Bathrooms can be dangerous places forc De., 1hsy I an writingtah- caus te balv 15 my hap your Lait leur, Our lyrul %oun. Danill feil thmough a glass showcr pani avein anauar5 cnare d ditt mua a àv t el1bow oHa tequMua flw-and.-clf hours of r!aomsctw surgoey and 11we units of blood. He às sei undargoing physical therapy md wa are hoping tbat eventully Lwull regain tuit use ofhsamadhand. Abb>% plie ask your enea Io cham thisl sbower enclosurs te make mme thay have sisattriof glas, or sinse kond of ýplasti glau substitute. (Plexiglas te oe.) A 1mw hAbby II IwWh AlAÏLL I puai about -20 years cg saain- tallaio of Ion.ese-d u o gaeu le s iloer Lîgl Horeu 'shoer instla bfore tisaI bm umy have glana tisat ls net sisatter-psoof. Alto, i's c souci idesw te mcs youn childumi nar we lock the raiaomn doua. becausa a batioogn Keep it 1Green Day-46ming The second aninual "Kep at Cran Saules Çvme. Any volunteme soill Dey" will taka place Saessday, Apr. ing wo help, ar asked we contact )ce Ziat tisa Bell Schoo Lina entrance we Yamoeski tuafor tihe lQth nt 8783959. tha Brucerait, sterling ai 10 a&. Tht purposa Io we clown Up litter that bas accumulated ovar the saunter. ltis Wang organîized by KEEP KopteEscarpments Environrnent i'utc.d n rercognitaion of Earub 'Day, whuch tak.-s place Apral 22. Làse year volurutacus attackrd ahe* nadsude luuk anrd colleciird momo titan 6WX garbage bags cf litter along with boxes ful of retumable boxttks and cn,. Organcusa's Ire hop-n -0 . u', vcluntomi seill comna oui Iis year t. dlean the itou boundasi by Treuntaine Road. Derry Road. Applarbv Lino and CMfflCTIO X)a reguet tuat due Io ntned supX)uy the tolIoseng dents May no[ be avaduabýe a! all storee tions danq the We1corrr SonrÇçSi ler CATALOGUÉ O(SCRIPT10 NIJMBER 17140 AnisgOigit sport 824478 Stetit Crsft Crib 6*535s suerW mio Uros. catil IN MILTON CARRIAGE SQUARE5 878480 I0OA.M. - 5P.M. 497 LA~f8 AVE M87818 "4 A..Px UMILO MUL 111114121 il ANM. - 5 P.M. cas ha a dangierus place. If Dansi hadi ksckd bamu in the bathroount sahat ha (dl1 tbvoag tha sswoe duco,, much tusse would have basn lcgt in our efforts wn hdp loin. Dur, CitefuLh And 1 me grâlefssl tey.a fer a vaimble lette. Yu an cemtIe peine mg ut àa batsroe Altan ave dae es plauee. P;la dresea la solIdet and sci4tiseusl- vee wvllis very howl top ec Yoga "Mention te ltme" vat yug cdldre aere w hcth bahmmeu deer te aSed mue. A bat- Ur idai wvesld hat te bave ce teck en "IE bathmmc fimr accessible te Duar Abby: Yotar suggti mtpns fo teaste onsan sahosa "fsasSd? b taaus e w Mention having rn tsoir son's nain in the nawspae (for-an anesti was far ton gSentie. SA PZoa rasponsa wvould ham barns 'Thak you fer cellusg ibis we nsy ttenution &gains. Excusa nia, 1 have anarrondi te rn." (Clck> Judy . PS. Anti people who peusist us brsnging tis up ehsould ha toid, Vur Idrer~ sy se do not dis- rusattr ýýeoutside the famdg.» DonJuir Yeure rigisi. E$0Acll vlace these »fdendr» sete pul eha bardly k»o«wý Deir Abby. You liad sousetsatg wondarfsslly funny us your colurns about levae tnded wabh "and tde = ihson rldkicaous." Wisats the "etofland seho "i le? 0~01111, lY bhildren i Dur Geins; finet Ii ZhePrim la prohsiblitive. tia pleamar la troes- elory and tise positionme la id iCSIO.' Lerd Ostaefi.l uto- poselysaldl IL Dur, Abby .1 can't believe lusn ongbsbut. hem goas My wife mdfhvbeen mamred for 34 years Wak have four growas childrru andR twa grsndcsildren, My wiifa s wcmne about'getrng ýc PMenn She wll bi 5ii ycars old My queraon Whist doms a woman Z fit into tisa non.haartng age' And is - tpsslafor rny sofa to, ge paq- Deur Hueband: Aisossaj dive mea exceptions, if à woeos' menaeissa pearie& have ceased fer à ca. is peillty et pregnaec lf (Ne pue iteded> wI ro lTEA RS YW,. su utI.auforboÎ hisa Pd fi! o an-u GRAIO PRIX C EnTURy CMI VI & GM( REG4L TEMPESI (MM'Y & OME SPRINT (ORSICA. COMPACT AND TIRERL Y00 full SIIE PICKUP LISE A CHIl'YLUMINA ORPONIIA( IIjlt I j . GRAND PRIX LE MONTHLY FR014 LIYsER IdqV CHEVROL Taio NTIAC neaacioam. d. BU C..LLC CS.. Y& O.n.M TRUCK