Revised plaza traffie plaia worr ies John* Matthews ý Busin o~enales t îw oemel.tee 6) ;ed 7M people wtith tick- for former students who were barn- 'We ve been able la cotactit95 pm îng hoppng taza hawsetietI~ e'cwtn~ $0 acoupe. ng 50 "losc presient decided îhey cent of thse students sit si t. e,%E di 1 1iti cahohradI CounciID esg ~ ~ aco = .t .rganie. watdmotr unlon," she tlid êWeve firily been ovetwhelined at wîtit lthe toien omer t*faie pitoblelns ~ sai ie dsdn't kitos the pey couniciors. tier rens. aIoeIg ntarin Street tewoe are profit (mm t he event. Students fromt otiter venTs, site Tow poi ný onl watve lte men- Avenue and Drnr Road. dent, who attended the serhoi' Thse idea fer lthe reunion camne added, ais. lndicated their desire for Wa tee (M)00, and, Ceu întd= 1wie One of thse brrukthmugits lta-iied durtnm fivt-year perioj fronm 1936 about two years ago witen à ninaller a leunlon and it wsea eventuaiy 1he gup seih an ffne rnttI toi an .mcli AI]nn'n tun ill 1940 IN epected in, attract We reunlon was hetd at Milion Legion braadened to inciude frmeyears. s onday'coen eeing. fu nies s the otioin of à siecond aaStetnaheLrirenjaddition to lthe one initials lpo-4i Ht.ýr puioe ro dor on 1h ave a beautful new picture of lyuei Ihn.ate N , pbin hi kor to tn day ntgitîn genffil cotmlm nemm- w inNidh' unee ha h ad- inowthat 1lost 55 lb& wfth ifJym dilional leit turnig laie ecu on "enîmeme liiielitooýd thal staff seul h. vecommending alterations te, this location Iutlvth a lok Major internai chsange,% see afs Oe h ayIok prop%3d :iemslu irangsi iner batter yet, I love the war I feel. l mi asts, lng orentah- lts a bigchange fromthe way 1useq iseen te 15.o pia7as ltai sould ji, toi feel. / was uncom forta b/e in social NiNt i trafic arulatio betwn thesituations. so/wouldjusî ta home twoe l I oeit dredt and eat Wîth Nutrn/System counsehing tour lattes thmh ogt it ami,. witI, a I overcame thîs problem. median inni.sllns Now I m strong. positive and self- Rlunlon btngs wlndfla o fident lifs a brand new me. Thte to'.n Il - pleuled taIt prof ts ltrom a1 euitna ,n offrme'r ttru.r Strnni 'ul', Nsititi sodent, a, K'crrg d,naîed t.i its rrnosr,.i /1J tlin ineTI i u INl1 1Ikel r pi'5de iroo u%' ti John Tamn-:i arrIna Thec reuition 'ýn Aug t- tr'u-*i. Elderly are. oflen isolated, committèe told NtiSse' ,Tranporaatiý,s. housîng and rila. W ihtL s lioti appeair lo be lthe ltre.' main n- cern among lthe (,Idcrlî in t Ialuoitý ro- and Mîllin IN noc'xception Il îink its sad ltat use hase laIcld s 'att for out kîds to take u% oui oi losen.- said Verni Calait, a Miltoni senior citi7en frusîraied cit the tosen'. limited public traitsportatîîitnS fE s Titese and otiter mniaird issues wcre lthe tapic of dLuusion ai a public eg tL s meoeting hcld b'y thi' elderly services rfe so a stràte!c planning stevrngomt Allendeu by about 210 people, lte, meeting was iteld in conlunction -N aoi itnr titilain li the yelonar prvd *elhadse No Gimmicks Tronlo f inn A.R.A Coitt'ait, itircd to siudy lthe range oîf su-vceR15WCNTEnW RDW0 currenlly available in Haltiii, inter- vieset and Nurwyoi monctIhan 700 seniors and 10i0 stine prsîvidmr. Ettîs ICaîsof director of lthe coin- muiysrvices' division for lthe Reîînmoial services d"te, satd liranspcraîn hausing aitd isoclation haepve la, b' lthe monst important issues fmong peope heio alteitded sîmîlar imeetinrg- t srsogh- oui Halt m Dav id Es-ershesJ or A R A Lonnuli. finis said improved tînnipiirtauan fori seniors seas ldentifin.i anaà ned acrosà tise region. messctdliy in lte nitit* He 'asid seniors eait ltaispîri. lion as-ailable to tab.e tem Io otite, ek o 7 airas i Halloit fîcr purse su-h a' =nlig of ix)lali(n aitd b 'nel necý oec tisea esprvssè b, si't:îr r itcyed N'r Fserniel s.ithîd at cem is mosi -'aitnt It the eldterîn îms;itg in ruralà atan and it und icateN a lie ai tard poor menital healtit ieads lapitysca4healthit rbleins A wfittine lisi for itouNiig urrntly includes 27 senior cititens in Halion. 74 l 1 7 Mr. Evetd addndý He said ltem ', a nosfu for apartmetNî cils inde- Oliler ni. 5 ldit cal ncudcd 465 M ain StIIIE.,II M ilton tiammakîng seices. respile cas, .h.n (Across from Milton Mai) nec study .slated for compleliiîsit the ion dilie talon Disirint Does flot înclude cost of exclusive NùtniSyStem food, dianes and maintenance program. taih Couneil, whiicit seul put thse Offer valid at partictpating Centres. New clientS OntY. seheets in motion nitM" lrovi ti- l ved services for lthe elderly, said