Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Apr 1990, p. 11

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MDHS curlers. ne ver get roling ait OFSAA Dy DRAD REAUME Tise Milton District HighSehoot senior boy, curling léia vient t0 (AA set ibgh Nopes and returned also ran% flhe Ontario 'ecienation of Sclaccis Athieýtic Associaton (OFSAAI championhips w,,, hfid in Collingwood beginning March 30, wiNh mime of thse gamnes played in nacarby Stayawer. Golden Honsesho AtUioidc Confoeetce (CHAC) champion Milton District icenito1 OI'SAA on the Nixls of a strong qualafytng pet.- formance and tournatament knowledge of tise Collingwood ice. Maosit of the Milton tarn Nad csîried a OPIAAprevîouly finîslrîng [bird in l988,and alsotoon witN tiscm tbat expenience But Mil- ton cmuld only pot a 1-4 record befure fwîng houtnd fronm tise tournaiment. "lfifcouldn't buld ou onfideSoebrns e lost tise second Jame. e i ic sac herbrweW," sa cacb Mîlm Siseppsard Mit- ton weon las fKmi gamne 6-5 over Anacasier but tom t0 Etobacolîes fticbvaew Collegiate lnultmal. Ricbviese was doien aveco Somng initie tlait end ansd Milton b.d the final shot. According to Siieppsard everybody mîîsqd a shot and Ricbvmew itl tmeto waen the gianrta. 'ise guyi gr*do" àabit, Milton [lien piaed Sth Faits and gowe Nind thse .tigs bail, gmvrng u p tino in tisefinit end, recovening one, ntise second end but gmving up thnue in tise tbird end Srmth Faits itle tws in tise founth and tbrnc in the fifris and i seas ail over Milton Nad tu play ail [ts gaines mn Staynrrc weiicis renroved tNe advantage they ibughit tlseywoadhe oin.g tn. "Vil pu oeuIdn'î would havre bsn happ~ .as,10hav so bele Il Milton tben toé on Humberside and plaved seil enougb t0 clama, a 3-2 laied alter Aive ends. "we tmîsiod a kew aics in th. ami], end and îley look titrai % blittiai lhe sevrmt in an attmptto 'Pay ortino in the igist (ausd fi" en,, hepar said Hwnbensde managedi toi knoek the Milton stone aseay ittli [beïr tast rock, ending any chance for a Miltont pain. Witb tbris touest tander, tber bets Milton finishoet UP agani Thomas A Stewart Higis Scbooi of Peterborough, The teaisa radei points in the finit tino ends until Peterborough COuntetito tien nn il, iond.,, LAW N M O WenEro frkîpp49îng fou tisci fi. d I sTO Nt - ON HONDA QUALITY sw aAADRCRTL p 45FNTRO TET . MLtN N mm% m.. Friday, April 13,1990 TEEH 743 'Iiamp'uonship couId oniy mariage one in both the fourrt anad soit end. and Wear downi 5-3 The sevets and etghth ends wete Mion. teashoi.cs 'Vaae just couldnt capitaize on thiset m.i- akes." Siieppard said 1'hey plavud togetnhn as a tM in a club sttg an C and -olorig2 tbrough B divisions Ibrougli to senior mmt A divisiont Th"v were a mai gondatisi ra TiePterbiougla qam son thse Pepi Tou. trament arro tise OnrDrto Scholbov Tourna- ment, added fiheppard. > Thie MDHS tear may or may net be ttnnng nextyeur Skip ledy Rowle gradataciaand the Status of vice Sean Thon.pso fi questionmable la as possible abat onît second John Peddme Wr,, ' Ne backý thougs both Ne anid Tisompion have Reding takes to ice for junior hockey tournainent Ry BRA.D REAU.ME 'r,,a about icing a term next seasor l,isi weeb . tour-týra e -dat V 8,iscp Redr- H$ h '.ciixt 'ioiv va dîffernrt- 1we said ing junior Hockei' lîuirnrtnt prsmdcs a "Qit. pa.ve-s usually go tise :urior hocke ' toiltion on wihi Rcdmng can buld a hixti- route but fit ignoreis acadernc hoe plavers o-s prograrn. Savi tram coach Angnlo i'cietro miro .-at wihlriîsiouiti el' nl te play Tihe JtCding Rovals tbowed weii againt botir îgis idroel i'occev because gaine r.rnan and 'Notre Dame and Cais'ie Trafalgar but failol travc.i amn arr-angnd wîthîn arr acadernîc con- 10i eana hennin tise toîîr-amenr frtal Bishop trot Rcsing deinaris Ntres Daine 243, tisanks te an A recent mee-tin.g to, deterrnne the nurruer of Anthon 'Y Lipari ibutout. beforn, iosrrg a gooti po e rested unt rvmrrg oui for nexr vrar's gaine tri Tratalgar 5-2 o tictam dresi 50 prospective piayets ald Trafalgar capturnd tise charnpionsmp hi' Pokuu a mechanbc5 teacter. hearrng Assurtption. of Butilngtotr 2-1 Poietto stresses tsar Ne fis net after risose Tratalgan reacbed tire toumt-t ent final du ptac etla i .ho eatr te put-site a camrt in hockey, to t htr 2-41 recofrti hcaîng lreding ;-2 and As- Ho' tathie pristr junior hockeyi route s pet'. sumption from Banlingrîrn 2-0 Assoimption fec for risat. Wîat fie ieonts i tise piaver uuse manayd otruach tise fia due teit big tinbs Ne mîighr use isockey te furriser bis min. , Iover Notre Dame. academic cancer Tire goal of risc rournametr fot- Btisop Redi- 'Trt- toii)'v arm two nilains," Ne iaid 'Ir ing. atcording to l'oletto, i te gise tise ptaverts tise 'niri Stats igh scisool hockey fis ha a taire of high sciooi It'vcI -orpciiion in isecause fes. people srnoulv consider mort- roaatîiln for a Rt-ding enrro into nexr s'rar's ing tirmard tisc NHL fi :a rher juor systerr. .igsisclbg., isut 4t jeans iseaiis' on academicsIl P1'.t spent fmvc vwar as an Orirano Hock- i'resenLo lvMilton Drstnaci Hîgis Scisoul is the et Association mOitAi hi.sran,acihl the 'n!y Mir. o o 'nl tsiicf' has a senior tsockev Cue 1i jo;venîte team sears ago. and spenr a tram roietro say5 hé, an hardis isairiat ti ent lot of lue nterneang hmgb sciool hockey He as sason, seben Ro.ling unIl enrer tise leiague. At Milton school jiu-jitsu is a famlily affair for many of By BRI) REAUME Turnîng dosen a familiar ailey way, you dodge past garbage baga. sidailea puddle of oit and look over your shoulder bofore qutclc ening your pace. As thse rune of =tafbce- corntes fainter, and eacb foola"Il ouder, ytsu slip into a cloonseay and out of the dank air. Thse aiteps lead clown, down itlo the boweis of an anaienî brick huilding, sebics ias bij ,as a wareluouse and sali net-s'i; is purpose. Twistirng thrmugi tise Passageways, lit hy ran- domnly funetiorslng hig as, you mate your way tc, a douer and enter. Inside, [tie hîgh watts are broter, by auri- erous Cuhfaciles housing lochen, sowers, and euipoent. Mtnoticeabte i the pet- vasiveor Of bavassa. Tismugs tise sltadoies, a raiaed ring ails Nli above the fluor. it'a empty nose, but shadoses flit admis l., daring each Other ta sayand flght. -Tise athieti club, or boxing club of yester- ueiar has given waY te, vanious Afites and fit- nai relâted clubs like tise Milton School of Jiu- Jitau. Thse achool ai 310 Main Street is reinile- cent of tse atisletki clubs ai days g-ss by. The building as more modern, a ssjuas a drls'eway and the ringnon-exati t thse feling of injury, effort and pain minglai Wllli " iie nd of tient. '"What uepustut us hsma caller uartia amt cluatla tis dai mnu clubs eaci t mallie a buctI. For îhm fi'$ a Ivebhood,m aays dituctor Bob Keanaiz, sho r.cui111tly acoeli aany rlhe-e mnt finom IL Industrie it Nulltou gays 11w tchaacl fimcilos ms bib & club, selit tus" «@aiu on Tadaay, anid Satuzdays for kids its students and Tirursdays and Salundays for aduts. On Mondays tise club is given oser t0 prac- lion sessions and on Mondays. 'Widnesdays and FraysC Atness classes ame held on1 thse prmssKanstz says he's involvoi icrN tise club hecause 1we lites it, and 1iew conden aioud if 1w wouid continue toi eitpy it if i waashis livetîhood. Il's lund of à famnily tising,- says lCmtst about the club that bas ben inu openation sance 1974. "Esiryone gai nvols'l in tournamr.t and lra%'t" ICaint motales a story of one oitgbo Wcho started selti the club seben 1w vsaish or ramse yeail gsis btack be at 16 anéwsoce molher la itoin involved witb lise club. ars = seul, pollenr and seIgo.1wzata arsadtheir relations 10t eac he ame thse molu contnosremlal of tubjects," says Ernui. "flac main isaon mnartial arts hâven't latse as popular as tbaey could have is the lnflghisng betseent associations." Eransti1 nays Iu-Ptsu is ocat of tise oldest: formas of combat. He says tiiat if aIl thse foris of martia amt 1*1w judo, aïido and soine foris cf lartue sette Lit a b*Pie [liat pie would lie called jiu-jitsu. Il udes kicki and punch rnovea, throwiitg joint lockitg end con- Of uotes nneo em violettaspascs, mmW-à AA highsem levls jiu-jitsu tmesi, people o deiessd noi.sgUnsagee rm as-poUdrud u,.ybe dail cg i Ihnsda Ourt sUehaev cloes tahesry Delaplga Tlasday'a parsgi rain, Mura Mailli of NUi aa outlmwgIl aiior fe.oecmr ais conlml- wIng at thlm Ncrby Touer ffl Club. 1»0u»owdk ulsiasWddy Uins fluv rallisr tliit lIse kick ansd punch In r wumus1 ungy, ho .u niatk isas ons popES ca 2 pa1

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