Entertinment #4HTt ~HTH e- e à PARI Fi DU vlw" Chinose Food Steak and-Seatood Business LunçWofls *FuIIy License under 1.... Take-Out Service 469 Main St, MUto 878-0114 *Chinese & Canadian Food *Lunch and Dinner Buffets. *Salad Bar and Desserts ALL YOU CAN EAT 7 DAYS A WEEK 181 MAIN4 ST. E. 8746 iupeib Bluffet Lic li) r.imnus TV & Scteen Star% &eSQo1mer, * *NML oh oel * *EILIT AcoA* Sport Cntre *.a e Av'. ?Afton SOWS T AIMELS:Jh oel ADISO ES-CE INFO*RMON *IU -$00 &à-72 (1* ne * nET ONSL A OXOFISEON PHAE , li 649-7721 (12 UndUhOPEr> 'ilit Gere was haif-asleep romantié rehash - 111@ u n tlz saic s nap m u k etb file c hi Ar tii wuihm fui 9 Uimm 1o habi in- Wei UtS., a ut 'fie n4 dtsyuajZ= ,dt i hwtops a<.) hdio toU u lut, Ley Pdo «ad W to*teVia su due, oe i. nbk for 1hiv' m tiiw , maccanmnahim Mao ut et une hOuI à lim fwa<tiaalimes, Anillu eset hl om anu thmily dos ~ «u 9tecus Wmulllenyu coiagî uwida wayk esio preurtualla And dt tisy uuufnu un. m .tthw btri S u l a k1 M ettnue Gmne K., àal " inpctmal id a it tau. dM h ide hawn d u t m tHe ltuk4 asse ovenrm th ufa e o f t h cha amiluc. lmua.p An ît nul utma ..= way as utisitlyntde= Y . 11011M. Wh m m ta ou t of plahe fan dciain i u a ro e Crae. And à aie wty é anue aa ey ilite bdi aitalH charota.a bsh.uptyuh e i di a fst inl in, fSm the Mite abint. miho o vu ewty cia im cf a e u n cmtudt. hae 9 adU. wanna PZ; àn a ibda it aer maah ai ut. Alhuh ti'iatw ii mm Ou i im h mt nW i OsIIy?.lOBtOOp.m. NELO OVER4tIIWIK masse tm J11*11i 1111M .11118 habit di... ft.ik. I-t