L4 ý oi Milton Chamber of Commercll presents *BEACIà PARIrY DANCE *fraturing the mi . sc of "The Class of '~"and DJ Wi~ke Spioel Saturday, May 26, 1990 8P.M. - 1A.M.ý Tone1Ii Sports Centre 'Dance & Costumre Contests Beach Ba4! Hula Hoops! GRAND PRIZE DRAW Conti oG orBah Party rrEFANTASY Win a @< .trtti%iii Cruise 11 otottes of J BrocIlood A pro jec of the Miltoti Chamber of Commerce 'Uckets $125--Table of Ten- 15.00 each Availabla at MeltonCtambtirfCominciie, 171 StSles Ave. E. and*Coulter Mluser Studio. 164 Main St. E. &aU 878-0581 foi dlat VDiet Centerwon't yedou abo of n o n s n Io I iii 1 heIîe.ii~ hist .titflt~ diii' iiuku t. iu e.îî .mll ti or i il s iuîjiflirîk hi î~es Itkt. .1 i~erhtl Uit .e Umet s' o sets lits ssîîh ttt l)tsi (entor i uuiruii.î Anniiinlis, P. .hj pro gragni L% Cetew fa.t, mil o. aer i ir licti Ni %* mlawt I8791-2221 -CM te 18Mortln Sta, Mlfon Ç p.Hmtol1OP.M. BISHOP REDING HIGK SCHOÏOL AND- THE ROTARY CLUIB 0F LLTON WUI~ H0ST THE 199 SOUTHI CENTRAL -REGION GAMES FOR THE. PHYSICALLY DISABLED ThACKAND FIELD MAYI129,1990 BISHOP REDING HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS, ARE NEEDED' Cqntact Rendy Masters: 878-4131 Salvation.Army Friday, April ?Oth Featurlng Our New1Rack as prlld Also Laie *Blouses *Skicks *Skirts Usêd sl&ks CIoUiIngShirts clotmg 0.Suits lPYfc Chldmns Clotlws 1/2 Price aitthe Salvation Armiy 363 Main- St. Elv iot onieof bmu'sbifddie alita bpodt bu bitmu w- itemspu a siérift àmm pi. me l li au.at kw a i w az , .p a vSSa wmplera h.e M b uMa an b~ rt~couu Thtcé Ow mpios bW wolaeh gm uon suetahaly =puldovaad Mm Milmie ban midat. mug à l o ualk t heMl 1mw a f ma d. =ri Aymwe the bua d lai emat! ta y m.te phonlme l'ar 1 ote mapiaw git d wuthaà O%îl cmi,-ài betwlathImo Hbmw d awk« maiDga vi du &Adu d su du h bti Zr.-Z w4 'atire pi» a WmTd aciendant .i th mudt Me. ha ,eafl hap pui asdt du u.pc, il %2wt had wd bandai ovwS1 " tS olruth Fran mdts ait 4aw befona eio ecafldtn -rmtS éu umJii uar theu ien ino' b .ploveM y0 cotfr 5 yule Ir'ng n the laou, bo& Tràn aoebnsa S kilic the tari.%on m'lon dI I a ulr hrme bet ZZLti pàt" daln t as e mu: of d theavage store, and Ovrf.Osrotoriados ceur, mamo n te u utheabiri amw& Bei in Haton ment e ather m"t (mm du goumhwolt. @Ubfflly (mmtS pin.p. Iod alarm Whu" cuadu nsigt thmiam public miety. Abrtis ame bme.dcu over boil ré"i and teliqios aMd cer n utw tue doési. a Mirn ciadur wakhl and a wvmg caitht warmmg. A uVal caSe catchb tuuwu" up P s gWm bn adivane wu adt duta public lIa a uivuell ttmdoe- Boom e mi ttcpaii chiI Mlay b. acemuibV tam. A uuMe danWggZia ueu aie mm of ia PriscatadumalwNsucha tab appeaacNapý &115111y aeMY liet windbcà. dpte ao ut"ld walb and prisat yen bond. * For maximum sal p ~daa basernilto "à m oh emikaà Oieay oretuMId tabla a o *rtg Meaeh t .1 11111 Ite or duw hdp may fie.i u