & STRAW: Approx, 200 square bales of hay Alto Anisonst Cod@ctebles. Household Items Ressort lor Sak>e-Fàrra is Sille For vot cdl Nesi <416) 843-2785, Lunch toi Meyiold Unied Churclr isomen Carrers, Auclooooro. Ned à Jono Gardhait. nol respotreible for any occidents on connirc- boonotri thsa". TERMS Cashr or fonirn Chaque At verbal announcomeorts ahall faite prece- deerce oner @Il wrru» meleoral Auctisnser, - Donetiol W. Reinise * (418) $48-1071 , AUCTION SALE Selurdey AprIl 21 et I1 ar.. For .1.0 ensd Garde Wiedmoollor Ai ohé Faim boted on tiro LMu 0 IMite (flornrt'if Nals saapefa Twolop.l Froort lin 25 at dru SM$&od SIre go watton 15 iated laiW 2e 2mdu tu6 Lor tewrnoi to isi fair on tk Frnt Ifn Gualph timaai Clone fle tas tala 1$ isrnade "ai lir Sol " WâetheorWu*,iat nue"g à Juin relatlait RrcNew Holaird 9479 Haybine. New Hoflaid #23 Hayloner. Baler. M K Mer- trn Grain Gravrty Bon n/ 8 ton under carnage. Isteriaoonal 91250 Portable mixer -Gorder, PTO 0. feedtmill). 4 xSWrwick 5 Tongunp Traiter Single AldIl on rubboer; Non Holiland 0512 Menaons Spreader vif racks & woodeor bottent. Tactile Ferliler & Soed Spreader 3 P H & P TO.,? Il snon bloner frydraulic w/ large single auger 3 P H P TO b(ade by Forrano Ocebec). Nen Idea Cern Pîrber. Sheller. Rotary Stone Picker Model 1330 <wheel dorivennî 32 I Lîtile Gianl bale & grain elevaler n/ unider carnage & PT TO John Deere 10.11 - 28 plate double dinc Irydraulic Tumrice granit, box, to nt lonskilr Cultroator 3 P H. e ton hay wagon n/ 18 il rack. Alfied baie stocker w/ 5 H P engins. set of clair, barrons, 4» grairr auger, Rîtienhaus nnnd spraysr 9/100 gallon rosI ifes .an -i -. . 21 Il Boom 3 P H. bale stoocker; bale fro for front end leader, 18 Il chran bale elenaler w/ 4 H P rnolor, Harvest Handler 24 il alummîn grain elovalor w/ motor. K Une caille nIaT, John Deere 13 mon grain droit (as os), 3 roll steel land roller. cailfle minerai ferd<r Cantadain 01135 Riding Tractar ni 36* cul mner (lie nonl, 1968 Ford Dunrp truck ý 16 i Platform g1 Extension. rackos tocrcaile and loadong sfrut. excellent condition (selliog as os), Yamehg Maaîm a lIS 400 L Molor Biw (lie non) ni very Ion milnage Mise. ternît mlesd tierre. Assorted eleciric malons 1/3 -102 H P . assoned rtlits or stren lence> 112 dezen good steel 45 gallon erumns. large siteel watertough (new*1 2 hydraulie cyltrders. 10 steel deers ni hloges and lochri ongînal ol tire truck, bon nio 0- 10 fi haut- erg traritions lx' and 4 IFin. 4 la1 coppe roof ni nooden Irame for lay nîndon, Ouobec upr'g/it stove, 40 elumînun, starrn werdows 23 X< 54. diroes aosorted windows. fluorescent logIrI fixloes ni tubes. ant Ion plalforor farm scales. re etc , waegonr 10.4 ci ndc. termni llNis selong birst et 11 a n Trse are cesh or chanque§ la proposr I.D. Forer le Sold. Onr or Auctlenoofrnoti roaponsbio for accidents. Lunch booli on grounida. Crotâ A, Schouten, Auctioneer 878-2576 FOR ALASTAIR à IAN UÉCLEAN Pffllimh Iap. Freont MIN-e 9. North sm 92S Hier. 1. fipeygide. lmurei 51.5 damai and (ato oItat), tam leS fer 1i4 mêle, the no togit e ¶l mIto $eSal on SATUROAY. APRIL 21, et Il A. Th,.s s s'uge Estie Sale fût te MdL .e i ny. Seit lied ir o20 Olismng includes APli nces Large selerio etrque F.urIare. E .c.ltan Glas$ à China. alose misa arc, A riai gond nid lime Antillue Fer, Sale No addlfin Usuai Tar-. Lunhh An. a able Fofrt.n Osrýft r -5r 81 60o .ý,g) MmX STOREY, Roctscd, Oint.1 MeUoN SALE -FrIaY, Apd 20, 11 &.a- <* For G. Nowud Oonlu (Pub Sali LOCATILD: 88l0 leh 11*d, S-VA a"s MINs 0 Nifor 0. S 52 I-loW loi %i. 5.0Il vin. PARTIAL LIST OIILY: Ford MM deb M wideh faiae l no5 Ni5.; >-- eCrndo1s.ed afuope: Ksmo4apd 4Chr.S PtM '*=14- 32 pat. wihf Ilos -rn. hautbi afil hor pl: Ï.D. 064 forage J blm 30 L i r» pipe à debtM, Fox NOoEiNdq - étirage buod alie écltai dM nm oes; 20&lc ol, e ail bou a wagon, 1448 affigon 2 -i= F76. coin pWr lbc 10-l glt &l »N maa; 24- L bie toil grain eloiscor 24-8. Maillo Myv atron 16- Il. rack on 8w;4 5-Wa Aipi ooAa 11&rfln double duc eeeeto WbI gàa b& pfo Mot-vaton faim tout 4 et kecuno ?D=Msle bie b l use 100-l doîne bat Bdget sM isani al 384 L à chute 2- la à3 HP. rlohWeukrcnwlardmi misSbu; iraifarce; 3 De" fondant; D*ianP Wat 51I H P. rayeo. nenfoi nef lenn<lhum ipo. WISs of I.t leloiue(or.). TRUJCK. 1973 Ford F350 Vit. 4-sp.e si l4.9 profil0 11_Wis l- 4L a" ack &-i 100f olinfg u010 Sq. Oak diNg Idol à le; @W MW;i Sitrgià»* i machinsa:old fWru Irt. Pis applebox«:l odot saleo:nid IgI19 lobons:ie o 4510 exi wm son wmAày -ba oylv. - ,pfl -bvar MuwForplatbMIi'0IlIIUî à <GOWdm chèrde) Loe bod on000 gisfas Têtroc Cai or ee dey ci @W JlM MCslnsyAUOi SIIVICI Ltd. 6094 WobWdou URMTNUCETCIC SAECMN I. Noi (of rampon).1 lh e TM<ROAY F AVNIQUESRI , 190. Alo crwoogr from Op ay Mfala MonyAI Stra .rnuolrt sIdr te. precoedec mns ieWtn muialtems)als Omner AChirs fl Coseol air ar ~le SAET ONLY C XCAGEIC AucthonIoarf Donl Wo. A.lnhf 65t Soraotrve e on MRIOnaApr 16MG If RI le, 1r »0leral et Fou 0FnM vOUN" lnoguremenger chal faited lreMInc Selev er î rslt Cla te l 04267 lers àp WANTED catrd Mtasoble r carn ccie coio ene all 87is-sais 2 BUS Cash3 SPCIr Ioo n ape olY TOp MLTON FTANOO medu saido debnere ardwrod. *Princepse, aoin BeIeho 07 67 r 853as 225 all828 fer 5 p ma tMl 80 For Sal YOarlon înrs ed g5.000 cet. oNd new d.nî eo srg c ni S l bseer 5 W52ra'dcre elmrond sholeflwrro corin eaon. $45aFo SOs par lBot Ilas 845-2617 geallr 5îhprie WamnED. $80 d vbe d chairsudin og conitoe coplee $2.00 Te75- rns a4285 FO BSAL COea SpotAL fuor A cabbag pc qals 6 hado h u &~O fpliteor. 878 lo6tntno