Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 1990, p. 35

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MW erai e autifécn tn 0ledhs~ Word leil & Oege Sale&r Desilo e erde Ild e m n Cleea laetlpy: Wed sPm Errors Fd Omissions The r.g patetat no financul lbbhly for iypagrapl'ical unfrs or opy oissians by the naspeper aiher Ihait he casi oI spaca "cu lby 1h. error Ctaums far efrrors un avlie ntriu t h made piar ta thre neoi pubbmetan date 01 Births BECK - Hugi à Loan rué Arnable) of Milon, seu pleasedIa annaunce lue tarIr cf teei daughter Cairdin Reaccma. 6 Ibn 10 an eta Mian District Haspital aq Apnil 16. 1990, ai 12 39 am, fti graadcild ai Roben à Mrilyn Arnau" à family. Mila ntrio, 7th grendeirui ai Willm à Lobur la Bock 8 aniruy. hidiad. Ontario Tuide ta Dr Hane OB9 staff fore ao cen dan JOH4NSON - Lorry à Donna <na Grifin> of Mdla a pleasad toa urmunce the baIr cf tee Son Kye Gnffm7 lie 2oz&ad UMA DtrerdSptat cinAprà 2. 1990. A bratheïr for Au'laie 1 Sfrane Praui grandparents v- Ray a Fred Griffin ai Rexdale anrd Fred Johinson of Geargeown Menyi thanha ta Q JeacrS & Dr Robison anrd ho wonderliul OB5 staff ai Milton Distict HospitaL KRASNDI<UTSKY - David and Colten are hap- py la announce Ire birli ai trier fia drld Mal,- 0* Andié Joseph. born as Apnht 9, 1990. coogli ung 8 hi 9 oz Proud grandiaofft are Joseph and Darlene Coniefy and Walter end Kathy l<rusnolkuasky. Specual lhanIru ta Dr Saes and the nurses ai Stephereon Memaonat Hospital mr Allusion SMITH -Bradley and Cathy Irisé Hocard) are pleaseil la ansounce te sale trimai oI Kato lyn Ncole, born Mardi 21. 1990 ai Mc&AW<er LIed- ca Cenrocaighg in att e tb0oz Bg brotier Steven tintis hîs susier it a calie, Proud grandytrents are Bull and Mary Hocard of CainpbeIIviIIi and Bah and Marilyn Sithl oi Hamilton Anaiher groat grandcruld for Mary Mumniery 06 Birthdavs Happy Birthday 'Niftfifty M. e MA. Br= E.vl ar pleead t i naurice lie engagement cg thei dajghter Vida i Leese in Ma Andtseve soin of k & Fredoendi NO"iat of Elobicoke Woddnql tak place MWy5. 1990 me *MURRAY & WENDY Buf!fi -ii.54 naunce lie engagement of #ue daugoe Lui.- tAnic Jamas Charles Brosse son of Chutes à Murme Brose ci MaNtn. Wed*ig ft, CMi places onOctaor 1»8, 190. ai Knox Presttyterisi Church in Milce atiZ FLYNN, D"mt - Pçaoefily mi ie Milon Distrct Hospital on MMnd.y, AMnI ili. 19m, DOm Filyns of lton 0Bilov huohamd of Jean Flynn _ýcving Pither of Jeanrs and Don. Trudot of 88ssta4&e6a Nancy andl Norm Rober of Mifton. Doms and Boemfy Flynn of Camridge, Toniy ârnd Catine Flynn of Mahiair. Luthe Janes of Thornihil Margeai and Galr Homewood and Earl Flynn both of Morlrham Laned by Gnanddmddren Donald, Colan & Jmnrmy Tradf Jason à Sanira Dense Robe, ar. es Jan Effort à Colteen Flynn. Leuna & Michel Flynn. Jermiler à Robert Jorme. l.erghArn. Menghan à Stuaret= Deaw brother of Tomnmy Flynn nd yadJin Pub., bol, ut Engtand Resting aethIe McKsrs. Fun=t Homne. 114 rMan S, Milon rom 7-g9pm. Wednesday and 7 -9 pin Thursday A Prayer Service Thursday aSOOWpi Fun" aMau wdt buheldon Frilay. April 20. 1990 at 1l OC amn Irai the Holy Roaar Roman Oetholic Churcfi. hon Cremna. son in bci in lieu of flower danaloro1 th Ie Canaca, Cancer Society would h. appreciated MARTIN, Francis (Franku) -At the Mirio, Distict Hospital on Fniday. Apnil 1 Jilin 1990, Franku Marte, a! Milton, beloved husan" of PhyRis M Marte (net Hobsrl Lovng father of Pyis Peacrudi oI Kdcliner, James of Mentor. Olva. Marlyn F:lemîngion of Campbelloille, Paul of Kion Thomas of Stonay Creolu John of Milan. ArIoso Haycard of Ktierrer and Amn Chis. oi Adtn Predoceaied by h* gaughter Barbara Norman- di of Misausauga Deow brother of Louis oi Vancouver.-Jamies. Mary Hewfing and Tlioresa Moieyr al ai Monteul. Sadfy nossard by 27 Gnanddradren and 8 Great Gnchikiren A Mamonet Service cas held liom Holy Rotary Roman Catholic Cliurcli an Tuesday. Apni 17th, Informi of cremated romain, ti Evoigreen Cemetony. Milton In lieu ci flowers donations ta Mh MImo Distict Hospitai. Canada, Cancer Social% or in the f orin oi Mass Carda woula bo greatty approcuafed. Arrangements thrraagh the J Scott Early Funerai Haine. 21 James St, Milon. Exporience Cooperation Doug Kochçr Bob Benton 114 Main St., iton 878-4452 LUCE - Chérnshed inemnanea ci as, lather Tom cli. GadI lt homne April 18, 1976. klim rillsfiaeies long past ,Tam forle on, but simars tast., Loerngly retiemhered Thre Famlfy. J. Scou EarIy Funeroi Homei perso"a &-A Canng Service -Grief Counaslttg *P%-arrnged aid Pre-paid *Monbt letion 21 lamnes St, Mlto 878-2669 *7 l 1 . m im..1**uUIS *ie DOWNS. bird -n torrsg memory, oit deanie cWro passaI acay Apri 19, 1988 Sfie Weh us que.oey. Han thoaghtt unkirain. But tait us à mernory. We are pnaud la cen So troasaro hoc Lord, ln yite gardos oI rosi, For clien an tarir, Sho cas tei bosi Love aelen Dopns Famlly. GAETAN - n lanung mornory aI aur dear grandson And'ew Peler, wha passed away AprI 16. 1988 TaO luiSle hardi art rosllrig A tovung litarl cs sblu A litt. grarldsan wC ioved s matvri Fan us jusi aven the huIt Sadit, missel Grammet & Crampe McMutien GAETAN - n laeing ninocf aur infant son and brother Andrera Peser wia passed aiay an Aptnt 16. 1988 Ho cas e Ihmser tac greal Wo senti Sent haro but lora w clIe, Ged, fa mhoment gave Nms birnr Auid toc ha nuth a armie Sudty mIssed but ehattys emnembered Mcmmy. Deddy & Adam. GRENKE. Jean - n foving merngwy of a dea wîle. malhen and grandi h i eha us Aynl 20. 1986, Wetntlcfyau insilence . No eya cen set Ua aep Buf stil cain our acfrrr huart Hier inory we kga" Ever Rerneirrered by Verr end lamily. GiRENKE. Jean- In Ici memany oI a dem mate t graidrather cho psoucd awuy an Apnil 20, los8.6 In ten e r, y n There's sol c dey. deant maiher I do trot 9"il of you Lonlngly reeesoheed fai REMEMBRANCES in the lamin -of daialians ta The Milton District Hospital Fouidalia ae apprecuaid 3 In o m 1 VILLA. Chnilona Au<n ' n lovn memnory of a dom daugier and sster Who passeil aeay an Aprit 18.1987 Thougli %sans un aue oyees do nat gislin. Maru Our lacet are moi aways SMd There a is a r&;hi or mornng fiat ce dont lio i e daughier viu had Notea dey do ie largol yau, In ur hosaie yau aus aays haro. For me lova you and iss yoru. A. t enids the thrd year Lovtngly re.eembered' by Morin Ded, Naine and Iôlso1iher. ,VILLA, Chinstine -To a Spedhl id vI cia leti us on Apsi 18. 1987 Sale in the arma of Jesus. sale on hen Iorng biotai Aiccys leî Our thoughie, Love Mante. Joe à Vtby 40 Crdof Tans BOOTH, Mary Featrstone Tihe larmly of tre tata Mary Fealiemltono ct la express thir ser cent thanlis and appreoabon ta lt mximes of ICU ai Million Distrct Hosital and te ambulance croe, Dr Hunier. Dr Audyu and for ait the spe cul care ovin the yetrs lrom Dr Marion King Scott Early Funeral Home & Reverend Bob Hyde and the Unit No 1 of Si Pai s Unniid Cirurcir for the Itroiy lunch Las?!1ly i'ail ocr frad, siglhaours, rolatives & paîluetrers *1h0 siroavd ther concems in Our ima 01 toiio Our Sîncere Thanka, WillIam G. Beolir * Raemary & Jack Drilnle THE FAMILY ai'Tommy MoLeen ws? 10 g,,e tueur tiaurhu lai the nurses in Emeîgeircy & ICJ lai thei, cane and attenion' To Scott Earvy Fuserai Hanie and lo MI rIonds amd relamrus ciro pid tibhale ai the Fuserai Rer Sihaan Croi Fiera Stuoski. Rurk Day and fle Bostonr Churcli Ladies FV.orvslip Group We alto aere apyreciae forI ail the floral arraurgemrruis and donauons ta, Milton District Hospitai Fcondator Thcnk you ane and &il. THE FAMILY of te laie Egaev AO.an cli Io ex- press oui sivcere thsandas appreciatior Io the pataw>relativest, tinonde and neiglbours lin nowers eranal donationt, caris oI sympatry and genurre ang or the recent oct of aur doar Mother Spat thunk yau Io Ron Darid Larder Dr K< Clung Staff ai Milaon Dirc Hospital, Cirorc cans ani Sca! AMichedle OfIl Scott Ear1 Fanera Hrme. Ladies of the Kilhride Urud Churdi fai te lovely luni Vaur laid nons i nover for largofe &co~,an AUnd.' 45 Anniversaries Happy 25th Anniversary Mom & Dad (King) Love alwuys, I Ail of your kids. j ; min = HILLCREST UNIT£[) CHURCH - 2181 AnnivsMeu. an Apdi 22nd. Ser"c 11 15 A M Genl Speaker Cal Su"lNer Reflremmri F OQ ?AT <SPECIAL MOTIIEQ r, et Niace your Mothers Day flessage in lte May 11. 1990 edition of The Oflarpon. _________________MESSAGE $5.0 (Morax. 15 cardà) *Just drap your ADDRESS. siauli youw paymm, 11M i t -~~~~~n mHtI wu___lai___hem__in Plc ***-p lo ai t PHONE- 87-224 c i f your classified Hotline 875-3300 ass e CLASSIFIED HOURS:.MnF 80e-p ! Z1 -rý

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