SuperKids know drugs Constableaj ofma et he Halion Aiagionai Poiuc gave à Présentation Io ,,nmburs o c SuperiCids Karité endthi âas on the spéclii danglrs of druige. ApproxInmtey 50 kW$u took the limeat 1 IArn about varlous druga, wfiat they lobk likeandM how they*ra aold. The 6M part of Suparide StelmnProgr ni which "boches tilde Io ka"p thoir inlonnd up' aU to1 Mark HaidiIN dae IBparkbide TUAM ir UNDER 10 Sat. Apil 21, 9:00 a-rn. Sun. Api 22 9:00 ar.. UNDER il Thurs. Apnl 19 6:009.rn. Sat. April21 10:30 UNDER12 Sat. April21 10:00Oa.m. UNDER 13 Sat. April 21 9:00 ar. Sun. Api 22 9:00 ar. UNDER 14 Sat. April 21 10:30 ar. Sun.A ni 22 10:30 ar. UNDER 16 Sun. April 22, 1:00 p.m. Larier Parki Sho Robert Baldwin School Robert Baldwin School Robert Baldwin SChool r ~ADVANCE NOTICE luOR MILTON & AREA GOLFERS!!! , ' IBLU E SPRINGS, GOLF CLUIB By May lst, avid golfers throughout south-central Ontanio Only a limited nuêrber of individual and will be applying for mernbership in Canada's xnost coinplete memberships will be offered once our markt golf facility - the semi-private Blue Springs Golf Club. are distributed later this month.. To reservi Featuring the 18 hole 'Turtie Lake' championship course, to apply, cali 853-0904. For information 'the 9 hole 'Trilliumn' par 3 course plus extensive practice Springs Estates rWadential developneî facilities: Beue Springs has been selected as the site of cali 853-HOME. Score Magazine's National Golf School. DEVELOPED BY THE CREATORS OF THE OLDE RIDE HOUSE. ACTON coting ateas vorinvtateions ne Bluenvtaio nit, I_- i r MILTO RADIAT. - GASTN 1990 TACKLE FOOTBALL .REGI&TRATION HOUSE LEAGUE ANiD SfAMPEJER RE' Fridaey, Apri 20 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.M. Saturday, April 21 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Camp is 'tee '0 ai reg stered PIayers of BMFA EOVIPMENT CENTRE YEUA OF --MAX OVERAGEIJNDEMAGE D B,o IRTN WEIGIIT MAXý WEIGHT FEES TYUE «O 85 65 bu M 9 %JUO Aim 7&«M 115 85 bui77 t75l FýÊU 16-77 145 115bn il75 'XOU MMlA 7e75 1g U5 b l73 $10&0 *T 71*1M thi /A 1 FOR IWO.. CALL Marfth Srit 336-7053 Kathy Mantini 332-09M