)ion Kelly, Kares Smith. Nonnen Nelsdon. sooraphy: John Wsren* Jas Biader. Delibie Petls. Aundrea DOawnes, Jîllian Teti Lindsay. Blusiness: Joy Gibert cran, Steph"@st Allen. Bolinda BEsésley, Linda Nattas Jisman. , Jun. Cabaurne. K<aren Morthers. Mdi. ,erley Walsh. Michelle Huisman The Canadian Cami Ion Oliver -Publisher AM Jan@ Muller -Ecilar EDITORIAL: liewm: Ro Nel Oltvet Advertis.ng Manager Sport@: Brad Reaume. PI TIMColft Gompostng Manager AOVEATISINO: Sa108: Tînis oIl - Otslibutioo Manager Yung. MÀarc Bertrarnd. TellnM. Wllais - OfieMngr claeaaêd: Sheena Camei TeflM. Cma -Offie Maager BUSINESS: Shirley Dyc.I Phone 878-21341 DISTRBUTION: Karen H Toronto Lino 821-3837 li COMPOSING: Markt Di% Se-di Cas a11 taîo Ns 0913 la Boyle. tunda Lamant. Kimi i('lfundfus Ourschxis hvebecome catch-ail envirofiments prývided for the childrt-n of people who no longer have enough ttmèJr their childrtn. And that îs alrnost everyo. So it is rut surprise that board budgets keep risîng ai crippling raies, witness today's front page story in which the.Halton Board of Edtlration sponges up an increase amounting tu almosi 15 pet cent. J Schoolit art 10 provide instruction tn academics, sports, alter- heurs hotbbies and even to a large extent moral values. Schools are, t tionitor the progress of promising pupîls as well as that of those wlnt of fer only problemns in place of such progress. A dtxcply cîsmmiited education professional once confidied in one of ihis newspaper's reporters that the public demands more and more of its youth educalors. That in turn indicates the public demands less and less of itself in thîs area. Bul who ix tu be faulted? Parents, both of whom work in order to feed the gaping maw that ix their mortgage and sel asîde a pli- lance? It's difficult t0 affix a great deal of blame there. lx the education system itseff tou flabby? We feel the bulk of leachers are dedîcated professionals seeking the best for their stu- dents. There are flot e u)h shirkers in the systero to hobble it. What 1ethe Mion systero needs now ix cost cuttîng in capital acquisitions. That which is trendy today muet stiUl be a useful tool iomorruw flot forsaken in the face of a new wrinkle on an old idea. Vehicles must last longer, buildings must 1w punched out in as- semblv line-like uniformily to cul dutwn on destgn feus, or older buildings purchased and refurbished, and euipmetit must 1w made 10 lasi longer, It does no goo)d tu cry about lack of funding fmom goverroment leveis above, as Hialton trustees have donc. Thev must learn toi make do wîth less. lThe -booner scitool boards confront lthe cunomtc clîmate lthes face from their govertiment-funding pariner.s, the belter able thcy wîll 1w lt clîpe in that envîronment. We need Highway 403 Onde need only travel Hughway 25 south past Highway 5 duning the evening rush hour tu see the shape of things to corne on FialIon's roads. Traffic ix backed up. sometimes for more than a mile, westbound on Hîghway 5. In 10 years or so Milton will pmhbably face similar pmoblemrs as growth gains momentum again in titis community. That's why way 403 extension through the aiea move ahead as quickly as One Ye ar Ago possible. Firiss thé April 12, 1910 issue Currently the new slretch to Highway 25 from Hamilton ilse JBrrnmoe unngustthtwsln- to open in 1998, but it is flot yet set in stone when the remainder awaited 545-million reeratuoai centre wiii bcebuuit sent of the roadway, through tai Trafalgar1Road, will tfe completed. to Bisitop Redisg Roman Catholic Higit Scitool noir thte corner of Thompson Rd. and Main Si. nie courilds We hope it le soon aller that. There are what some call arn- general contmnte approved te site during an in-arn- brtus plans and others label dire forecasts coming out of the era session. Those saine counciliors are especirni to Tub- provncia goernmnt iesedaysfor alln Reion.Theboe-tarp ltai approvai at thte sent fuli counicil session. provncq goemmet tesedaysforHalon Rgio. Te t U Several correctional otticers surpnised Haiton Northt population could climb lt 600,000t in 30 or s0 years, more thari Literai MPP Watt Eliiot Friday rnornlsg by stgîng a double the people who live in the area now. pickt in front of the politician's Milton office' The cor- rectionai olffcers, memnters of the Local 234 of lte On- Milton needs growlh. contmolled gTnwth. The town has every tario Public Service Ernployees Union, set UP the picket right to, benefit fromn expansion. especially since it was completely* lise to show ltheir dissatistacton with current contract dealt out of residential growth in the last boom real estate cycle îttations betweSn tise provincial govemrmtent and dueto sevicng reee. The air pollution index in Milton may drop ihis suiv- But wie wUll ail] need roads like Highway 403 or the next boom mer as the toms enacts a sweepis no-smoking byiam will simply c>ioke on glutied second-rate traffic corridors. applying in most public places. Te counis gemerai Pud by Steve Nease The C,ae. Choe~e ostiem 55W#%%=45 V4 Fsdmy ae it tt 1- 04505,~~~~1 d.. m5 aNS IsI.menTuMWets mt., Las 0««-sSmg, 0 ttiè usttes Gowadu Geoissumi àussds ""wu 4t te Mse sshi X.higm The Wset. aSsx. torSun & w taiaaats smîu RossdRes. S'tsoifflîs, 550dit5 Trew. Todms. brMus Ushnd Tîittiin. Ve LiatLs". édit The. Wuaa. kbnw l hnuad Phraig. P*Sbkusn a ofssna 5au~5 liel Enunim Lxi PsS. ps40 adhra soi. WsayMMrr.dhe 40 uewm~ Mac S nmpfisy se.875 enî4i y i asia. in S sins meise Ad-mss-mg ~ "su Wnu . h-b lIa âta , ia.n theii. o m às 545 W ifsq ei snn, tit det-. tai sqavhw . u .0se C.ha t«i. ut Mi. balanc. of rué 4huisen air b. in f» asst sixsgvm s .sis is Wahis au s.e nu s.m . nuas s, m.eu S seSmsoi O da5mm i Sn s1 astu.- m o lié adns . hi~m. coiîtter meeting approved in prnciple a bylaw wiîci 'iii have ail toms restaurants desîgnating a non-rmalt. isg area, and ail retail shops ban smoking A non-mok- ing policy miii also be enfu.ced in municipal buildings in elevalors and os escalators. 20 Years Ago Prou the April 15, 1970 issue U Resignalionsof 54 Milton District Hlospitanl rcgî'.icrc nurses, mici mec lu becme effective on Friday April 24, were handed bacit t, the Rellisteced Nurse, Associa tin of Ontario repreientatives lai mec-k. and mciv îm- rnedtaiely toms u p.'lTe sarne day, the RNAO's grey-'imt- ingof the hosnal wat officially iiftcd. .2About 2)entployme at PL, Roiteriton Manufactu ring Co. Lîd. miii e iaking a forced Apnil holiday mite, lte. fins shuts doms its Broite St. manutacturing plant. Empioyees miii sot Ipe a wek's saiary but miii h ave lu, take a week of lteir holiday pay for lthe shutdîmn. There are oniy à few employet on st msev.ng une meekts pald itolidayn - mue o mmreve tmo or titrS meeks holidays, and su wiii have use week or tmo ot hoiidays Wct tu use lair in lthe summer. U A it of lnvilcd officiait and dignitani mere on iant] ites Educaluos Minitter Bill Davis opened lthe sew Sheridan Coliege ut Applied Art% and Tî-shnulîigy 52,(ÀXXuXa) prsiitsm. mii oi'ci oiaiîiî i h space lthe coiege miii occupy mites ail building% an,' cornpitrd. 50 Years Ago Fmmu lthe April 11, 194 issue J The past meek bas hs'en a rather dîllîcui one' itr cal, sn lthe districito ti ravel on -ime ot lthe iîde oad, in the country u Mmt. A. B. McLean had the mistortute to tali on the lcy sidemaik and fracture iter Weh mris. Fnends and tarniiy nglsh iter a speedy reovery. 12 Parcels addressed lu Canadien solder% in France miii be admltled by French Customns miitoul duiy it ma. an- mouncrai by lthe Frencht Deparlinent of Foreign Affair.. Look ing back A glant Enter egg wlth a $35 camnet& Inside amas Patsy KClng'sprize as the winnw of a draw bockt In April 1909 lThe daughtér of kir. end Mr*. Andy King had her naine drown by m11i Pattersan end fier prize preunied by.Mr. end Mr@. Aloqsao Criaci. Pages "of the Past