Halton won't 'top ,Up' welfare cheques -for now ; aseséc LODAI "EO i.diu shoSt wem- "l MWd s=gl = 25la )Sourit par week at SS50Mdmhd mio e cawa ahead m*w Tnsa. Wlaaann onhrqcuanss a moie &Wpe la mgd dmWwi thaat d w d dop ie du " ofs ai wIUlae ma-bia aï due M hd bpaoamlwaa- Aaohli opa(a okage 1 idlae iu. ie bé fotucaoag inme ab.. 02 oeam col cm mof 880a oah dpyag Sieff Msle twoadelir onoertu. adUla.= b $5 mura Thipolcllm lme cd .l as ehu thes pioduo SMa ie movuo wodeM eit lap = ig l atd lutua me oaad'udwin, t of m usl ma du uMitseiae iiibll fut ik b e Takgalan tad waia ap- cTiaw lt bus aman t shab,'apad 9tf dutt wian la c on u a a i u i o a m esu d a t y s W o i e i n r io " l d c u a d h i t t h d iea r l t u w p a d m . tS elmu l I l s l i n i I f t c n e s m throulwut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mp k duhi-Hlo aacpid. aol sad if fuil4i m , anp aie tam 2u thetotpae "Iapdm ïishathi ain "dn- Comnooni ha lomuad d u"urio Tise a4mg «&ay on sear, dut seucL . lieo a pa'omwae d.auu selfan choqua dividual fouivas *or SU0, du *mn ad- seage mat a etunamcibb seeuff ia odum seidu basloe as longe lesou '0 mao up td'i a. minuatiwiv mats and lase amie laivd la lia du jalatstr front relyns en ort latan e %O d u 'o p' periset W a procener« amd uabuaiag due oemq §M m aclistunc w top uap poor or lose seagu" - ~W y t-~ iS E r- il IL[' What are people wearing tijis Easter? Var"es tlhugat Il ppaIr, " r ongit thse tibHM» In tise onu of thé. ladi tes the le sma, nt a raconte fealu héose et lise Hefton Wldwo, Sciio. aIna he tre photo ridctitus in h e ome oS the eem anm on tise rlht Ah at Il a goct Su»e for Tint ln ayaeoaaergoafldre s= tii. pha iOn PNsororly Spreng BouJquet of Longo, thie Fisser Stanyt M eSton Ceneiall Menut oeA-,,=,ons ad et planig MWI FOehlona aven atieOaal eta ie es à charty fundraler. At rlght. Mr. ton kido. AI »hi Joanne Kanine modela hle Fat Keniner helpe out Io ha, anmaane Longo gela à Ila help keeplg ap I@e nd on Saturday. g uamm m 1 u mAffordable Elegance 1 SATIJRDAY, APR. 14 a by Ridley IIOUDAY lmN I HAmLTN o tpcivcly priccd, cel itlil guaranteed for 5 yars. i« Jiri t 4271WU Ridit-y off ru a ful inc o un otaed i a eplaccrnint t. ndows, Lock-wtto wouud windws PcachLc Éelsulatcd tr) >;Ictms, *u m a . Jquai îy Gain tend Pai doors ai w e - aciw and iitt-rior Frechi domn. Elcgaacc can ito bc tht-J seadu FYPON MoulrdMIwork Rtdlcy has somthing for cvcryonc. Foin simple replacemts 10 ____ tlt-gnt Baya - or atm is custoelcr saltsfxttun. 0 INlSTALLATIONbS - REPLACENIF.NTS - ffly CONSTRIC-TON h:I For à Frft Un-Homne ctimate t-aIl: "" - Milton. ComrpbIIville area 854-2228 North ci anga - No challrge 11-800-61S8-5156 vii otir Appllcatron Showroom j and Planing Ccittecai 35 Crawford Cr. CamnpbellvMe I block Sou.thof 40t off Gueclph unec Mmf, Tucs.. %., Sa.- 9 lat. - 6 pot Thurs. F. - 8a.to Mp,. Strvng Souilen Ontano CUIM AffoKatj &ir1 noe