ABOMUT AN ACRE A MME50 YOU CAN LOOKC UP TO EveoybDdya duuil fuma> nelu aîne lta. About troin hmi 801, la .j @bou oreu o "'0011 firOM#ac. 2 e u4 one bu. oent of bila. m pr.gui fum on ai lIa fu~j ~ ~ acre Md1 aidaI I M=nI. la 401 6 ProMarn loIta h OuaMM F"alu rOC 3 badruma mai foo .antr mm vhbu Cm»ohe. PaMa ait fer SW -u laUdon rOMi Mdi §MMa MM0, greaftilaa, bichon eh lepléaail le sluu pou wodarn d rI eve r feurpa ksiIeW ahaped pool lutait Omo You mmt dmbl IMUa. SALE" et $379,0.O Jo Romfe, W~ pour poiNa teapecom mm. FINE COUNTRY LIVING ,YOUNG MOOEFMMSI , t>i ý LAT OR INVEST118IT MIRE1 yal minulas ë h 401. Large brighl Wçwgaa Wdl1 IfljCp 110 large Nuo Sior.7 haoe. Wilha Thit 10 acre prCporly coCirbines luzurious aon 10 actes in éane. coiuntry setnung Large ieai n th main loin Mailer bedroari. à country living uîlh future appracmblon barn w.th 7 iane étalé. Nouée ha mentir uit- fireplace in lté livinrflom. C waodhurrnng Srîuared sCaalh of Mllon cOnrelrtîn tla gradès. AI sm0.100 pnced imle ralliemet noe on h aina floC fmif mmt Lssed AI" Oahvulla, Surliaglon and MuuisaiugjlitsC Vola C41 Loi rmnm MOU 1414,10. CaOU Wayne Cava 10 vie~ MWOOS prf ; ha @M. Ria %mm% aula 3 MO-g0 -ArTflACY1W MORTOGE a il 1/4% CALL MINR TO PMN OUTi "IE BABY WAY 70 BWA TM REftE SCPpr rural Iemis on proo 1.25 aira 01 trait lard llo. office 076-1154 oui. 4t ACREAGE NEAR TOWN 'One hundrod acres, f ive barns, three silos, now brick bunga- low, Sixty acres jo ny actes Mixed butýupe seing. Asking $1,450,000. Contact Bill Currie., -ooo NW 2 e.ACAMn1.au10 PT. FROMTAGE brik ho" ret 0'l Moate h 4 - -, cloetfront pech. Bank ban la quippaîga0 hatalle hors" mlloO Tripla car garage uîlll uak.lulipOfaela SI 500,000. Bll Camne 871-1156 moISý JIJST UISTEO GREAT MNESTMENT Wall1 Ireed. fencel , privals endI unt loua- homa. 3 halroont. 2 bath, aapatul fin.rg raCe aa-îakelctei ud ual-dl lapet colt for maeleéails. $152,900. Carafe . Ui 81 78-54W Mo-@? STEMN J. PORME m±. a!.SHRYL J. GRAY a 4408be é75-111 PIEEO A OUICK CLOSIIO ONLY 81 M l 9 AND YOIJ GET 846M87 'eap.ala da. mm OU "MI aO upga Aa o Ii.y ea*1590 OI CISluIGayiS-IS onpurpavitlSTDMKRIAflOO Ceur MOI mi= J» nuW 87&M70 JOSEPONE PERC M7849S yu 1 Wé have radim dua larga 3 beoulimie honta. IMvely farrolp mmo eUt e fiveOM A MW ai.UNoséeefaona alan.leuv. Dul de- lo a:, -ea dua he". Cal blalap ! M0INWOULDJIO4JUIC!TO UV! 0500ER SAYI BELL MNO NE KU MAL> ACRE.. IN TOM0 LYDIA SÎTREET WmuaI fi 3- ai MMU bWeldio éiIldftai MQW #V b$*ram.buagloalae OMM eal- , Dm uk ie e ba0iatub aidkh2 Cu aa. cSusri W. timbalé am belteel in lu. timing -001 lar" W"at -. f-ai. e lher Uta. ote lajI aIIfieny fq heu« eu, carnée W§, apgra W"~ i MW aPetahv ulthaeeent and localté km h e nth Ma . éêlaruuy fruilt- lae. 2-4 Mme bais l far Sfeeey0u * nIiei MWbit dm l 8,150-M Aih Wa IM m@ aillutr ho won0 deld vlà ave lu &~U rio 14 Couile mo-u 1 1~ pfea balth Ait fat SItarpI Grap -tff t-L O"qlni m.f mMF11111111MNNTH O0 XU ofm ça y a W in litl e" i llamou h r hmurCl 81.00 MU inmIhm PItIAUToeofàY4»flv «W rIiusîaal la Ihe int fini8ara b ff Mm.tai - o E flat ls 00 id- Ca W"g.. 3 cieas it e a u Vit 4 C I e h l amhv be. gargesea NAeul 401.uRds111I2H ENe Me &W Olupp. Licitai stie$I.S. càao t #111o Yeu Mt 01.50 aI IMMlt cdosbu o -h u0.40.. MOIS Getil M4 DEMND TI-ti BEST m4 aum~ia ST AL. MILTON TOK UNE §UM 34 MRl £UWNNG so4c YVOOMU 3334310 DAVE £000801 878.3m LAWRU GW4E S7.Iqo CAAOLE O. RUOWORTH v8uu. MURIL -CE 078.433 EVA 0000M10 11149-115112 - mass AuLS 84437, LES T501 873401 NNT DAVIS ps~u- KATINNA WALTO#I M*¶M* WAYNE CAUON 97640e