IEeCity J onrtt Speciafs for Efaster Unique Easter Lilie Easter rMixed Roses fAm rraoqnt from ~199o 1'495 'ii4ei your relatives a Hfappyi I¶asier. 'M'e send'jiowers a((over t/jewortd 'Nie City fF(orist Carriage Square 15 Martin St. -- Milton 875-3128 Lmoe.-Wsd. & Soi. 9204;00 Thurs. O304:00 Good Frldaey 10:303:00 Essier Sundsey 10:30-4 00 Replacing van a proble> frem PLEA on pagei1 accident, o..umrd , The maprity ,,l the'aosiî,¶ anither v.hitle dr.,ve tht'.ugh a %tîîp tunding - bo'w.'.n 63 anrd 7; perin gtr at b th ntt'n.ectin of Main Stree't Cent - urne, front the. pnîîvîncill andi the jamt, Snitw t'ârkwa4, tl suvt'rrnent. but h.' tuId ri-pnirteri peirvd an air ambulance rmight b "Ive gotoe th,'m for%-vt'tythirg and nu..'.'.ry tu> transpor the îrrjmnrnd t,, týdun't always %ay ye* " his.tI . iLadd,'d that the a.soi ati)n,,ha It wa, a gru.' sîght na i been v-nctluragted by thse pnv tlu the inm.'rnevtun t e~ j%..won 'imnpluvt local support WIr , b.>th van, with adriver and Il dt-Ntvkîp. cith'.'n, and Ciunii. mI-ntairv haniîîpM' ail iti The' vin thal waq desir.iyt'd sa% trapuJ ay flipp.1 o'r andl originally lund v th' Proince', datg' bwyoI.n repair but h.lie~.' thatt i.w, anî'.iime îîiî.r asent, ,.'s îni th.' grant and that liter.' arm'ni,, .px imeic hait dý,,r ut île Sar itrh à iriwbar i-mtru..ncy (und% vthi-, lirvin. thmy ocre stmirmtt<dII ii d tha! rnist Imi.lly municipally Iir oIthmn thvIr Idi the socte ab],' to il usen *.rganizatiin - btat thev in Ioayý OnIy two .ire ove'hi target tu.> uer thv uniqu.' cIr.r. .tnaiMmil)sraI CgOt"taniceb tii 'W.î have t., bi.- hie 'aid The o irît on1 Oas b.s drîir Curnîntly the as.iamîn i% rs'nting Lindu.y ilarnett. o oas tr.îpp a vehiele, mn iîrskr ii kmp tl, Avet at mn the andure ehik i ai tii iliv. van%, but tl i% çtivtv anil could h.> prist lis>.. by the' Mîltun Fm' pose inurance prtibl'm.. Mr. F11l. D.'partm.'nt Nlr ilis sai Mr IlI? sid, n,'tt, oh,, bri k.' a Ief andl hmp, oa, A Iew mofflint% atier the' Majri 7 jusl rsentiy r.'kasest fry»Ohiispiîali lUe<knU W. YOUR EXTRA TOUCH FLORIST 487 Laurier Ave., Miltoni 878-2881 AI&X VISA MASTERCARD