Scouts to plant seedlings -Milto ,,:oySuswte b ltie adllngs rn Apfil 21 in supportof conuvatonb nad. prg22= 0 a a c tii oent Riaid$ gitsue b te licout. fur this evavetwtgo t=wrdti. Msad.a )anit rae ao tii, madhnn HRCA sansrn thett evemu amd P"atw4s e ii CtInaLisat nrtIà ai.. Rossia off Guelph LIM 9viltowne 'Vanity FEair LUCKY DRAW PRIZE WINNERS - Wek 2 GRAND OPENING - DuutiaUfrt'elciEttaf A= - aot cf, U A2 cnti Cndpfle Lovely & Easter Cornie In &, SE F If yout lkany Muay i LC Orecarfultv lme à cake ms judge Hamal Coubony kiapact the. work aeti alhtaW ca 1f, Mtl ZaO. Fi 'Dy at aha ul of avenila.. 0"r blai. At Tech Olvm pics Drury finishes f irst in skills fair Splaodoo Bafin si y >1.5AGE Zna. A Fa. Ck th pca aTi.Cap M 1a sa'G. sa Sessen Milton higihs choo! atudents won finit place " nrd of Mitin honours at the tir annual Hattoni Technical Otympics at E.C. Drury Htqls Scisoot last week. ~p rin g Th7-jey wAtt conmmue on toi thse reigios competition on ay.eil Apr. 21 ait Mohawk CoDeges Satieet cafepus. MIn tiser. progress te, the United Sae kU lm SpecialpicsT Tut.. Oaklahona. e Fo VouseifE.C Cj ý Drur idents overstsadowed theur Mitton Dis- e Fr outri - 11g . Sc isterports at thse competitton, taking individuat awards for hirst place 4nd four tram pa lues whttr Mitton District competitors won two uni- dividua finst place plaq~ues and two top trsamn awards. a ~ ~ Thq winrnen students trcrm Mitton District Hîgli SchSoc 876424 were Neit Haninon for auto mechanics arid Chris ÀAitr n precisin wîriusg. Thse Civ. Crut place sein- tant to know -more about I carie, raise your hand: FREE POOL E VENIN G If yqodre ike rnany pool So mark yetàr caiendar (ffwners. yoti probably don't and plan to attend. la x w as much as you shoulld We're poolÀ and spa ex- ahexaut caring kW yowa pool. perts. Ymt can ha ttio. OkaMA ca.n help. We "yak swimmaang a We haw e Wvwa knedge heavenly meeune you need to malle Pool ce w easy. And oed Mre Io share orexapertise wlth yout ait a * t = ira pxot am spa evean Dng a negghbor orep*nd *D..wr Pdm» DvaW *insClbHi Miltoni .req ia Arnnm nR * esd l 17th - 7:0FM i V * co ,., -..--.-. IntdSfnRfrs - s g7o-"Lj reen frqm E.C. Drur were; Sean Wardle for cabinetmnak- ing, Kathleen Siteppardl for hairdressing. Doufi Coplin for residentia wlning. Mark Zeckel for chfwfn training and Richard Conway for baking. Milton Ditrtz won the tean' "0qe frat mechanicsanmd precision machlnerywie i.wadfr hairdroeumg. reaidential wirnng, chefs training and baig went to E.C. Drury. More tban 220 students from 17 Halton secondary séhoob>pbrtcipeted in the 15 different avents. Students wese judged by panbein of betwren three and ive in- dustry reprisentatven. 'Without thse help that thse industries have givre. ure evènts couId flot have been done." said Tony Ca(iiazza, coordinator for Ontario Skuils Corrupetitions thse non- profit group whtch createti sucis events across the Province. Enroil ln one of the.. 48-weel fuil-time Industriel Training Progreme CLASSES START IN MAY AT SHERIDAN COLLEGE Argua Roati Campus Oakvîtte, Ontario (416) 33"-356 RtotWlw ayout and tabricale structurai steel andf plaie Gan entry levI sills foi a Nhîf deifiand occupation Perdue Campus Oakviltta Ontario (416) 33"-354 lafutoriat &hl.tmaa Meohanic: Gain houfS Olors an apprenticesthip nr the set up. opeiation and repaito vinduslriai macineiy ToM a M MR Port Street Campus Missîssauga. Ontario (416) 278-134 Toot & Dit Makar:II Piepare Io, PrrPînymer aý a 100 d 3 maief appirnic of naumrre a ctnirol mia hine ji r Qualified applîcants wilI have their tees paid and rny receive living, datif care and transportation allowances CALL TOOAY FOR MORE INFORMATION Progrîms are sponsorod by the*Hatton and Peel tIdustries Training Advisory Commitloe and tunded by Canada Emptoyment and tmmigration SSHERIDAN HPL WCOLLEIGE