'Fitness establishments .ANO TAX e * o ;have abad name' ANYTIME, ANYWHEREI Pai L n lata ge ila ageto I Airpori Spedaisis %t uiff" say Iransru.'Ti tac ,.agmin fI Parcel Delivery ca eapplied et weill 1t~b otau Bu wato in on'fvoen eh Fiat Rates Available - dme no( taker place, according tai Kranatz. Part!- lr 8 criterra for a blacir teit front tire Milton School ai iju.ll mwe Ow ô iîtsu la tire completian af a level onre National Coachres SCerificate and traininr in brt aid 875-301 or 87§!.3016 ilKranstz is candid about Irir beginning nnjiu-jitsu, e clai nrghie gatinvolved beausehealwaysmanagrd ta get in trouble whien be reas >rrunger. 'lie matel Iyau learn. tire mnche confidence you get andl tire more C u ty & W se: a c aovne o become lirai fighting ià unnoeeuary/"C u t y & W e t i a c ~KransLrmqjurr. 'ive neyer had tai worry about my perronal sfflf', nor tirai af my famrily and that's wirat The club îs a m'ai membrsclub, says Kransti., reitir là .aRD APRIL 14 190 8:0 .I M a~'P=c for tire tradîiîional aspects af oriental pfoapiymtwinod wîîh tire martial arts. 'In trose at EN R repetsw are about five ta reven aut af ten,' ire THE OPTIMIST C N R says Weach muurl nrpc and hiuility' Tirere's rai only an andertene ai moral çýlaiu 31atver lS.,Mlo tire club, tirerers aira exceptîtînat value for ane'%1 o m ril tMlo maney. Kransr.z raid. &-izau o a s non-prvit statuai Live Entertainment the Milton Sehool ai lia-jitsu a conrtdera'bly cireaper tran iame af tire airer scirools and clubs aratand. JACK< REEVES & RME ES BOYS Juniors pay $14 a monrir or SJ30 raci year wite adulas pay $24 a monir or 2 eacir year. Student rater an' a,'ailahlc "Wr lut need enougir maney eacirh Buffet o Door Pnizes a $1 0.00 prperson munir ta pay the mont Any entra miiney gues forepr m par t upent oir airer incîdcntals, says Krari. r "Ee iegoiclubs get stock mir tire finess club SM Krànstt, head nmu1 et the Mlton Schoot of Jlu- stigra. Morst clubs an' good, but nai a]]l" lit.ait d ai 111 h agrn bâlai boit, danonsarues à kick. Ail Roads Lead To Your 4emarbfStý4;slelontf des'Ils ~~ > is Mariy styles lochoose front a Specti orders are avallable 6We reni Classy Tuxedos Lsîii 842-39024i SPEPLAZ LAS GLOR[AS a 126hie cans laid 4i. Th lz asGojsu eneakime n an=heVll 1a=ai Q.. A INW YOJA03hpig etekîs crs h îet Pl eia 489 Tansc Pditî0 GLR TIME IS IlMU MENK TO* QULARLY SpOClar wdIthI COTOIIS hs-I-Stcis Yeu- r Area Toyota DeaerW OAK VILLE aURUNGTO urpe»»m~ HAMLTON PAUKWAY TOYOTrA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA 1001 sp...ai ai. 1M1 CU*h Lb. LmtwJ.n 041R a.~ St 191 iwniiPkwy. 842.4M0 33523 387-27 544-7983 .561-1202 lé Bruce Hood i rave 1 - S