- C ountY tredsurer Finlay McCallum chosen new Conservative candidate fw. )une 19,11 Millets Wes - Mt i mosngwadi ai aamvaîve ~ na d Libena Conmramv R Io ealunt, Ctrty treasuren, was unartimously âg4'17 ct o ppta o~fse Reormier John White in the coeatng Y O fe t John W hitet w a fi t e e i 1851 d efeitail n M8 4 7 f 1 S O 5 ad rvuae os cme 1837 to the Ath Legîature of m - thé P.;vtrîîî(,2= Oppntas have l hî,the _~' ih JiM OIL 'Haltrii Tnicknîer" Afft JI DIL Fa, mre wSlk, nome, there ha% boea çpecrJlation on à nuital Mcandiclîe liti miglis bt brought fttrward ta op- pose Mr White The nantes 0f lthme or four geltnter V1Ocu% position from the ntme lthe ourn was separiscli were advanced The Hamilton Spertator indiae i He was appoitscl County tneasurrnJ in'aL st vear to strong support ci teorie K. Cirîshain would thep lit e ed the fircntresurerGeorgeBrown S nomination but. ltc positivly refuned. M r. Citsiol ,71 A native of Bresdalbane, Perthillure Smclan. lie tvas nrseated thte rndtng in 1854 aller hae deicated M. WhJC boras in 1813 on the nantit side otf Loch Tayla the Pannit but tte was defetod b,, Mr. Whte inte lait élection by of ICcamor Hc rescmved lits firçt education ai the tihe large maipray af 495 country school in his amn a. ghbouritoed mnd alter- As vita icftRE decsin faddlic tCol theJosita ion R uobert e t 15. He enîgraoed tu tttts country ia 18Ç3. At,à A vita giftof Mr McCalum asdid lbornasRaxte, dep Of tlacter i Million i87h ttcia paid 65pamnds h hoyr He mess itonoeait by-ftjn md truas wteer he Orille 12 Blsmc Nehoman d Levi WtlImaa. former Sitenfi of Inm etto rned fmont cttiag ta Milton ta 18.2- hop rered from tisait positiont ia 1859. M. MeCallun famaed ia Namuagaweya for tec ycars byM I hA num of he m n à tta a wa ais de t wam dsmuriaged it ttiving such mocky mail and ra- NanI. w.. gII ast a ncumbea a john W siî wid haeie of~ th zed it would b.e à long ime ce c muid bave tl as aboui120idersbic ccenrovery ban aima meuted front r. Wite prodtd el she.wol want. ave i c a hi earle actacia an lthe acouanting metitodi of formcr It was at itat linte ttc brame Deputv Regîsmn. achol'a &M~county telamurer George Bruiet, witc died ia AuÉust ait ,Mr. McCaium bas: blais long and favourahîn knomen CoadflycdC ulitr. Thecr am ltote wbo !Meci jMr Brote i tttn te county a, aticasan of uahlictshiteî charme. itlytiile el ounded loon erly grave b3 'Hn1 John'.'t - e dudats hoaoety lest Wadluadzy The électton. of coarse, bas bet cmhled foliawtng the Has supporters have exattsfictton in i..tre ,m fourtit sessioÇn of lthe sith parliament whcit sir fImm liteir cbotce and feel confident as tadcmtedai lthe areel- tue 1 . I bod MancWti6 until May I& tng ladiv, of.is comnplété nacress at-lise polis itis 5um- whtooIIm@gteil@Mak Duang the meeting todav Lev Willio, with rammen. me te blccd doisc ebnta dablc spînt, gave meav t, %Ir MleCallunt andi Geitrge K J~ Filly,#cond sin a sertces ,f /tiets, 'mqoe un anelient. Chîsholmaat .prnmi cdir bitits hearvy support 'iàeiîhitîmun. toreflcMiltan.pa.î Rê. Mvr McC lu, cont usuure mesprvosî ie eth otanre kv Jack Chaln an Aim e. Caule deput regsrîr tith Mr, Racey. He served thé pc CrirgeJtnDl 90 ,llff 51111' SI'fl' - iP *~Super Strsrtch and Formai Limousinea Airport Service Wèddings * Sgitl-scetng Tour- *Sport, Fscnis Concerts/Theatre * Buttnt Tnipç 'm" Aspecialaservice fora speCiai.occasionîî 878-3351 HERE'S ONE 0F OUR EVERYDAY HEROES. Il, , , ,'i" -usl- lu io ,iirl.idn f i% , gi i ci, Ii itri tria î'ss tat riît tri,' %Vt tiprti t t iti htî ti îrk, nut Itisîtlurîtt llirttt' tik Nit thîct4icîîsIrti tht' l'oar 4 i itiitnit,~ i hi' ta ils' A, titi Ptým sY en [Ainn' n inn andSen ce,5iiii 1 ED sTO:LT AK As Canada,,; leader in home mortgages we've helped more Canadians to own their home than any other financial institution. And our mortgage specialists can show you. e4xnplewi to.dran4tioeiy reduce your interest kt Until JuIy lst, 199, *theres no Royal Bank 1 -j chaise for tranderring your mortgage to us. For- new mortgages, the standard $%5 fée is u-aived. And we a usuafly approve your mortgage ia minutes. Get your frc copy of our ne-* brochure, "Mortgage Options to HeIp votrSave." Cali anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a wek. 1-80o"8-WW0 -How.t shrinyour Royal Bank morctgage seathaswayso you veony ad ow ur home fàý ÇankadMa àxderShmSes. SROYAL -BAN K