Take A Look at 'eight' big victories cad&e. N moe Nre ttntarne Pl Takie A bMoitK au 0N II conserutlve vcoySna iiia Mohawki Rascway for a Canadia ,eaflun's record of 1:543 ina à 24M00 Froe For Ail pace. The wmi wa,- filscughth in 12 sUrns titi, a and boosied hi, hankusuli to $170.250. making itim Norlth America's lcading mnoney winusing Namess humrs thus at aIn 19M0 Trained and drives by Roger Mayotte, teNu is aIs, part osener, for partners Mabci Fraser, Phyllis War- ruser and Early Bird Stables of Mis- nsaugi. lthe eighi yeaz old son of Musi Happy FeIla has becomne a fan lavourite on the O)nlanio ockey Club circuit. partly because oft hi% talent and %ucctessand pantlyhbecauweof Nus Rat horst,ý as a rule jut aren't ,uppousd lu peak on lthe track ai the rupe uid age ot eighi Trt ling thital ltratri'r-drivu'r Mayotte' and Vll. Imimle arud shaku' bi, brd Mayotte bad lots of cumpany Sun- djy nîgit a, Tàkl' A Luukslaîmi perbîrnanS lot tans ai Mobawk stakîing lhitor huad, in disitoliot 1Hvos jut ama/iîg me," la ughei Mayuuuo "He did ail the suork out hiere anud tes lust SO relaxai on tite wisde. Hc aust uvaîls for me in tell hîm bt tlidtu Tulur A Lceuk luu'ep a huuv scheclule tes.' day, li Ho. suvuggles bis racing asuîgrments on the track with mllionu duties in lthe breeding shecd. Lasi wvek, prior ici his iti siraigit usn on the y.sar. Take A Lauol 1.ad bred titre mares Take A Look is buroked wtejî 30 Mares Ibis spning for breding -1 ttinkit us lte ternales lthai ame kecp- ung hit s0 niarp," joked Mayotte. "We're lrying t0 malte a carcer for hum whlen Ne', donc, racing" Tite comburuation of his pedigree. deter- mination and Neart sbould ensure fui- tuire succesa un the broedung ranits. Mayoutte and Nu% associte clalmed Take A boit for $100,000 in 1986. In 1988 ite wvon lte inaugural eduluon of Minor novices do well in Mississauga preliminaries lTse Miltoun manoir novice AA bock- ev rep completcd lte firsit weci of lte Mussuauga Novice Tournaèment un fine styl, winning luvo and lul. ing only on1e. On Friday the Milton squad tacvd off against borne Park (ississauga) and claulued s 51 uvin thanks to four second perlod goals The Hockey Momns managed te tir*ti? goals of lte gamne and alter Lorne Park scored ihcy ror off lbrsue goals lu nal dloses tNe uun, Denmk Bossue gri Miltoun on te board finIt and Craig MacDonald, Michael liuclihan and Danny Gniwden scored l Put lte ganse away "mur Bîrnite could score agaîn lu finish il. Bîrnie rcccîved lte gamne MVP asuard. Milion wailod a day and tookR Whulby,hbut logs 4-1. The Hockey Momns came back to lbe tte score un lte firsi when Chris Bramuvrîl fus.shcd off a play inilialol hv Kuuvn Hettron and Danny Bon- aam hubtby Lame !,'ack tiu' livthe Iwouu belote lte perwod ended and thoin added tuvo un the second to complete-~ lte scoring. 0Coulding Park seas lte next tamt a nth Milton scitedule. Goiulding Park %mod fîrsi but Mil. io srompd acit iti a goal y n lte secound pcriuud, Bramweoll scored titres limes. luice (imm Danny Bosbam and once unassistusi t0 lift Miltor toi a 4-1 vucluuey NM j urpnîsunly Bramwt'll tucouvc'd lte gamrenVîaward The regl of lte lournamnrt is XhdWfor lte cornung wcvkend. A Look had S948,1 24 in litetîme catin- P-su> KrYH f , igs and suas, characteruslically clos- Tait. A LoMfit ll lainrirdrlv« and pari awn.e Rogar Layotla lo on a roîl l M lgit eInis In, hi& lat 12 ,ng fast on lte millionaire's club. earts. Théa elgitisser aid Taire A Lookt hou Woun jisi undér $1 million for Nia carma!. Five Wy to Pyoyu Ulatever YMq di. ,ud C Tnu offtr a cwfmhed P-à ilcla tit, e*gt îi puo. iPowerLlne Finanding Âpowrrwi s a pre-approcedloan oser $10.000 Ihal vouLran instantis draw on as voîu nemdil. Yîîîu Zmf borrow aI FI5RME. îîp in2/3 of the appeaised value o! voue hontîe tess anc, exrstung monigage. whien.vou use ffic rquul'u rn oue honw as collaleraP Yiîî onlv p.iv aiirs a'voit urau o munis*% which is un ideai WaY lu pas for renusalluns as Ihec pruugress - Yîur i-nlrî' lUscrùne cail 11e ai'cr-sed I cheîu' or i redil i aid fjn'ecurer] fines an' acailablet Irons $10,000 lui $50,000. whrle luxes %%ecmTued 11v equiîls in cour home are atarulable rip lui $250 00In ,1ur cases event more. STop-up FInancing Trust. Then well irrasei ul il 75,. ut the cuirrent a peased salue or your holme Ibis opton offre'm. cou our luees rale. Cand (ust P'nendlc Mo .rtgagrs are th1e urs ai "e around..Pluis. each rntinlh su .e bu a ruiomer s morgage. -J STag-on Financing Yf soit haie lu leave voue eustln Orst mrigage where Il s. ihen consider Lakwn oui an additional Canada Trust be enleed mbi our monthh, muelgage burrnng <mw. Wben Your rxlsling Irogage crsm up for renesea at anather major financial insululionŽee Il pa 'yvo up te MO $50 to arsfer il te Canada Trust. Ask for deuails 4 Personai Loans Wr also offer a tul] range ut persuinaf boans thdl cari b1 paid off ai ans fine 5Win pour Renouation ..AppY for veue renovation flnanctrng ai Canuada Trustf(mmApn] 16îtriDeç 3 1. 1990. and vou Bl rrerce an opp.Àurut le) win one of live $20.000" cash pirues ln be pi.g toreards.vour renîîsatiol Frlendlif, Helpful Service Fianrnug your he renorvations requires careful planning. Wir cari do a numbeor o! whal if sceînooarioe(ler aplan thatfls vour perse"a needs You f f'rnd Canada Trust peuiple filendlv anud helpfui. For vour convenince mnosi branches are operi 8 te 8 Mondaý te Fnidas. and 9 to5 on Salurdacs. Check 111 whrlte pages for th1e location niearrsl yo * àri *Caad rut M. a-.